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Friends and relatives are welcome too! We can always insert something in the title to reflect that if it is a problem. I am open to suggestions from all within this Fellowship and would like to thank the members for all their support and help and especially for sticking by me as fill in BB untill the original BB comes back.
We don,t care if you are beautiful, we,ll still have you lol! Actually we not really good or bad but some of us might be ugly, I,m pretty ugly even for a mouse lol! This is a fun Fellowship ran by great people(just like me and Cross ) All welcome!
Everything around us has a past. In here we delve into that past. If you have anything you want to know more about or have been curious about, this is the place to find (hopefully) the answers, along with teams, tournaments, ponds and stairs, Scrabble matches, a Nascar group and Ŧħε Οtħεr Οld Ført is open 24/7 for something to laugh at (drinks are free),
We include a room Før Ŧħøsε Wħø Spεak Αηøtħεr Laηgųagε, teams, tournaments, ponds and stairs, Scrabble matches, a Nascar group and Ŧħε Οld Ført is open 24/7 for something to laugh at (drinks are free)
emmett: The image type must be jpg, gif or png and its size cannot exceed 100 kilobytes. If the image size is different to the required one (120x75), it will be automatically resized.
"Snoopy": Yea I know - I meant to add a with my answer but forgot.
But actually I mistyped. If they do apply, you can either accept, deny, or ban - if you do the ban, they can not apply again. (But I don't think you can "ban" anyone without having them apply first.
I don't think inactive fellowships should be automatically deleted. Some of the members may like to go back and re-read them. Maybe just moving them to an inactive area would be better.
BIG BAD WOLF: I think they should be deleted if they are inactive for a period of time. They just clutter the fellowship list and make it less likely people will find the fellowship they like simply because there are too many dead one to wade through. ;)
Geri39: If the page is not in English, find the England flag in the upper right hand corner and click on it. Clicking on different flags will change the language, and possible you got started out on a different language.
Could Someone Tell Me The Prices Of a 1 Month Membership Here or even a 6 month? They aren't in english.THe Reason I ask is Because I was Banned for 90 Days on gt & Wanted to Join a club here.Thanks
joshi tm: Or as someone said on the other board - maybe do what they do with ratings and just "hide" the inactive fellowships from the fellowship board list.
I'm not sure what the best way for the system to determine what is an inactive fellowship.
= = = = =
Another idea is some fellowships now are basicly "open" fellowship for anyone who wants to come in - while others are very private invite only for friends type of fellowship. Since private fellowships don't really need to be on the list (since they are not looking for people to request to join), be able to "hide" them also.
... with of course an option to "show all even hidden fellowships" on the list.
A discussion started on the Feature request board, but I will continue it here.
So what to do with inactive fellowships. I've went through only the first page, and here is what I found:
Noodleland - inactive pawn BIG BOSS - with ongoing tournament. Plenty of members, possibly have Fencer post in the fellowship if anyone wanted to take it over from current BIG BOSS
Survivor - inactive pawn BIG BOSS - with only 3 active members still on the site - no running tournaments, probable safe to REMOVE
Dodo Club - ACTIVE pawn BIG BOSS, but only 2 active people in the fellowship - Probable need to ask pawn if they plan to renew, and if not - remove the fellowship
Club 2000 - inactive pawn BIG BOSS - only 1 active person still on this site, and they are a knight - no active tournaments, fellowship needs REMOVED
Kwyjibo - active pawn BIG BOSS - only 2 pawns in the fellowship - probable need to check with BIG BOSS to see if they are planning on renewing, if not - remove the fellowship
ArnieAddick's UK Reversi - inactive pawn BIG BOSS - no active tournaments, no active members - REMOVE fellowship
- inactive pawn BIG BOSS - only 1 users still active rook on site. But has active tournament still, and possible active stairs - see if active user wants fellowship - if not, make sure no stairs games are going and tournament is complete and remove.
PENTE-TENTIARY - inactive pawn BIG BOSS, and only users - REMOVE fellowship
Crissie's Clubhouse - inactive ROOK BIG BOSS - since a rook, don't delete - also has plenty of members - say wait if BIG BOSS comes back, and if not - see if another members wants to take over.
Crazy Pente - inactive BIG BOSS, with few active members - no active tournaments - remove fellowship
Sherlock Humbug - inactive ROOK BIG BOSS - like other, since rook, don't delete - also has other active members - say wait if BIG BOSS comes back, and if not - see if another members wants to take over.
Rocky Horror..... - inactive pawn BIG BOSS with no members - REMOVE fellowship
Angels Among Us - inactive pawn BIG BOSS, with a few active players. See if one of them wants to take over, if not remove the fellowship
BIG BAD WOLF: I just skimed through them some has the same thing as ustica tnp where there is no link at all , i thought that it was maybe because i still had tournaments running , but i also found the *You cannot leave this fellowship until you finish all following internal tournament games:* on some , and some was just fine . Noodleland The Mod Squad
I beat you I know what happened - Fencer earlier made a change to the order of finished team tournaments in a fellowship - and somehow this messed up the page load for fellowships that did not have any complete team tournaments to list on their fellowship. Should be an easy fix for Fencer.
Jason: What other fellowships? Does it stop at the Finished tournaments area? If so, my guess some code in a name of one of the tournaments is causing the page to not load completely would be my guess.
BIG BAD WOLF: I have just looked at some of my fellowships , there seems to be a bug or something because half of them i cannot see anything to remove myself .
ustica tnp: Looks like some sort of bug on the page which does not let it load completely (Since I can not even see the copyright information at the bottom of the page.)
Let Fencer know about that fellowship - some kind of bad code on that page or something.
BIG BAD WOLF: no. its only one (Receive group messages from the Big Boss Discussion boards | News archive Casablanca - 309 messages ) this is the fp. Casablanca
ustica tnp: On the bottom of the main fellowship page there is a check box and a "Leave this fellowship" along with a text box to leave the BIG BOSS a message.
If you currently have fellowship tournament games going, you can't leave - but will have a message that says "You cannot leave this fellowship until you finish all following internal tournament games:" along with a list of the games.
Modificado por MadMonkey (16. Enero 2007, 14:39:13)
BIG BAD WOLF: Thankyou, we are , there are 2 other Felowships in all 22 as well i think.
Its great to take part in all of them, AND i must thank the Madhouse members for there support. Alot of them are playing games they have not played before
Good for them, that should be what the sites about, having fun.
(ocultar) Si deseas encontrar un adversario de parecido nivel de juego al tuyo, echa un vistazo en la página de Clasificaciones del tipo de juego que quieres y busca a uno con un BKR similar. (pauloaguia) (mostrar todos los consejos)