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anyone who thinks someones opinion is worthless is very short sighted and misses a lot in life.
Everyone has a voice and their opinions should be heard. The fact that you take this chance to publicly belittle someone who's opinion is definately worth something shows that it is your opinion that is in fact worth less than purples.
A good mediator knows that there is always two sides to listen to.
I see that Stevie deleted all his posts to make himself look innocent.
We all know that he instigated this whole mess and just like he did in the fight club, he ran away.
Deleting posts and running away is beginning to become a bit of a habit with him and I dont think he should be able to do this because the other posts now no longer make sense.
Cindy Lauper followed by Phil Collins with the same song come to mind here but that is one for the Fellowship called music triva