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Still need some players for:
Five in line
Spider line 4
Reversi 8x8
Halma 8x8
for tournament starting Friday, help if you can spare a little place or 2 please lol
Icon, it also depends if you want to play for fun or not! There are a lot of serious players here, I play more for fun, but some of my teams have very serious players... I guess fellowship captains will soon get to know which are the 'serious' ones, and play more often against those, if thats their choice.
I'm assuming the teams will have to agree on how many players, and only that many players will play. Although, it would be possible with uneven players. And why do the ratings have to be equal? It will never happen exactly, and even if it does the ratings are never a completely accurate representation of a player's ability until they play infinite games :-)
i have some space left in crowded backgammon & tablut if anyone can help out , also just set up battle boats if anyones interested ;~))
jasons games room
3 tournaments to sign up for....Watson's 15-day Summer Five in Line Games...Watson's 15-day Summer Halma Games...and Watson's 15-day Summer Pente Games...the closing date is June is posted on the main tournament page near the bottom...the games are open to all players
Sometimes (not often) the tournament creator will post a message here or on another board announcing the tournament. If they do not do that, the best way it to just periodically check the "Tournaments" page found on the left of this page. Many tournaments have all games included, and many others are a single game, or a few games. You might have to check through them to find the one(s) you want.
However, being a brain pawn (non-paying member) you are limited to one tournament entry at a time, and cannot join another tournament until either your section completes and you do not move on to the next round, or the tournament finishes :-)
Also there are 2 butons to start a tourney, you press one to close for sign up, then you have to go back and press another almost identical one to actually start the tourney.
Its very easy to forget to do this!! I've done it once, but I always remember now because I got such a good tongue lashing for forgetting!! LOL!!
And I am in Australia which is 9-10 hours ahead of Europe and probably 15-18 ahead of the States. The Tablut tournament I will start soon had a last entry date of 3 June, so I will wait until the end of the 4th (just past the end of the 3rd in the good ol' USofA) before I start it ... which will obviously be well into the 4th for some.
The person who creates a tournament actually has to start the tournament.
So it depends on when the creator is on-line to start it. I usually try to start all mine within 24 hours of the "last term to sign up".... but others... ???? :-)
Blackadder Mr K: What do you think why they have BrainKnight and BrainRook Membership for!!! So, you can play more tournament. Being brainpawn you can't have everything you want your way.
Have a nice day! :-)
The tournament I am in goes like a snail,,how can we speed it up in the future ?
It`s not fun to wait so long before you can join another tournament. Why not make some kind of special rule when it comes to this kind of game ?
This is something for us to think about in the future !!!!
You see that there are no tournaments of a particular type and so decide to make then suddenly off they go ... well here is the one that started the trend ... this is your last day so sign up now at:
Tablut - Black + White #1 (Tablut)
Any pawns here want to win a 6 months rook membership???Join the tablut PRIZE tournament!!
Starts in one month... You need 7 free slots to join. If you sign up and find you do not have the available slots when the tournament starts you will not be allowed to participate.
Good luck to all :o)
I have have checked all the places I could think to find informaiton on how to define a tournament. Help, FAQ, Touraments, My Tournaments does not show a link. Doesn't seem that only paid memebers are allowed to do so.
Thanks, I am sure the link to define a tournament is in a very logical spot??
Everyone is welcome to enter Bazz's first Tourney.
Closing date 1st June, 2 games per player, 3 days per move, 4 games to choose from- Line4, Spiderline4, Linetris and antiline4!
I just created a Gothic Chess "warm up" tournament.
Sign up if you want to practise your game a bit before the big money tournament.
Only for fast players, please.
Sign-ups close and games begin this Saturday.
that was a good one pipilo. Ok, I'll try to avoid repeating mself in the future. Ambiguous statements are probably the number one cause of repeated statements, so I'll also try to make sure my statemnents are not vague or ambiguous.
chattytea 25. May 2003, 22:15:36
ok, so boards may not be interesting when they are empty, some of us like debates, some dont. BUT why do things have to be repeated so often?
That's what she said, and I totally agree with her every word.
Here endeth the lesson.
I should note, on a mostly unrelated point, that prior to this discussion, this message board had an average of about 4 or 5 posts per week. Seems to me that a debate would make the board MORE interesting than when it was rarely used, after all, how interesting can a board be when there are no posts for days on end?
BBW-- I am sorry if I misconstrued anything you said-- Internet posts often do get misconstrued, often through no fault of the writer or the reader of the post; it isj ust the nature of impersonal internet conversations.
You have, however, made yourself very clear on this point:
"AGAIN, here is the point of the whole thing: A player is limited to 1 tournament at a time. (THIS IS A GOOD RULE). The problem is the one player could be done with all his games in 2 weeks, and he may lose all his games and knows he will not move on. In MY OPINION he is done with that tournament and should be allowed to join a new tournament. (And not have to wait up to 6 months for other players playing in other games) Do you understand this point????????? (IF not, just say so - and quit trying to argue it - I'll try to explain it better, OK??) "
So, yes, I understand you COMPLETELY here. And here is my retort. Any non member who objects to this policy has a SIMPLE way of eliminating the prolbem. BUY A MEMBERSHIP. Problem solved! That si really the only point I was making. All the other tangential converstions stemmed from this one, about the possibility fo a lingering tournament.
I think the reason the conversation often gets steered in that direction (as it has several times over the last few months) is because someone always chips in with "Well, not everyone can afford a membership" when I state "Buy a membership" as a solution to the prolbme of only being able to enter one tournament and having to wait for it to be completely finished.
Dmitri: Now I know why people have a hard time trying to have a discussion with you - you keep pulling things in to a conversation that is ?????
OK, first: Yes, my example was just a "bad scenario" that could happen to a player. It does not have to do with Fencer (Never said it did) - all I said is THINGS LIKE THAT MAKE THE WHOLE SITE LOOK BAD. When a player only has a limited experiance and bad things happen in that limited experiance - do you really think they are just going to pay and hope things get better? (OK, maybe you do - but most others probable won't)
I NEVER said that it was wrong for people to play slow (Where you get this stuff... I have no idea??) - if they are within their time limit, FINE. I'm a slow player - I think I even posted that somewhere recently that I've been playing slow recently. (Mostly because when I do have a few hours, the site always seems to be down or something - but that has NOTHING to do with this!!!) --- but you still feel like bringing things up that has nothing to do with what I posted.
AGAIN, here is the point of the whole thing: A player is limited to 1 tournament at a time. (THIS IS A GOOD RULE). The problem is the one player could be done with all his games in 2 weeks, and he may lose all his games and knows he will not move on. In MY OPINION he is done with that tournament and should be allowed to join a new tournament. (And not have to wait up to 6 months for other players playing in other games) Do you understand this point????????? (IF not, just say so - and quit trying to argue it - I'll try to explain it better, OK??)
I'm not "chiming in about slow players" - players can play as slow as they want in my opinion - BUT if those games just happen to be in the same tournament section, it can effect the new pawn player who may get a bad impression of this site. AGAIN, I'm not saying that the other players should be playing any faster - just that if all the games are complete in the tournament section for a player, and he has NO chance to move to the next section - he should be allowed to join a new tournament. (Hopefully you will understand this and stop pulling new things into this) If you don't agree, just say you don't agree - and quit bringing other things into this. ugh!
And about joining non-tournament games - LIKE I ALREADY SAID - Many people play different ways - some do not like playing non-tournament games - I know I do not. ugh.....
This will be my last post on this subject... I should have known better then to try to discuss this with Dmitri...
I disagree Harley. working a minimum wage job and having no savings is being "poor" to me. You may disagree, but last time I checked, a minimum wage job would put someone below the poverty line.
Don't get me wrong, when I have been poor, I wasted al ot of money. I gained enjoyment from junk food, movies, and other luxuries. BUt that is just what they were-- luxuries. And if something else came up that I did not have the money for, it wasn't because I could not afford it, it was because UI had chosen to spend them oney on other things.
If you can say this, Dmitri, you have obviously never been poor. Consider yourself fortunate. I'm not discussing anything else because it is getting tedious and I have a headache as it is.
If we are talking about those who CAN afford to pay, but Don't, then the vast minority who CANNOT afford to pay are NOT relevant to the discussion, BECAUSE ET DISCUSSION IS ABOUT THOSE WHO CAN PAY BUT DO NOT!
Furthermore, to exempt a small minority from a discussion is not in any way demeaning! By your logic, if Iwas talking about prisoners, and I said "Of course, those small minority who are innocent are IRRELEVANT" you would say that I am demeaning the innocent!
Well, clearly that is not the case, they just are not RELEVANT to the discussion.
As for your point A) Of course we cannot kow how many are truly in that position. But one of the great things about human beings is our ability to reeasn, so I am entitled to use my poewers of reason to try to approximate.
1) I think we coudl all agree that those who cannot afford ten dollars for 6 months are fairly destitute.
2) That being the case, I would estimate that very few of the 4800 brain pawns are in that position.
I think ti is a fair assumption that most brain pawns just choose not to afford it. I have heard people say "Well, I have 8000 dolalrs of college loans, etc. etc. etc." So what? Lots of people have loans, I know many of thme, and all of them easily waste ten dollars over a 6 month period.
If someone really doesn;t spend ten dolalrs in 6 months on any type of luxuries, then that person truly canot afford a memberaship. If there is someone who actually fits that description, I would love to hear from him. BUt until then, people who spend 30 dollars a month on cable TV DO NOT qualify as "not being able to afford a 2 dolalrs a month membership"
I think our societyhas lost its sanity. SOmewhere along thel ine, a sense of entitlement crept in, such that luxuries are now considered necessities.
I think anyone who is in need of shelter, food, clothing, or medical care should havethese needs addressed. I support the existence of government institutions to handle these needs.
BUt I think it is really warped that people who spend money on certain luxuries then claim to not be able to affird other luxuries.
Don't get me wrong, when I have been poor, I wasted al ot of money. I gained enjoyment from junk food, movies, and other luxuries. BUt that is just what they were-- luxuries. And if something else came up that I did not have the money for, it wasn't because I could not afford it, it was because UI had chosen to spend them oney on other things.
You have taken issue with my approximatin the number of people who can and cannot afford an inxpensive membership. Why is one not alllowed to pproximate? Would you take issue with me if I said that "more than 99% of the people in this coutnry can afford to give away a nickle today?"
I don't think anyone would. Well, I seel ittle difference between that statement and my approximation about brain Pawns.
How is it hurtful and demeaning to them? He simply said they were irrelevent to the discussion. What if he said that the millionaires on this site were irrelevent to the discussion (like he said)? Would that be hurtful and demeaning to them to?
i really think this discussion has gone on long enough! i for one and fed up with seeing the same thing repeatedly posted time and time again, and i am sure others are too!
please give it a rest!
Dmitri, here... "YEs. We agree, but probably not in terms of degree. I tihnk that the people we have discussed (those who truly cannot afford a membership) are veyr few and far between, so few that they are irrelevant to the discussion."
I' not going to get into a huge discussion about this, I think its enough to say that a) you cannot know how many people really are in this position and b) it wouldn't matter if it was 1 person or 1000 people. That statement is hurtful and demeaning to those people.
BBW-- you are citing coincidental factors as reasons. You presented every possible bad scenario that oculd happen to a player in a tournament. NOen of it has to do with Fencer, Brain King, or the site, but rather, a few rude people and a couple of slow players.
A person can sign up for a small tournament with a fast move limit.
Thisb rings me to another point. You and a few others seem to think ti is objectionable when a player who is slow holds up a tournament. I for one have little to complain about in this regard. A person is entitled to use the time given to him.
BUt, I was a bit surprised to see you chiming in about slow players, given that you play veyr slowly, taking a long time for each move, regardless of the game situation, which is in fact, holding up a tournament.
Anyhow, perhaps you weren't compaining about that act, but just opitning out that it may screw up a brain Pawn who cannot enter any more tournaments.
That was my whole point though-- a paying member need not worry about that.
You said a player might not be able to fins chatting partners in his one tournament? SO WHAT? he can enter 20 non tournamnet games and find chat partners. that portion of your argument is very weak because a player need not play tournament games to chat with opponents. In fact, if one was interested in chat, Why would he play tournamnets games instead of casual personal invite games?
<But please, Dmitri, dont say that people who truly cannot afford membership are irrelevant to ANY discussion. >>>>>
I am confused by your statement Harley. TTJazzberry and I were discussing ability to pay as a sidebar to one of our discussions. I do not believe EITHER of us said that thye are irrelevant to anything.
What we both probably said at some opitn is that the debate is not relevant to the other issues we were debating. If that was not ewhat was said, that was what was implied. I think I may have said that those who treuly cannot afford to pay make up a small percentage of those who are brain Pawns. That is not to say that they are irrelevant, just that they have little statiscital effect on the debate.
There is nothing demaaning about that. If there are 5 millionaires who play here, then those 5 peopel are also statistically insignificant (out of 4800 non paying memberas).
ANyway, my diatribe was actually EXEMPTING those people (who truly cannot afford) from my scorn. I am taking issue with those who CAN pay but don't, then complain. The only thing I said about those who truly cannot pay is that maybe time would be better spent doing something other than playing online games. Of course, if said person is disabled in some way, that might not be possible.
BUT this is all off on a tangent. The real issue is that most brain Pawns can afford to buy a membership, and for whatever reason, do not. I don't think it is because they are dissatisfied with the site, but rather, because they don't feel like getting sometihng for something when htey can get something for NOTHING instread.
And that is theuir choice! I do not object. One of my veyr best friends is a Brain Pawn. But, I guarantee you that never in a million years would he actually complain to Fencer that he isnl;t getting enough. He realizes (unlike some of the loufder brain Pawns) that he is not paying anything, and he is happy with what he has.