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I wonder if the problem of multiple nics has surfaced here yet. If it hasn't, it will; it's one of the curses of Gold Token and one of the reasons so many good game players have left there for the Great Beyond.
Some of the Clubs at GT are strange and upsetting. Surely each of us has a perfect right of expression so long as it isn't patently and obviously offensive, but over there a lot goes on that, in my fairly liberal opinion, shouldn't. the result is that I can't recommend the site to kids as enthusiastically as I did.
Here we have these advantages: it's all new and fresh; Fencer started it as an improvement on current GT practice; and we can all, as oldtimers of the future, keep an eye out for mutinics, abuse and upsetting speech. We have the chance to keep Fencer's wonderful new place bright and happy and active!
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