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 World of Arts

Please come in and share your passions.. whether it be drawing, sculpting, painting, working with clay or photography, just to name a few.

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17. Septiembre 2005, 00:53:18
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ScarletRose: I have a particular painting that I'm trying to find out more about but am unable to get much info. I think the title is Carpet Merchant or someting like that. Has anyone every heard of it?

17. Septiembre 2005, 05:17:18
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ArtfulDodger: do you know about what time it was done or about what time?? Like is it recent or in the 18th century.. and do you know the artist?? or if it is abstract or pop, classical..

17. Septiembre 2005, 05:24:11
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ScarletRose: I have the info on a postcard I bought when I visited the Minneapolis museum of art. Long time ago! ;) I'll see if I can spot it.

17. Septiembre 2005, 08:04:01
Foxy Lady 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?

17. Septiembre 2005, 08:06:33
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
Foxy Lady: kewl.. I didn't get to look for it due to another matter here.. thanks

17. Septiembre 2005, 08:11:28
Foxy Lady 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ScarletRose: Your Welcome

17. Septiembre 2005, 09:40:13
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?

17. Septiembre 2005, 09:49:21
ty foxy,but could get that link to work,tried runcating it ..can get to the home site....8^(
todays cool "toys" for all the art brats:

read how to use this one(easy):

17. Septiembre 2005, 16:55:24
Asunto: Re:
nobleheart: those are really kewl links Noble.. my son and I enjoyed playing with the kaleidoscope.. too kewl.. thankies

17. Septiembre 2005, 17:00:14
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
nobleheart: wow....number 2 is it!!

I've seen the original and it's huge.

17. Septiembre 2005, 21:45:10
Asunto: Re:an idea
ScarletRose: ty scarlet,I thought you might do that..thats why i sent it.glad he & you had fun sharing that.
it gives me an idea to Bchallenge you & everyone else:

let all find and contribute at least one:
cool online utility,or cool/useful online java applet.
I will use them to start a webpage of useful online converters & utilites.

I will share the link with everyone.

just an idea.

17. Septiembre 2005, 21:46:07
these can we online art tools,converters online or just cool applets

17. Septiembre 2005, 21:56:31
Asunto: hey I found this
anyone remember amiga-dos...commondore 128 cmp stuff?
...ok remember turtle graphics or amigo-logo the art program.well I wondered it it exists in an"online form"..
I found this:

but still looking.

18. Septiembre 2005, 00:11:46
Foxy Lady 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ArtfulDodger: Thats the same one i posted but it had all the info.Not sure why that link isn't working i got due to heavy traffic.

18. Septiembre 2005, 00:13:37
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
Foxy Lady: I'll keep trying to get it. Thanks. I want to see if I can buy a color overhead and show that one to my students. :)

18. Septiembre 2005, 00:22:45
Foxy Lady 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ArtfulDodger: SR and i got it all last nite.It sure is pretty.

18. Septiembre 2005, 01:04:58
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
Foxy Lady: wow.. that is strange.. I couldn't get in it now.. too busy still.. so it has to be the server.. :) oh well it will pop in again.. I will keep trying.. if I get it.. I will save it to my puter.. and pass it on to ya through an email..

18. Septiembre 2005, 01:20:10
Asunto: Re:
Modificado por ScarletRose (18. Septiembre 2005, 01:21:22)
gekrompen hoofd: well hello gek.. it is good to have you back with us.. so how is your weekend going?? Would you like to contribute anything requarding Nobles request??

18. Septiembre 2005, 01:22:13
Foxy Lady 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
ScarletRose: Ok AD has been trying also,nobleheart to.Thanks

18. Septiembre 2005, 03:18:52
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: art or a roadside attractions or both?
Foxy Lady: off to supper...hope that's a work of art ;)

18. Septiembre 2005, 16:34:17
Asunto: HMmmm Let's go to the beach!!

19. Septiembre 2005, 01:49:40
Asunto: 3D anaglyph glasses
scarlet,foxy,maybe your kids would like this toy to play with:

the create an object commands DO work,but you cant see the created objects unless use the reverse direction move command.
try moving backwards while creating objects.
foxy their are many more 3D photos
they are not always easy to find,try to find more via searching for:
3D glasses
3D anaglyph glasses photos
Red and Cyan 3D photos

for some #D photos,try these:

if anyone is really into 3D anaglyph glasses,the best quality ones you can get,are here:

19. Septiembre 2005, 02:20:09
Asunto: Re: HMmmm Let's go to the beach!!

19. Septiembre 2005, 02:24:14
Asunto: this sint exacly a utility ,its a table...
..of charcater reference codes,there are mant like this,but I like this one & its related links:

19. Septiembre 2005, 23:25:51
Modificado por nobleheart (20. Septiembre 2005, 00:00:07)

21. Septiembre 2005, 05:17:44
Asunto: really interesting
hey,I was talking to several people on another board here re natural symmetry & fractals.
if you want to see some cool & interesting stuff about math /art,natural symmetry & fractals.
then go to this link.there are many related subjects mentioned on this webpage:

cut each subject & paste in a new window into here:

then tour the results for some interesting pics
if you want to learn more about the subject,just switch from image search to web search.

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:11:42

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:22:35
Asunto: Re:
LuckyCat9: you are like so kewl.. are those yours?? they are awesome.. I especially enjoyed the one which looked as though it were a solar system.. and imagine if the colors were as vivid as those out there.. wow

My second most fav was the one on the pink planet.. and my third fav was the one where it looked as though it was a volcano or perhaps just bubbles floating up from a diamond like crystal..

anyway they are all too kewl..

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:38:01
Asunto: Re:
ScarletRose: Thank ya kindly, not alluvam are myne, but a cuppa are, I fink they tode the last page, knot shore :P

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:39:05
I definightly built dat page tho *beems up to the emerprise*

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:40:08
Asunto: Re:
LuckyCat9: hehe.. so.. is that a program on the puter you can use.. or??

22. Septiembre 2005, 05:49:53
Asunto: Re:
ScarletRose: sho' nuff

22. Septiembre 2005, 17:55:49
Asunto: Spamin for a Good Cause!!
Goodfoods and his wife went through hurricane Katrina.. their house withstood the winds.. they lost lots of trees.. and due to the power surges lost their A/C and their Refridge and Freezers.. amongst the smaller appliances.. which those smaller ones he says can be replaced easier.. he did mention though.. the larger appliances are a bit harder to afford at this time..

If any of you would like to help donate even 5 or 10 dollars would be of a great help.. and when we have reached the goal of getting him his needs perhaps the extra money can go to someone else in his area.. :)

TT and I, amongst others are anxious to help.. so please contact one of us privately to find out how you can help him and his family..


22. Septiembre 2005, 22:02:32
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: When Is a Bomb Art?
Modificado por Artful Dodger (22. Septiembre 2005, 22:06:21)
Controversial exhibit features suitcase bomb, American flag straightjacket

Exhibit Asks: When Is a Bomb Art?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Click image to enlarge
•Artist's Performance Offends 9/11 Families
NEW YORK — A controversial art exhibition in Manhattan has people asking: Can a weapon be art?

"A Knock at the Door" features stamps depicting a gun to President Bush's head, a straightjacket made from an American flag and what appears to be a suitcase bomb ( search). The artists have received mixed reviews from both the art police and the real police — a few have been questioned, detained and even charged with crimes related to their work.

Even those who support the exhibit have questions about some of its displays.

• Click in the video box to the right to watch a report by FOX News' Jamie Colby.

"What is provocative and what is safe and free?" asked Tom Healy, president of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council ( search). "I don't have the answer to that in these particular works. And it's not a surprise that authorities would be interested in some of these things. They're works that are pretty hard not to find offensive."

And that's the point of the exhibit — not to provide answers but to ask visitors to decide what is offensive and what is art.

Is a bomb art?


23. Septiembre 2005, 01:55:39
Asunto: Re: fractals
LuckyCat9: honestly,are they your,originally done by you?what program do you use?
I experiment with a lot of fractal algorithms,but never published any of mine.

23. Septiembre 2005, 02:27:45
Asunto: Re: When Is a Bomb Art?
Artful Dodger: whoa.. this is a tough one.. If I were at the museum and critiquing these items.. In my opinion.. and this is my opinion peeps..

Even though the subject is in very poor taste.. the structures and the picture are considered art..

I being a Fine artist view "What is Art?" way differently than most.. I feel art is a creation made by inspirations and the artists imagination to interpret his views, expressions and thoughts. What has been called art that I don't consider art.. is computer graphics unless you are the original artist and used your talents to draw and create them. An example to what I try to say. In my one design class. My instructor would assign a project and about 95% of the students would run to a puter.. steal someones work.. and manipulate the piece so they could call it there own.. I of course would draw out what the assignment was.. if it was to show depth.. or perception .. or usuage of space.. I drew each and every one.. I also have my views on photography as being considered art.. I feel there is a fine line here due to the expertise of the camera's which are sold today.. anyone who purchases a digital can now be considered an artist?? No.. just cause the photo came out without any flaws.. and the colors were actually grabbed up.. does not make you and artist.. What makes that photographer an artist is how he takes the piccie.. and what the subject is.. and how much of the subject he actually took in.. It is based on the imagination of the person behind the lenz and what he is trying to show his audience with the piccies.. a good example of an artist who uses photography.. would be Plaintiger.

I would not be considered an artist when it comes to snapping piccies.. for one.. I haven't had the fine tuning.. and another I can't afford a decent camera to snatch up great piccies..

23. Septiembre 2005, 02:37:58
Asunto: stuff

23. Septiembre 2005, 02:44:17
Asunto: Re:hehe.. so.. is that a program on the puter you can use.. or??
ScarletRose: there are many programs you can download & use to make fractals,there are links to them on here:

these are good:

23. Septiembre 2005, 02:46:23
if you experiment with the fractals with an awareness of the develop an idea of what an algorithm will develop a better sense of how to alter your algorithms to active some really cool affects.

23. Septiembre 2005, 03:08:46
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re: When Is a Bomb Art?
ScarletRose: My thought is rather simplistic:

It's not art. It's a bomb in a suitcase.

For me, stuff like this is on the order of dog crap on the US flag. That says something too. But it's more on the order of political cartoon.

Told you it was simplistic. ;)

23. Septiembre 2005, 03:46:51
Asunto: since we dont have a "cool science" board{ hint hint hint}
can I show this for show & tell today please, miss scarlet:

this is a cool astronomy piccies:
cartwheel galaxy:

unknown galaxy:
( anyone know what this one is?,found the pic,but no ID)

whirlpool galaxy:

23. Septiembre 2005, 06:12:54
Asunto: Re: my envisionination of ScarletRose:
nobleheart: thank you .. I am flattered..

25. Septiembre 2005, 06:02:15
Asunto: self expression

26. Septiembre 2005, 23:16:55

26. Septiembre 2005, 23:51:47
Artful Dodger 
Asunto: Re:
nobleheart: I really apprecitate your posts! They are so cool. Thanks for doing the work. ;)

26. Septiembre 2005, 23:56:40
ty AD ,hey this is interesting to read:

28. Septiembre 2005, 01:20:28
Asunto: fun with art ( kids approved )

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