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This is a club devoted to the neglected scriptural truth that God will eventually save all humankind through Jesus Christ our Lord, & that there is no literal Hell as taught by Christian theologians, etc. All are welcome for discussion & learning, and even for debate within respected guidelines. It is not an open mind you need....but an open heart.
I second that. Even if it means I must leave for doing my sordid part. I did not swindle people like Chief KM but I did play along with his game and use multi-nics etc. Most but not all created by him but I had access to some of them. And I knew about the swindling. So I am guilty and would at least like to say I am deeply sorry and ask forgiveness. It is coming clean time.
I'm sorry to hear that Princess, as you are one of the friendliest people I know and don't deserve that treatment from anybody. Some supposedly grown-ups can be very juvenile.
But cheer up baby. You are my Princess and can be in a club with me anytime you like. :o)
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