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Brian1971: I know... it surprised the heck out of me also. I was driving home, and "You should make a new poll on BK pop'ed into my mind" - and when a random thought hits me, I listen.
Right above the list, though, it says that green dot means a poll I haven't voted in, but there's no green dot by the poll. And I obviously didn't vote in it.
Yet when I look at the list, it appears I've voted in them all. All 48 of the "closed" ones, and 3 of the new ones. (I don't see any green dots indicating I DIDN'T vote in any)
2 are to see who you will think win the football (Soccer) gold in mens & womens. These 2 polls end SOON around August 1st, around the time the first round ends (so if you want to wait to see who is eliminated to pick....... just don't miss the deadline.)
The last is a more general one about what sport you like the most - it is scheduled to end just after the Olympics end to give a little more time to vote.
****** THIS NOW brings us up to 51 total public polls, so lets see how many people will be earning their 50th public poll Achievement! *********
I found a website which had it's own predictions, and I took those top 10 countries to include in this poll.
The United States has won the most in the past 4 Olympics, but many think they will not win the most this year! Last Olympic, China won the most GOLD medals, but the United States won the most overall.
Can China pull out more total medals? Can the host country pull out more medals? Or will there be a surprise country ready to take the most medals?
And sorry in advance, I normally have a "no opinion" option in the poll, but I forgot to add it in this one (can't add answers once I released the poll) - I will try to have a default "no" answer in future polls.
MTC: Opps - forgot to add that option this time didn't I. I'm usually pretty good about remembering to put the "other" and "no opinion" options on there... but can't update once they are live.
Should a player win by timeout if it is impossible to fulfil the victory condition on the board? E.G. no checkmate possible, theoretically unsurpassable score.
Just a question : Actually, when we create a poll, it's possible to make it with 1 or else several votes. Why not to give the possibility to the creator to choose the number of votes, example : only 3 votes allowed ? It would be more definite. Of course, we would keep the option with several votes. What do people think about this ? ... and for those of you that don't play in site team tournaments, there is an option for you to vote on... which I will predict will be the top voted option. But for the list of games, I will plan to make that the site team tournament that will start on/around Oct 25, 2010.
... don't know what I'll do if there is a tie, so hopefully there will not be one.
There are 17 games to choose from - games in the top 50 (of active games going) on the site, which has not had a team tournament start within the last year - and does not have a current team tournament running.
Some interesting notes: [the (###) is the rank of "popular" on active game list]
International Checkers (#47) - Only game on list which has NOT had a site team tournament yet.
Halma 8x8 (#44) - Hasn't had a TT since December 2004
Chinese Chess (#45), PahTum (#29), and Loop Chess (#41) - not since 2005
Massacre Chess (#34) is the most recent in the list, having one start July 2009
Five in Line (#13), Plakoto (#15), and Froglet (#16) are the 3 most "popular" games in the list - with last TT June 09, May 08, and Nov 08 respectively.
I tried to pick the 25 top options that could get some votes - I know I left out A LOT of animals - and some animals are more "farm" animals and not "pets", but tried my best to get a good variety to choose from.
Asunto: How many other countries have you been to?
I went ahead and put up a quick poll - keep throwing up ideas here - I will use some of them.
The current poll - How many other countries have you been to? (And before someone asks - for those places which may or may not be considered as a country by everyone - simple, if you consider it a different country, count it. If not, don't count it.)
(ocultar) Si no quieres que alguien sepa que estás haciendo, puedes cambiar tu modo a invisble en tu página de Opciones (sólo para miembros de pago). (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)