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Nomo Tempa kontrolo (?) Kreanto
*1256*~~*523**31**31* [|*1163*|] *42* *31**523*[] 2 tagojseldom
*1256*______________*447**1163*______ 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*274**523**274**58**274**523**1163**274* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*274**523**274**523*/||__||\*523**274*[][] 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523**623* *1163**523**29**1163**523**42*■ 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523*s*523*e*523*l*523*d*523*o*523*m*523* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 40 *1185* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**42**523**42*(*1163*)*523**42**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523*()()*1163*[]■■*523*■*523*■■[][] (□) 2 tagojseldom
 M 0.15/0.2/2lukec
*1256*~~*523*(((((*1163*)[]■■*523*■*523*■■[][] (■) 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523*[[■]*523*■■■*523*[*1163*]*523*■■[[■]] 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*1195**1195**1195* Vegas *1195* *29**1195* 1 tagoseldom
 EasterEggs 2 tagoj 12 horojJaqen H'ghar
*1256*~~[]●●●*523*●●[]●[]●●●●*523*●●●[][]●●● 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*291* Dr. *291* Deborah *291* Birx *291* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*1247* #AloneTogether *1212* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*291* Dr. *291* Sanjay *291* Gupta *291* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*291* Dr. *291* Anthony *291* Fauci *291* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~A salute *291* to our healthcare workers. 4 tagojseldom
*1256*~~A *291* salute to our healthcare workers. 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~A salute to our *291* healthcare workers. 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~A salute *291* to our healthcare workers. 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*94* Bill and Melinda Gates *94* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*94* Shelter *1247* in *94* place *94* 2 tagojseldom
2 game for each 2 players (1 day 12 NO DAYS OFF) 1 tago 12 horojMadMonkey
Elimination (1 day 12, NO DAYS OFF) 1 tago 12 horojMadMonkey
2 game for each 2 players (3 day) 3 tagojMadMonkey
Elimination (3 day) 3 tagojMadMonkey
For Fun during these difficult days 5 tagoj 15 horojouna
*1256*~~*31* *94**94* *1163* *94**94**94**94**94*● 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~I want my planet back *235* please *1205* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~I want my planet back *1163* please *1163* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523**1163**235**547**1163* *1205**1163* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~~~~C*132*v*1163*i*70**1163**1205* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**1163*o*30**1163*d*547*19 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~~~~C*1163*v*1163*i*30**1205**1163* 7 tagojseldom
*1256*~~~~~*30*o*1163**30*d*1163*19 2 tagojseldom
 L 0.15/0.2/2lukec
 6. MINI K.O. - Dice Chess 5 tagojlukec
*1256*~~*41**1233**41**1233**50**32**41**1233**41* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*41**1233**41**41**1233**41**1233**41**41* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*94* SHELTER *1247* IN *94* PLACE *94* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*1151**1151**1151* *1265* *1151**1151* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [] 120 *1185* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*31* *94**94* *30* *94**94**94**94**94*● 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 40 *1185* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~[[[[[ ■ ]]]]*523**523*]]]]]*523*seldom[][] 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*126*[] Trudi ■ Fraser []*126* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][]*144**144**41*(■)*41**144**144*[][] 1 tagoseldom

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