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 Checkers variants (8x8)

Checkers variants (8x8).

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19. Abril 2006, 11:27:14
Andre Faria

This game is tied, but this guy does not accept my draw offers. And he cannot even speak english. Before I lose my temper and start insulting him, can anybody call this guy to reason?

19. Abril 2006, 16:32:24
Good Luck :)FLR 
Asunto: Re:
Andre Faria: it happens to me tell Fencer he will declare draw :)

19. Abril 2006, 17:22:32
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re:
francescolr: I did that. Thanks :)

3. Junio 2006, 21:27:00
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Tournament
Modificado por Gabriel Almeida (4. Junio 2006, 00:13:19)

4. Junio 2006, 00:10:32
Asunto: Re: Tournament
Gabriel Almeida: OK i went into your game link, now all i can get is all different langages.I speak only English.I am not empressed with this.I would like to no how you did this.

19. Junio 2006, 02:51:26
Pedro Martínez 
Asunto: Re: Tournament
CRY ME A RIVER: Poor you! You speak only English and almost not even that...

19. Junio 2006, 11:35:52
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez: Eheheh... ;)

20. Junio 2006, 16:15:18
Asunto: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez:LOL:) That statement shows your real level of intellence LOL:)

20. Junio 2006, 17:13:49
Pedro Martínez 
Asunto: Re: Tournament

23. Junio 2006, 10:57:41
Asunto: Re: Tournament
Pedro Martínez:

28. Junio 2006, 23:29:28
thanks people....

please no argueing here if you dont mind...

4. Julio 2006, 02:40:49
Asunto: Parachute checkers question

In parachute checkers, does a king have to get all pieces out even if it means turning the corner?   Check out this game for clarification.  If I move my black king to D6, does white have to turn and get my E3 king out as well...or can he choose not to. 

Thanks for the help

4. Julio 2006, 10:26:28
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re: Parachute checkers question
SueQ: yes. And that´s not a king, but a queen. It means the opponent queen will have to get your 2 queens...

4. Julio 2006, 20:22:45
Asunto: Re: Parachute checkers question
Andre Faria: Thanks!

6. Septiembre 2006, 23:31:04
mp friesland 
Asunto: Checker tournament - all variants -- 1900+ rating required.
Hello checker friends, please join in me in an “all checker” tournament.
, and check in …
This Tournament was created only 2 days ago, and already several strong players have signed up. If you like playing checkers , any variant, and your rating is at least 1900, "Check it out" might be for you ! Come, and join me ..

6. Septiembre 2006, 23:33:27
mp friesland 
Asunto: Re: Checker tournament - all variants -- 1900+ rating required.

11. Septiembre 2006, 05:46:52
Asunto: New game
Fencer, any thoughts about adding the game Impasse to the list of checker games here?

19. Septiembre 2006, 10:24:45
Asunto: Re: Are they draw ?
Marfitalu: Someone please help him....Im not that "well up with rules"....

Nightstorm....where are you ? :)

19. Septiembre 2006, 12:59:02
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Are they draw ?
Marfitalu: The first one is a draw, for sure.
Second one, I would try to win it. Unless he can join his 2 pieces, this way is a draw too...

20. Septiembre 2006, 18:50:04
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Are they draw ?
Marfitalu: Ah ah ah... you don't have to say "thanks" to a user you've blocked!

20. Septiembre 2006, 19:01:06
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Are they draw ?
Marfitalu: Frenh people are always "very glad" with their education. This is known by "chauvinism", as you know!

9. Octubre 2006, 18:18:44
Asunto: Parachute checkers
Wow i've never seen a game where one player didn't manage to use any parachutes. Parachute Checkers (kid_game_2001 vs. furbster)

2. Noviembre 2006, 00:46:57
Asunto: Corner Checkers rules
Modificado por hexkid (2. Noviembre 2006, 00:49:37)
Why can't I capture G7 with F6xH8?
Are the rules incomplete? Did I misread them? Is it a bug?

2. Noviembre 2006, 04:32:58
Asunto: Re: Corner Checkers rules
hexkid: In corner checkers you can only move towards your opponents corner. In your case you can only move forwards or jump another piece downwards towards the h1-h2 corner while furbster can only jump forwards and upwards towards the a7-a8 corner.

2. Noviembre 2006, 11:49:45
Asunto: Re: Corner Checkers rules
Nightstorm: So is my E1 piece blocked?
Can it move to F2?
Can it capture to G3?

If it can capture to G3, why can't F6 capture to H8?

2. Noviembre 2006, 12:45:36
Asunto: Re: Corner Checkers rules
So is my E1 piece blocked? Yes
Can it move to F2? Nope

Can it capture to G3? Nope </>

If it can capture to G3, why can't F6 capture to H8? Because it can't capture to G3

2. Noviembre 2006, 16:14:33
Asunto: Re: Corner Checkers rules
Ferjo: Thank you.
I think I get it now ... let's hope it reflects on my BKR :)

23. Diciembre 2006, 17:49:44
Asunto: BKR system
Modificado por Undertaker. (23. Diciembre 2006, 17:50:19)

What do you think about change BKR system? omega3007 won 4 games in Parachute checkers and has 2111 points. He won 3 games for time out. Their opponents were Schmeedle10 (unrated), purplehawke (1137), PegasusInAR (945) and Ronin (1545). I think we must talk with Fencer to create a just BKR system.</font>

29. Diciembre 2006, 07:58:26
Asunto: Parachute Checkers
Modificado por Jason (29. Diciembre 2006, 08:03:06)
I am playing a game and i am in a position to force my opponent to take my remaining two pieces and leave the opponents only piece left next to my Parachute Checker , could anyone tell me if once my last two pieces are taken is it game over for me or do i get another move to take my opponents piece that has landed next to my parachute checker ?

I think i found my answer from a message further down the page ;))

30. Diciembre 2006, 03:31:12
Asunto: Re: Parachute Checkers
Modificado por Bernice (30. Diciembre 2006, 03:31:37)
Jason: I just love it when people answer their own q'S...ROFL

15. Enero 2007, 17:00:32
Asunto: Turkish Checkers
Modificado por Undertaker. (15. Enero 2007, 17:01:10)

Can anyone explain me why there is a game with name Turkish checkers, but, in fact, his rules aren’t of Turkish checkers? Turkish checkers rules said that if there are two or more different chances to make capture, it is compulsory to make the move that captures the maximum amount of the opponent's pieces. However, in BK, turkish checkers rules said that we can chose, except for the queen. Why this difference?</font>

18. Enero 2007, 10:44:43
Modificado por Bernice (18. Enero 2007, 10:45:34)
Grandmaestroyou posted twice with the same message...the mode on this board is "Pawns must be approved"...Im sorry but your posts weren't approved by myself.

18. Enero 2007, 14:02:49
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re:
BerniceC: Grandmaestro uses to post some interesting informations. What was he saying in those posts, Bernice?

18. Enero 2007, 23:51:25
Asunto: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: well he was saying some nasty things about Brain I wouldnt approve them...end of subject please.

28. Febrero 2007, 23:17:42
Asunto: Czech Tournament
Starting March 14--Czech Checkers
So You want to play CZECH checkers? #4

1. Marzo 2007, 17:40:28
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Czech Tournament
Brian1971: The right place for you to post it is in DAMA, my friend. Unless you have some reason to avoid that DB... and if you have it, I would like to know it! ;)

1. Marzo 2007, 17:54:34
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re: Czech Tournament
Gabriel Almeida: well, I have...

1. Marzo 2007, 18:01:54
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: Czech Tournament
Andre Faria: Why? You don't like "Damas"?

1. Marzo 2007, 18:07:00
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re: Czech Tournament
Gabriel Almeida: I love "Damas". I play them everytime...

15. Marzo 2007, 00:00:37
Asunto: Re: Turkish Checkers
!Atila!: I agree with you. This rule should be changed for Turkish Checkers. Maximum capture has higher priority for all pieces including queens.

29. Abril 2007, 09:48:22
Asunto: Hawaiian Checkers
I've tried a few games of Hawaiian Checkers. Since I live in Hawaii, I thought I ought to give it a try, but I stink at it! Can someone give me some pointers, hlep me in some practice games, or something?


13. Junio 2007, 16:17:49
joshi tm 
BK is a great site, but when it comes to checkers, I still miss my favourite variant called International Checkers. Can this one be added?

13. Junio 2007, 17:39:12
Asunto: Re:
joshi tm: I agree with you. International checkers is a very different and interesting variant. Why not be added too others variants like russian and italian checkers?

13. Junio 2007, 20:17:25 
Asunto: Re:
joshi tm: It may have been mentioned before, but for the games mentioned - is there a good site to see what the rule differences are for those games?

13. Junio 2007, 20:20:39
Asunto: Re: Of course. Here, you can see the differences

13. Junio 2007, 21:19:45
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re: In this site you'll see also that spanish checkers,or portuguese checkers, or classic checkers (as you want to call them) is the most popular game there!

13. Junio 2007, 22:22:54
Asunto: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: I´m not a good checker-player. My favourite variant is Turkish checkers but of course, classic checkers (spanish-portuguese) are THE CHECKERS. As you say is the most popular game in that site (a basque game server translated to basque, spanish, english and frech).

14. Junio 2007, 12:30:49
Gabriel Almeida 
Asunto: Re:
Kili: Yes, you are right: classic checkers are THE CHECKERS. Maybe Internacional Checkers may be considered too as an "official variant"... Brainking don't have any of them. Besides all my (and others) requests.
Oh, and by the way: classic checkers are a very, very popular game in a lot of countries, not only in "Iberia". It is very popular also in all magrebins countries. That could be a very good way to Fencer to "seduce" players from Tunisia, Algeria, Morroc, and some other Islamic countries!

20. Junio 2007, 22:51:28
Asunto: question
Question about Turkish Checkers:

if the game is like Czech Czeckers, why can I not jump in game Turkish Checkers (TeamBundy vs. zetes) h4 to f6 to d8? Am I missing something? If so.. what?

thanks for the help!

20. Junio 2007, 23:14:34
Asunto: Re: question
TeamBundy: You're mistaken. In game Turkish checkers, you only can move or jump to forward or sideward. Turkish checkers is like Czech checkers when you have to choose between capture with man or king. You’re forced to capture with king.

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