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Jim Dandy: I had a cat that I had to get put down because he had diabetes the main reason was at the time I couldnt afford to give him the insulin he needed, was going to cost me a fortune, he was such a sick lil pussy....
"Snoopy": ROFL....havent heard the Heinz 57 reference used in years lOLOL..... have a black bear has a bit of POM in him im sure....the long hair, I thought he was purebred shih-tzu, but the older he gets the longer his hair gets LOLOL....hard to keep brushed. and a dog eating watermelon???? never heard of it LOLOL
I tried him when he was small but wont come into it....Ive tried him with pasta and rice...nup, dont like that much he get Y bone steaks (gently boiled)every 2nd day and chicken necks raw on the other day... he is so healthy...he loves his toast and vegiemite or creme cheese for brekky tho :)
Jim Dandy: ummmmm....sorry Hun....what is tryptophan? I hope it isnt a death drug, cause it wsnt the dogs fault, you should have had the turkey in a safer place, than the table waaaaaah
srnity: a bath with bicarbonate of soda is what fixed my Bear....or numerous baths....he is allergic to a type of grass that we have (Buffalo), and keep her clipped if she is inclined to have long hair (in the summer anyways), apart from those things, dont know
anastasia: these arent neighbours :( they are from the caravan park down the road, all strangers...he barks at them all....every day there are different people....I live in a horse training area, where most my neighbours train horses...neighbours are OK...he dont bark, but when the owners of the horses come he goes beserk...too many strangers coming on our footpath is what gets him going....he will sit on command, always has, he shakes hands, (both hands...paws) singularly and both together when he sits up...he is obedient, he just hates strangers
anastasia: the collar that im getting cannot be heard by is only detected by dogs...there is another sort that emits a "smell" when the dog barks, it isnt pleasant for the dog and apparently they learn not to bark....Im really at a loss what to do
srnity: oh yes Im home.....he isnt allowed outside if Im not home....Im sitting in the pergola in the back yard and he races up and down the front fence, barking at all in sundry:(
My Bear will NOT go anywhere near any sort of water unless I bathe him...he hates it.
Now what do you people think of this... I have sent away for a collar that emits a noise when he will not be on all day, but in the afternoon when people are walking their dogs he goes ape----, and it is annoying and got the collar to put on in the this cruel? I wouldnt hurt him for quids, he is my one and only son LOL....and my cat loves him as well HAHAHA
anastasia: just last week my cat was trying to get out to go toilet...the fly screens (not security) were closed and he lunged at the he didnt go through the screen but he shredded the curtains....I had to renew the curtains in the computer room (spare room) harm done
but I remember 4 years ago when Vern was alive we had to go out....I always lock the dog in the house, but used to leave the window open for the cat to come and go.......we went out leaving the gates open, and when we come home....who came to greet us with tail wagging....Bear the dog....he had climbed on the bed and jumped out through the window...they are resourceful when they want to be LOLOL
Tuesday: try scattering around camphor or napthlanene(sp) flakes.....good for mice and cockroaches, silver fish etc.... I had mice in my garden shed from the chook feed and of course I live in a horsey area and rats/mice feast on horse feed...scattered the above and "voila" all gone :)......
well today I went fishing with 3 other friends....just for something different to do....not an usual occurence...HEHEHE
fish caught...10 fish caught that were edible.....nil (the entire catch wouldnt have made a single fish cake LOLOL.._) all were thrown back except 2 for my cat...........
he was given fresh fish (whole) tonight....looked and walked away in disgust LOLOL..... the fish was cut into 4 pieces and was consumed with great gusto.....this was the first time in the cats life he had had fresh caught fish and he didnt know what to do with was so funny watching him contemplate the "horror" of attacking these little morsels that I had caught and brought home for him....I might add that the sun burn isnt as sore as his bottom would have been if he hadnt of eaten the catch hahahahahaha
I find that for my dog it is cheaper to give him human meat.....I buy him y-bone steaks (with bone in) and buy in bulk when they are at their food is too expensive. I also buy him chicken necks and he has a fish/meat/cheese dry food that I get him.
My cat eats a small tin of cat food twice a day along with dried food. About a month ago, the cat food was reduced from 89c per small tin down to 48c per tin....I went beserk LOL and spent $170 dollars on tinned cat food hahahah...well at nearly $2 per day when it is normal price (for the 2 tins) this will still only last him approx 3 months ....
i used to give my dog eukenuba...FP when he was having terrible skin problems but it didnt make any difference to him and at $37 AUD per 4kilo bag it was so expensive so i stopped giving it to him.
we also have those brands over here in australia but nothing has been said here.....I dont feed my cat and dog "bought" pet food as I make and prepare all my own so it wont bother me, but what a terrible thing for those that get affected
Tuesday: my Bear always loves to roll in the dust/dirt after a bath, so Im sneaky....I tie him up on his lead and let him wait about 1/2 hour till he partially dries out LOLOL....he is shih-tzu so your talking long hair here and there is nothing worse than a roll in the dirt LOLOL
Tuesday: I give Bear what we call "Y" bone steak every day. It is human food (meat) but very little fat, lots of 1/2 cooked meat and a lovely y-bone to chew on...He just loves them. He also has dried food, and I ocasionally give him chicken necks which he also loves :)
A trail of blood led police to two suspects who allegedly beat a family dog and dragged the animal behind a vehicle in Didsbury. The dog's injuries were so severe, a veterinarian called to the scene had to euthanize the animal on the spot. "This was definitely, in my 10 years of policing, the most horrendous act I've seen against an animal," said Cpl. Kevin Fischer of the RCMP in Didsbury, 90 kilometers north of Calgary. A couple found the female collie-Lab cross lying in The street near Ross Ford Elementary School in the northwest corner of town early Sunday. Their frantic phone call woke Dr. Andy Mencarelli, a veterinarian at the Krebs clinic in Didsbury, who went to the scene. The dog's legs were bound together with duct tape and there was a tow rope around its neck. Its head was wrapped in a bag. "There was blood everywhere," said Mencarelli. The dog was able to lift its head, but in too much shock to make any sound, he said. When Mencarelli lifted the dog to the back of his truck to euthanize it, the true extent of the animal's injuries became apparent. "This dog was just broken," he said, adding its neck, pelvis, back and skull were fractured. Investigators believe the six- or seven-year-old dog endured a beating prior to being tied up and hitched to a vehicle. "Indications are the dog was dragged behind a vehicle," Fischer said. The dog had no tags, tattoos or obvious identification, but police officers followed a trail of blood to a local home. Police have laid charges against two teenagers, but Fischer said Wednesday they are no closer to learning a motive for the crime. "There is nothing, at this point," he said. Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, of Didsbury has been charged under the Criminal Code with injuring/endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. He is also charged with obstructing police. A 17-year-old male, whose identity is protected by the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is charged with injuring/endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. For adult offenders, each of the animal cruelty charges has a maximum penalty of a $2,000 fine or six months in jail -- or both. The case is also being investigated by the Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A conviction under the province's Animal Protection Act can carry a maximum penalty of a $20,000 fine and a lifetime ban from Owning animals, but an official said no further charges are being contemplated. "We have been notified of it and are having some follow up involvement," said Morris Airey, the Alberta SPCA's director of enforcement. The two suspects are scheduled to appear in Didsbury provincial court on Nov. 6 I would like to start a petition to show politicians' and mayor etc.. In Calgary ,that others have heard this story and would like to see something done to these two offenders,more than just a fine or 6 months in jail.The two boys should tolerated.Lets speak for those who can't speak for themselves,and lets speak for this poor dog who was absolutely defenseless
Tuesday: Bear would hate to fly LOL....took him to a place called Magnetic Island just of our main coast on a massive big catemeran(sp) and he hated every minute of it....he was petrified of the noise of the engines:(....we had to sit on an outer deck and keep him muzzled....poor wee fella....I could have cried for him.
Howdy Doody Miss Toos=Dee....missed ya ....explanations needed..hehe My life is changing greatly as I gather yours has....keep me informed....(((HUGS)))
anastasia: I took Bear out for lunch hahahaha....a friend and I had fish and chips at the beach and Bear chased the seagulls....he had such a lovely time and then we walked the beach and found some lovely shells....Bear hates the beach - water...he cant understand why it keeps running in and out ROFL....we had a lovely day. I bought him a squeaky toy for his birthday and he hates it ROFL....maybe he will get used to it....sure hope so....What did Punkin get for her Birthday Dolittle???
Dolittle: am soooo happy at your news on Punkin...Binky will be missing his little play mate as you have to keep her quiet? and if so how the hell are you going to do that...after Bear had his hernia op and his sex life ruined LOL we had to keep him quiet, but couldnt, he raced all around the place LOL
Dolittle: OMG...Bear is on his knees praying for his little girlfriend Punkin and Im right there with him. Goodness me I have never heard of that before
People I will tell you that Punkin and Bear are both Shih-Tzu's and Dolittles wee darling is black and my Bear is white...they were both born on the same day...16th August 2002...they are both still only young and I would be devastated if it was Bear
Please know my dear friend that both Bear and Smooch (cat) and their Momma are hopeing all will turn out well...
BUNNY22: Welcome to the board and thanks for the advice on pet urine :) I think it was a "missing his Dad syndrome" you see my partner passed last October and I think it suddenly hit home with him...He has been as good as gold lately...but thanks :) and yes I agree with the others....take your caps lock off as it looks like your yelling at us all HAHAHAHAHA
my Bear today caught his first bird...naughty boy :(
actually it was given to him LOLOL...the nest was resting in a palm tree and had fallen to the ground with 3 babies ready to fledge ...the cat gulped 2 down and Bear brought his inside and hid it in his toy box...I couldnt get it off him so when he hid it I removed it....He is still looking for it. I growled at him but the cat got a belt...they arent allowed to chase the wildlife...naughty boys LOLOL
Tuesday: awwwww...bless his lil heart....Love a pussy that sticks up fer hisself....he actually is a nice looking cat...I hope he gets the sherriff hehehehe
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