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Dec 2024 - Dark Battleboats 7 - Starts 6th Dec

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13. Septiembre 2003, 23:03:03
Grim Reaper 
Asunto: Just a quick note regarding the World Championship
As I reread the board here to review the individuals who voiced opinions that ultimately lead to the change in format for the tournament, I see that some of these same people have not yet joined the new event.

Now I would have thought those who were potentially excluded under the old setup would have been the first to join the new one!

13. Septiembre 2003, 20:50:56
Radiant2008 :-) 
Asunto: <>b>((((jason)))))))
Thanks alOt for the Tourny in memory of TTONNA!!

God bless you,

13. Septiembre 2003, 18:19:10
Asunto: Fast Tourny
This is a Fast Tourny 1 day to Move, everyone its Welcome, Reversi Or no Reversi Players enjoy it ;-))



13. Septiembre 2003, 12:58:05
Radiant2008 :-) 
Please check out the Fellowship: PepperMintPatty´s Challengers!!

We need some more players to sign up for the Checker Tourny.. to be be started: Sept 15th

Please sign up and have some fun together! :-)

13. Septiembre 2003, 00:53:22 
Asunto: ►► B I G · B A D Tournament! ◄◄
Starting in about a week, is the ►► B I G · B A D Tournament! ◄◄

GOAL: To have at least 4 players in EVERY game. I would love to see a each tournament start!




12. Septiembre 2003, 22:36:16
i have a +25... +1 has been there for about 6 weeks... now i have another 24 appear! so it could be the same as pioneer54???

12. Septiembre 2003, 22:07:46 
sometimes the "+XX" games gets stuck. (I had a +7 for about 2 weeks)

Once fencer reads the message, hopefully he will be able to fix that part up. (The +XX games actually count the tournaments which have "closed for signup" and waiting for the creator to start) .... and not the number of games you actually are signed up for.

Anyway, Fencer is on now - hopefully he will read this and fix it for you - or possible send Fencer a nice message and ask him to fix it.

12. Septiembre 2003, 20:24:09
Asunto: I'm confused.... and a little PISSED!!!
Can anyone explain this? I was removed from a tournament (All Games-Mini Tourney\'s-5 Players Only-No 12 Snadné keryo pente) by a message saying I did not have enough game slots for all the tmts. that would be created by me, or something like that!? My game page shows 24+24, which is wrong. I do have 24 games in progress but the only tmts. I'm signed up for are:
--goodfoods atomic chess 9/13, 8 games;
--BBW's Corner chess, which will probably be cancelled since only two players have entered.

So I have just eight games pending, combined with 24 going; that is 32, which would still leave 18 open, but my page says I have just 2 open. What became of the other 16???

12. Septiembre 2003, 20:05:16
Asunto: Re:
Very funny Ed. You are one of the games Masters and this is for beginners. Anyone rated over 1600 will be considered a ringer here. LOL. But we have some Super Bowl type checker tournaments ahead and you will sure be welcome there.

12. Septiembre 2003, 19:55:14
Grim Reaper 
OK, I will

12. Septiembre 2003, 19:00:38
Asunto: KM Learners Permit (checkers)
This is an invitational checker tournament for people who are just learning the game or do not yet have a very high skill level. It is a good opportunity to play the game and not get beat up. Please message me for an invite.

12. Septiembre 2003, 13:23:12
Asunto: Whos got the best navy EUROPE (not UK)
I could do with someone else joining this so I can start it later today please :o)

12. Septiembre 2003, 12:16:25
Asunto: Re: proposal for a new form for games
no. if you have a 1 day game, you have an allocated 12 hours; the opponent too. if you wait until your last minute, you have one minute, the other guy 12 hours.

12. Septiembre 2003, 12:06:12
that would be better for real time games i feel

12. Septiembre 2003, 12:01:26
Asunto: Re: proposal for a new form for games
What about to add a rule that each player must make a move within, say, 10 minutes after his opponent's last move?

12. Septiembre 2003, 11:56:38
Asunto: Re: proposal for a new form for games
you might get games that when a player is loosing that he waits untill the last possible minute to move his piece , unless the other player was online at the exact time he would loose the game

12. Septiembre 2003, 11:40:17
Asunto: proposal for a new form for games
I have a proposal for another form of game which could be used in friendly games as well as for tournament games: instead of fixing the timeout as a certain number of days per move, fix a total timeout per game. this copies the usual system used for real-time games in chess, but if a sufficiently large time is chosen, is as good as correspondance games.

for example, a one-day game must finish within 24 hours. the first player to overstep the limit loses on time. this is as good as a realtime game.

a 60 days game is probably more than enough for an ordinary chess game. in a lot of positions you can answer fairly quickly, in others you like to take your time. it's up to the player then to manage the allowed time. you want to take a week to think about the first move? fine, but the rest of the game still has to fit into the allowed time.

some care must be taken to allow for time zones.

I think this form is particularly well adapted for tournaments. take, for example, the coming gothic tournaments. the proposed timeout is 7 days. it is dead certain that with the number of players which are going to participate in this, there'll be the professional snails who like to take their time up to deadline-1 minute. as I remember, Ed showed us recently a game of his that lasted
80 moves; such a game would take 560 days, more than a year and a half...

12. Septiembre 2003, 07:45:36
Asunto: Real-time playing
Actually, it is very easy to add because BK code is already flexible enough to make such improvements.
Of course that it will not be released immediately after the hardware upgrade, it must be deeply tested [and discussed] first.

12. Septiembre 2003, 07:31:42
Grim Reaper 
Asunto: Re:
Well Kevin, an earliest post was linking slow play of some players as a function of their game volume, and the site stability was listed as a possible limit to the upper bound of the number of games that could be played concurrently.

I just suggested that the new hardware would not only cure the perfomance problems in general and those that are game laden specificially, but it would also support real-time play seemlessly.

12. Septiembre 2003, 07:16:49
Maybe it could be set up as a poll - Real-time play, or not. If enough people want it, go for it. If not enough vote for it to make it worth the time and effort, it might not be such a good idea. (Although this whole topic about real-time games really isn't relevant to the topic of the board ;-) )

12. Septiembre 2003, 06:53:12
Asunto: Re: By the way...
I think real time games are a good idea, but I'd rather see them on a separate site, maybe a BK Real Time with cross membership, or something like that. I know the atmosphere on a real-time site is very different from that of a turn-based site.

I used to set aside a weekend afternoon every now and then and play in tourneys on the Gaming Zone, but I do prefer the leisurely pace of turn-based tournaments. Guess it's my bbs roots... :-)

12. Septiembre 2003, 04:36:17
Asunto: Re: By the way...
realtime chess-variants@brainking seem desirable ...

e.g. yahoo is just too chAotic for quickchess-tourneys anyway,
and gothic/janus surely would be attractive in kinda otb-atmosphere ...

although for pente there already are quick-tourneys weekly - why not ... ~*~

12. Septiembre 2003, 04:15:05

12. Septiembre 2003, 04:07:36
Grim Reaper 
450 Eriisa, so you are hanging in there, making King Michael feel good. Maybe you should play the "giveway" variants, but just play normal. You would be champion! :)

12. Septiembre 2003, 04:04:47
and see, I'm usually the opposite. I know the moves for chess and checkers but manage to lose everytime! LOL, my BKR at Gothic is in the 400s!!!

12. Septiembre 2003, 04:00:39
Grim Reaper 
hmmm. I see. If it is not chess or checkers, I really don't know how to play it. I am a savant, some will even say an idiot (without the savant part.)

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:58:39
Ed, backoff has been trying to teach me tablut. But I seem to be especially dense over the game!

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:56:03
Grim Reaper 
oooooookay....I have no clue what you guys are talking about :)

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:53:53
LMAO@Erissa. I give you head start, I'll be white this time

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:51:29
PPppppPP only when I have a cold chance to win!

*looks nervously over at PP*
Oops, I better not say that! *starts hitting the delete key* giggle

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:49:30
lol, want a tablut game Eriisa?

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:48:15
Hey, backoff! I think ESPN should cover our games! well, not tablut. I still haven't figured that one out yet!

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:47:31 
I have never really liked "real-time" play games - which is why I stick around all the turn-based games sites.

But I know many people do like "real-time" games (and for some reason, many of those people want turn-based games sites to be more like real-time game sites)

I would actually like to see the programming time spent on new turn-based games/variations then have the time spent on configuring real-time games. There are already many real-time game sites out there, but only a few good turn-based games sites - and would love to see this site keep improving itself!

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:39:10
sounds good then ;))

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:37:32
Grim Reaper 
sure, of course!

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:33:12
no i meant would be still be able to play our normal , turn based games too ?

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:31:23
Grim Reaper 
I am not really sure. Maybe it would be specified as a fixed amount of time per move, like 1 minute or 20 seconds, or a total amount for the game, like 1 hour. As soon as your game is being viewed, your timer starts.

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:26:54
would the real time play be an extra option or for all games ??

12. Septiembre 2003, 03:20:28
Grim Reaper 
Asunto: By the way...
...when the new hardware comes online, the site will be fast enough to support real-time play. When you move, no waiting for the refresh to hit. Of course there is a great deal of coding to be done for this, and Fencer and I have not even discussed this as of yet.

I am just wondering if people would be interested in this real-time play option.

12. Septiembre 2003, 02:52:05
Ok here's why I play:
1)For fun
2)If in doubt, refer to #1

BKR means jack to me. I play because I have a good time and there are alot of very nice and entertaining people on this site. I'm only 24 and I could spend the couple of hours a night that I spend on here doing other things, but I enjoy this. I'm not a serious, hardcore player of any of the games. I play by the rules and if I win, I win, if I lose, I lose. It's an internet gaming site. ESPN isn't going to cover any of our games. Nike isn't going to name a shoe after the winner of (insert tournament here). To me, it's about having a good time.

12. Septiembre 2003, 02:16:10
Asunto: Just to clear the air...
I believe anyone can be in any tournament according what their respective level allows and the tournament rules. Slow players can move slowly and fast players speedily. Whatever.

RsBaby is an excellent player and a very nice person. I have nothing against him. He likes to move slowly, and that's his right.

Antje, you and I have played against each other in tournament play before, and I enjoyed our games. You're also a very nice person.

backoffKM....whatever floats your boat, guy. Have fun.

jason, hope you can comprehend this, but I'm perfectly happy as a pawn at BK for now. I get all the tourney time and social play I want, thank you very much. If and when I join BK, it will be because I want to financially support the site, not because I need any other benefits or perks. Now, that's my choice.

Hope everyone is having a good time...I know I am.


12. Septiembre 2003, 01:17:14
all this talk about not moving fast enough hmmm i have nothing against pawns at all i play a few of them my self , but quit complaining and upgrade your membership then you have all the games you want plus all the extra benifits (which as a pawn you wont have even seen) or you could play other sites (but you will more likely get even more rectrictions imposed on you )
ps i have around 300 games going and when the sites reasonable i do them at least one move each daily , i also have at least 13 games in the top 20 rankings , each to his own
**peace** ;))

11. Septiembre 2003, 23:37:32
Asunto: Backoff backoff
He observes the rules of play. Nuff said.

11. Septiembre 2003, 17:31:32
If i were a pawn i should only sign up for a tourney with 1 day/move. If i couldnt find any of those tourneys i should create one. But then of course i had to pay money to become a knight or rook :)
But to complain about how slow/fast other people play isnt so nice :)

11. Septiembre 2003, 17:26:54
here here Whisperz, well said :o)

11. Septiembre 2003, 17:25:26
im playing over 500, and my BKR's (except in backgammon which im only learning now, and have to let those creep up) is over 1700, and some in the 1900.
i agree with backoffKM, if the site works , i can mow through the games in little time, but the frequency of the site going down makes it difficult to get the moves completed, i go in the same order as backoffKM, those with the shortest time limits i complete first, those with 2 weeks or more per move, will wait.
i give the game the thought i feel it requires to make moves. since i dont play chess or tablut, it isnt a problem. if a move require more than 30 sec. of thought, its ok with me if i lose it.
its a site for fun, and if my ratings drop, its not because i have too many games, its because i didnt think carefully enough, and thats my own impatience, whether i have 5 or 500 moves :o)

11. Septiembre 2003, 17:20:50
Asunto: Re: Why we are all here
I think we should all remember that we are not all here for the same reasons. There are some who come to win and have high BKRs (but we are not all geniuses, irrespective of how long we think about our next move); there are some who come for the friendship where BKRs mean nothing; and some may come to just play and pass the time. None of these reasons are better than any other, they are just different. If they do not match your reasons there is still no justification for being critical.

If people play by the rules and within the time limits, so be it, leave them be! Please :)

11. Septiembre 2003, 16:41:11
Asunto: backoffKM
You're playing 414 games and have very low BKRs in everything, almost everything is way below 1500. What's your point of entering any tourneys??? Looks like you have your hands WAY too full.

RsBaby may be a slow tourney player, but at least he'll give you one heck of a game.

11. Septiembre 2003, 16:34:38
Asunto: Re: 141 games
Sorry, typing error - but the percentages are still generally what I find! Another game where you can think for hours and come up with the wrong move; tablut.

11. Septiembre 2003, 16:28:51
Asunto: Re: 141 games
Correction tonyh we speak about 414 not about 141 games!

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