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lets hope thats true then, cos the person who did, is the one who needs disciplining, if they couldnt hack men humour, then they should have left the cave and started up their own fellowship for weasels
Get one thing straight, Steve. I did NOT copy and paste anything to anybody. No-one did as far as I know. This all kicked off before I came online this morning.
I can only speak for myself but Bumble did not copy & paste anything to me. Not all men at the cave share your sense of humour. Luckily for women everywhere, some men have respect.
Not a floosie, it is about fellowships. the cave was somewhere to put feet up, have a beer and laugh off stupidness rather than come onto public and fight. But Bumble etc copy pasted to you lot.
Bumble, the debate can carry on sensibly, and hey, you in trouble with Not a floosie cos you said opposite to her LOL
Steve, that particular word may not have been mentioned outright, but it was implied, and even if it was not intentionally implied - thats how women feel after being discussed in such a way. The content of that discussion was absolutely vile and has no place in normal society. The women on BrainKing are just as likely to be upset by that than if you had said it to them in a pub. Nobody wants to be discussed or thought about in that way.
Now although this is a fellowships board, and would normally be the correct place to discuss this, because of the content I would ask that any further discussion is sent to me privately. I'll try to explain why so many people are offended if you don't understand by what I have just said.
I seem to be playing in a fellowship tournament for a fellowship that is not there. If someone did not like anything said in the cave they had a choice to leave.
Can the Ex-members of the Cave have an explanation please Fencer why the Cave was deleted, and why no warning was given.
If it is anything to do with that was talked about in there, it was in a private fellowship and was harmless fun, just like what happens in certain other fellowships, BUT of course that is fine.
I have plenty of things copied/pasted and sent to me from other fellowships that would make VERY interesting reading to alot of other people (including Fencer).
Why are certain fellowships allowed to get away with this and not others ??? (as if we dont know !!).
You must have an altered version then Rose.
Fencer tried to delete the fellowship with minutes warning.
Just incase this happened (twisting) Ive saved the posts :o)
oooohhhhh harsh words Rose.
You female, shows that someone needs disciplining by Fencer for copy pasting then. Thanks for that. Now we know its not because Fencer was reading the board.
I have started a new Fellowship for anyone intersted in Scrabble. Just pop along and ask to join. We will be holding tournaments and hope to run a ladder system as well. Of course we will also be playing all the normal Brainking games there as well.
So if your interested, just pop along to ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble and have some fun with the letters :o)
Bumble: Well, kind of, I guess. :) It has oft been said that when you assume you make an *ss out of you and me, and the word itself lends to that definition. ;)
I've noticed when paid members memberships run out, they (PAWNS) still show up in the Fellowship list.
This is good so they can at least continue any fellowship tournament they are in, but I was wondering if anyone knew if they can also still read / post to fellowship boards, or join new fellowship tournaments as pawns (that are still in the Fellowship list)
Oh bwild grow up please. I wasn't 'doggin someone', it was a long time ago when we had that last discussion about beer, and it was a joke. This was an attempt to turn HOME into the usual "who wants a beer?" "I'll have one" "wine for me" discussion which appears over so many boards. Well whatever, thats fine in its place but I don't want it at HOME. I'm sure I can live without your respect for that. But I'll tell you one thing, you want to jump on me for politely asking Steve to take it to a board that doesn't mind... what about the 'respect' he then showed everyone here by swearing over at least 4 boards that I saw - including HOME. He has his own fellowship where he can do his virtual drinking and he can swear as much as he likes. Why bring it to my fellowship?
MM: Yes, the fellowship news board is the one to which I referred. I've noticed it in both mine, so I'm going to ass-u-me it isn't only mine which is affected thus. ;)
well I would normally agree with that...EXCEPPPPT...alcohol has been mentioned at the Home fellowship many times! In fact,I stole a beer truck from there one day!! But if its the Big Bosses perogitive to make a change in the rules,by doggin someone...that really lowers them on my respect list.I find it hipocritical and childish.
This seems to contiually go on...then these abusers call on Fencer to come to their rescue and remove the individuals in the name of justice.
bwildman - I've read a little about what had happen (with the word beer and such), and there is one rule that you and everyone has to remember.
The BIG BOSS is in charge of a fellowship, and if they do not want certain subject, words, users, games, etc... in their fellowship, then it is their right to ask for it not to be there. I mean we can debate for months about what is approprate and such, but that rule is always rule #1 - and if the BIG BOSS says no, then no, it is not allowed there.
Is anyone aware that the subject line of a news board post is not posted on the fellowship page? Is there a reason for this? Is it an oversight? Will it be fixed in BK2.0? Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.
bwild.. my daughter is a member here and in the fellowships too, she is 13, so is quite capable of reading the boards.... I don't believe i nag (although i know some will say i do! LOL) about things on the boards.. I don't beieve I am a do gooder either... although I do try to help people as a lot of us do.. including you :)
Obviously my daughter at 13 knows all the swear words.. she doesnt generally hear them at home.. and i dont really want her to see them here.
I let her join here as it is a freindly site...
and some great people here....
Also have you heard me cuss and talk like a sailor???
(ocultar) Si deseas saludar a alguien en su lenguaje materno prueba nuestro Diccionario del Jugador, en el vínculo "más sobre los idiomas" justo bajo las banderas. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)