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26. Abril 2011, 23:21:21
Asunto: Re: My 2 cents
Roberto Silva: Why are people on here so serious? Lighten up.
2. Was only an example of what could happen if some did ask someone to make their moves on their behalf.

26. Abril 2011, 15:48:59
Asunto: I agree.
Hrqls: I agree with you on all you posted.

26. Abril 2011, 14:14:56
Asunto: Re: Age counter.
(V): Yes true do we grow up? lol.

26. Abril 2011, 14:10:29
Asunto: Re: Adults not kids.
(V): Actually it adults behaving like chidren.. But I don't intend to continue with this discussion as this is not the right board for it.

26. Abril 2011, 13:55:15
Asunto: Re: What happens if some goes into hospital suddenly?

(V): OMG. What if someone is too ill to use the internet?  And not all hospitals have the internet.

If someone else made a move in a game with me I would not consider it cheating.

People take things far to seriously and need to lighten up a bit, afterall it only a game site. It's not life treatening if some else make a move on behalf of some one else.

My main reason for responding to the original post is people telling tales on others.

26. Abril 2011, 13:24:23
Asunto: Re: Terms.
rod03801: To some maybe but I very much doubt many adhere to them.

26. Abril 2011, 13:11:40
Asunto: Re: Membership

rod03801: Do you really think/believe everyone reads and agrees to the terms?

What I don't like is some arguing in the Flame Pit  Fellowship and then going into another discussion board telling tales and trying to get someone into trouble or banned even.

26. Abril 2011, 12:58:58
Asunto: Re: Membership
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (26. Abril 2011, 13:03:05)

rod03801: Well that has to be a man thing the need to win at everything. It could be you might get someone with less skills! I only play for fun. I don't take computer games seriously as it so bias anyway. The dice games are mainly luck.  What happens if two people share an account?

I am due to go into hospital myself and I am trying to get through all my games. Also I am not taking on any more games. But there is chance I might not complete all my games because some people take so long to make moves.

26. Abril 2011, 12:45:29
Asunto: Membership
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (26. Abril 2011, 12:51:26)

Artful Dodger: If people have paid for their membership then it their right to with it what they like with it. What happens if some goes into hospital suddenly? They might ask someone to make thier moves for them while they are in hospital. If they want to take the risk of letting someone use their account that is surely their problem and NOT your.

17. Abril 2011, 16:22:01
Asunto: Re: Problem solved.
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (17. Abril 2011, 16:24:04)
Fencer: Thank you. I do love those smileys and was sad when you stopped producing anymore.

17. Abril 2011, 16:16:53
Asunto: Re:

17. Abril 2011, 16:11:50
Asunto: Re:
Fencer: Perhaps it's because they are boring and too much crap to read.It is better straight from the horses mouth so to speak.

17. Abril 2011, 16:05:15
Asunto: Re: Another mess.
Fencer: You know the old saying ? If it ain't broken don't fix it. Why do you keep making changes? I can't see if my friends have made their moves anymore. None of the commands work either. Are these temporary faults?

17. Enero 2008, 23:21:32
Asunto: Re: Re Slow site

pauloaguia: I find it odd that it only happens in Brainking and not the other sites I use.

Oh well too late to catch up on my games because this site is so slow at the moment, so I will be wasting another vacation day because it bedtime for me.

17. Enero 2008, 22:40:10
Asunto: Re Slow site

I decided to try using firefox to see if it would be any faster than IE this what happend:

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few


So it is Brainking that is too slow.


16. Enero 2008, 00:14:15
Asunto: Re: "Make the best of it"
jryden: I have just spent £21.95 renewing my membership. Therefore I expect to be able to use the site without having too many problems.
I have tolerated the slowness long enough. But happens too often. If lots of people are complaining that the site has problems and is slow he should cancel the time-out. At least that way I would not be wasting my vacation days.

16. Enero 2008, 00:08:13
Asunto: Slow site.
Another week where the site is so slow that it kicks you off it. Last week was slow and kept kicking me off. I had to use vacation day because I got behind with my games.
Three times today I have been kicked off and I am now going to have to use another vacation day because once again I am behind with my games.

3. Enero 2008, 23:14:56
Asunto: Re: PayPal.
Bernice: Same here. I use it to renew my membership(s) in sites I play in.

3. Enero 2008, 23:13:50
Asunto: Re: PayPal.
Jason: Yes I remember doing that a few years ago. So I don't understand why this time they paid Fencer by e-cheque.

2. Enero 2008, 22:43:45
Asunto: Re: PayPal.
Jason: I went to Paypal and re-added it. I hope it works now.

2. Enero 2008, 20:58:05
Asunto: Re: Membership
Dolittle: Are you charged a fee for that? And how do I go about arranging that? PayPal have made it very difficult to contact them. You have to go through a silly way and only certain questions gets you through to them.

2. Enero 2008, 18:43:41
Asunto: Re: Membership
Jim Dandy: I wish I could help a few more people, but I am on low income myself so have to limit it.

2. Enero 2008, 18:37:12
Asunto: Re: PayPal.
Eriisa: I am not sure but it must be something like that. The rules have change and they have moved their head office.

2. Enero 2008, 13:59:55
Asunto: Re: Red Dot Colour code/ PayPal.
Bernice: I don't want to keep on about this since Fencer has been good enough and changed his mind. Unfortuately for me the money did not get into Fencers account still 01/01/08 09.43.00. So I did technically miss the deadline. But since I had been in touch with Fencer several time before the deadline I was dissappointed that he did not give me the bonus as he was aware that the payment was pending.
Thank you for your input. And I am so grateful that Fencer changed his mind. I intend to give the bonus to someone who cannot afford membership and that was why I was so upset.

2. Enero 2008, 13:49:05
Asunto: Re: Red Dot Colour code/ PayPal.
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (2. Enero 2008, 13:50:19)
Fencer: Thank you Fencer for changing your mind and making an exception. I actually took advantage of the deal on the 18th December which you would see in my PayPal account. Unfortuately PayPal has changed it rules and I was not aware that the transaction is not completed before 7 to 9 days. In the past the money was taken immediately. I now know that I either have to put money into my PayPal account or allow for the time period. It was just bad luck for me that that there were 2 weekends and the Christmas holiday that held things up.
Once again thank you.

2. Enero 2008, 01:13:56
Asunto: Red Dot Colour code/ PayPal.
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (2. Enero 2008, 01:15:38)
I thought I was lucky to get the red dot colour code which was 100% bonus. So I took advantage of the offer on 18th December. When it did not show up in my profile the next day I contacted Fencer. I also contacted him when I saw that the money had been taken out of my account on the 21st December. He told me that the money was not his account yet.
Can you believe this, it was paid into his account today and I missed out on the 100% red dot code deal.
I think he should honour the deal since he knew about it before the deadline.
Also was not my fault that the christmas holiday and two weekends held things up. So be warned that PayPal takes too long to complete transactions. It states in Paypal that it could take 7 to 9 days to complete a transaction. You need to allow 2/3 weeks for payments it to be completed. PayPal sucks.

2. Enero 2008, 01:11:40
Asunto: Re: Clone BK?
Ewe: It looks like snow on his head to me and on the castle.

20. Noviembre 2007, 10:18:54
Asunto: Re: Settings.
Mousetrap: Mouse I got confused. I realise now that is was the longest time-out games.

19. Noviembre 2007, 22:27:47
Asunto: Re: Settings.
Bernice: Yes it could be something to do with that.

19. Noviembre 2007, 22:26:53
Asunto: Time left...
I tried that and can't get the least time left first. So I went to settings to see if I could change things there and still can't make the change.

19. Noviembre 2007, 22:20:36
Asunto: Settings.
I can't get my games in the order of time left. I have been to settings and tried to change things.
Is anyone else having the same problem?

8. Octubre 2007, 10:34:46
Asunto: Re: new smileys
redfrog: Lol maybe he deserves a rest.

7. Octubre 2007, 19:41:54
Asunto: new smileys
I love the new smileys.
Keep them coming Fencer

27. Marzo 2007, 19:22:05
Asunto: Re: Hate the new site changes.
Fencer: I have to be honest and say there is not much I like about it all. The colours are too pale some text in some areas is too small. I have tried all choices and I have to say I prefer the old version. I guess I will get used to it in time. And I still get thrown off this site on a daily bases.

27. Marzo 2007, 18:46:30
Asunto: Hate the new site changes.
I wish we could have the old version back.

3. Marzo 2007, 00:31:38
Asunto: Site constantly going down.
Is there any reason why this site keeps going down? It happens every day and several times during the day.

22. Diciembre 2006, 22:26:32
Asunto: Re:
Jason: Yes I am getting the same problem too.

15. Octubre 2006, 21:52:07
Asunto: Re: One hour games
WellyWales: I agree with you Welly.

15. Octubre 2006, 15:57:06
Asunto: Re: 1 hour games
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (15. Octubre 2006, 15:57:34)
Hrqls: Thank you for that. I did not see Fencer's post. And please note that some people are not what they pretend to be.

15. Octubre 2006, 15:46:56
Asunto: Re: Unwanted people.
bouncybouncy: I am> I have her on hide now. I know what her game was.

15. Octubre 2006, 15:39:47
Asunto: Re: Unwanted people.
heavenlyemma: I am not arguing with you on here so don't bother wasting your time.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:51:59
Asunto: Re: Stop
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (15. Octubre 2006, 13:59:46)
Bry: Ok Boss lol. Anyone (except Jules) can join me on The Good, the Bad and the Ugly fellowship.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:43:22
Asunto: Re: Pointless
Modificado por crosseyed_uk (15. Octubre 2006, 14:30:34)
Mr. Shumway: Why don't you practice what you preach?
This site give me the freedom to look around unless people are in cloak mode.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:33:55
Asunto: Re: Pointless
Mr. Shumway: You must be easily pleased then lol.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:33:23
Asunto: Re: Pointless
imsoaddicted: Yes but when the 1 hour is over they then have another hour. Therefore 2 hours.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:30:27
Asunto: Re: Pointless
Mr. Shumway: I am so glad I amused you LMAO.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:27:38
Asunto: Re: Pointless
imsoaddicted: Well it apears not on this site. I have played a few 1 hour games where it became a 2 hour game before completion time. I am not referring to the other night where no games were time-out when the site was playing up once again.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:25:13
Asunto: Re: Pointless
Mr. Shumway: Yes I CAN mention time limits as often as I wish. It's people like you who discuss it further lol.
If I play a game that is for 1 hour, I expect it to be I hour. Not 2 hours.

15. Octubre 2006, 13:10:25
Asunto: Re: Pointless
imsoaddicted: He won't be invited again. And time limits will be discussed as many time as I choose. Especailly 1 hour games that become 2 hours.

15. Octubre 2006, 11:34:03
Asunto: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I agree with you Wolf we should be able to move about a bit more. What's the point of being in so many Fellowships if you can't join in on some games.

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