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Finitaj turniroj

Nomo Tempa kontrolo (?) Kreanto
*1256*~~*523*|||■|||*132*|||■|||*523**132*|||■||| 7 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523*|||■|||*523*|||■|||*523*|||■|||*523* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**523*》*1163* *1226* *1163*《*523**523* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~□*339*□●|●*523**132**523**1274**1163**523* 1 tagoseldom
 Spring Backgammon 2 tagojTerryS
*1256*~~*523**523*》*1163* *84* *523**523*|||■||| 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*84**523**84*》*1163**84**84**523**84* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**1111*Fiona Apple*1111**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~□|[]|*42**523*□|[]/\*523**66*[]*523*□|||| 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523**66* ||||/\| *66* *523**164**623**66* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~□|||■[]□*523*□||*1163**829**1163*□||*164*| 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523* |\●/| *1163**523**29**1163**523**50* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~□|[]|*334**523*[]||□|*523**42*[]*523*□|||| 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~□|□*523**673**1163*|□|\/|*523**274**164* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~□||*523*||□|*41**523*/\*42*■*1163*[]*50*[] 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**1111*Fiona Apple*1111**523* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~□||*523**673*||□|*41**523*/\*1163*[]*30*[] 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~[]*523*[]*523*[]contain this[]*1163*[]()[] 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 20 *1185* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 20 *1185* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**523**523* *1163* *829* *523**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*547**523**547*||*1163**547**523*|||*547* 2 tagojseldom
 Jaqen Gammon 1 7 tagojJaqen H'ghar
 3. MINI K.O. - Jarmo 5 tagojlukec
*1256*~~*523**260**164* *1163* *164**523*||||*164* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523**1265**523**1265**523**1265**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*41* 》 *523**523**523**523**523**523**523* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*1163**523**528*|●|*1163*▪||▪*1216**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 90 *1185* 3 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**528**1216*\||/\||/*523**274**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523*||*523*||*523*||*523*\||/*523* 2 tagojseldom
Chernobyl 2 tagojekko
*1256*~~*523**274**523**1216**523*\||||/*274**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~The Fourteen Fists of McCluskey*573**1163* 2 tagojseldom
keeping the quick tournaments going 1 tago 5 horojY B WORKN
 5. MINI K.O. - Scrambled Eggs 5 tagojlukec
 April Tournament 3 tagojbeach
*1256*~~*1163**523**528*|■|*1163*||■■||*528**523*■ 2 tagojseldom
 *1127* SERENA *1185* WILLIAMS *1127* 2 tagojLEGENDA
 *1127* MARIA *1185* SHARAPOVA *1127* 2 tagojLEGENDA
*1256*~~*508**528**508**528**528**508**528**508* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*508**528*■*523*■(/|\)■*523*■*528**508* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~[][] brains ■ seldom [][] 40 *1185* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523*■*523**1163*《||_■_||》*274**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523**274**1216*\||/\||/*523**274**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*523*||*523*||*1268*||/\||*523**528**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*1216**523**528**1216**528**523**1216* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523**523**523* *528* *523**523**523* 1 tagoseldom
*1256*~~*274*{{{{{((|||))*528*((|||))}}}}}*274* 2 tagojseldom
*1256*~~*523* *1113* *523**523**274**1163**523* 2 tagojseldom

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