Sarah (Sarah) - Brain-Turo, 20 Brains, 900 atingaĵaj poentoj Totala nombro de poentoj: 6095 venkoj, 137 remisoj, 7340 malvenkoj, 288 venkoj en turniroj
It doesn't matter what you wear What you eat or what you weigh. Who cares if your hair's a total mess Or if you're hundreds of miles away? To see you in my contact list Whenever you're online Reminds me of how glad I am That you're all friends of mine! Whenever I need to rant or rave You're always there for me, You hear me out on everything And we so rarely disagree! Whether there's a problem to solve Or a funny story to tell, Though we listen with our eyes, We understand each other so well. We've got games right at our fingertips And funny greetings too, Whenever I'm at my computer, There's ALWAYS something to do! So here's to you, my cyber friends, You really are the best!! You make the web sure feel like home And for that I feel so blessed! I do hope you enjoy today
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to dive in head first, totally worn out, shouting,...Holy Shit...what a ride!"
(kaŝi) Ĉu vi emas je ludo garantie finiĝonta post 2 horoj? Kreu novan ludon laŭ via prefero, elektu 'Tempo por ludo' kaj metu 'Tempo' al '0 tagoj, 1 horo', Bonifikacio al '0 tagoj, 0 horoj' kaj Tempolimo al '0 tagoj, 1 horo'. (TeamBundy) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)