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aberann: ah ok! sorry .. i didnt look far enough in the past (only checked out your last 10 games)
your opponent had a much lower bkr than you did thats why you didnt win any ful bkr points (maybe you won a few tenths of a point though, not sure, but it wouldnt be much
playBunny: *nod* but thats like work .. i am lazy :)
i am trying to find out how many points i got when my opponent resigned .. i think 3 ... but not sure how many points i already had before that .. i will go through the games though :)
Hrqls: It's easy. Go to the game and count the number of times the cube doubled, unless the game ended with a dropped cube in which case ignore that one. Then check to see whether the opponent lost a single, gammon or backgammon (applauding their foolishness if they did the latter by resigning prematurely). Then do the arithmetic thing.
WhiteTower: Having a block on the 4 point can be very useful if you're behind. In fact a block on the 7 point can be annoying if your opponent is trying to jump over it to get home.
It all depends on how far behind in the race you are.
WhiteTower: Why would you break the block and run with one of the men?
1) Because you're not that far behind in the race and it's worth running and hoping for a tasty double to get the other guy moving too.
2) Because you've run out of timing and running a single man is necessary to prevent your home table from collapsing.
3) Because the odds of a hit and return hit are higher than the odds of catching a man by having a block.
Do you have any positions in your games that we could be specific about?
grenv: Then let me make it a lot more simple. I never played (nor will ever play) cubed bachgammon - I'm a Greek, after all :) For me, every game is life or death - win or loss. There are no backgammons and gammons to consider. Only whether I can stop the SOB who's started taking men off while I have an anchor at their home. Should I "raise" the anchor, leaving one man, or should I leave them both, assuming at the same time I am at either position 1, 2 or 3 (4 or further isn't worth it probably) and that a nasty block is awaiting the unlucky man to be hit by me?
WhiteTower: There are too many variables to answer that in all cases, but in general keeping an anchor (2 on the same bar in your opponents base) means you are putting yourself at risk of being gammoned in exchange for a chance of winning, so you would do it only if losing the race.
If you're losing you would run a piece only if you were trying to save a gammon (say you were 4-0 up in a 5 point match), otherwise try to keep the anchor and build your own prime up forward.
WhiteTower: depends on the distribution of your opponent .. if he has holes in his home then he is likely to have some moves in which he cant bear off .. so you might still have a chance
it also depends if you have a nice block in your own home, if you dont have that .. then dont leave both pieces there
it also depends if its a cube game or not .. with a cube game you might want to make sure you wont be (back)gammoned
it also depends on the match score .. when you are far behind you might want to take some more risks .. although i am not sure about that one
i most often move only 1 piece out and leave the other there to be caught by my opponent
Say one has 2 men together in opponent's home, where men have already started being born off. What is the best practice then?
- Take one man out and see if dice for the opponent is bad enough for a forced hit, allowing one to hit back given more nice dice?
- Leave the men together, hoping for some dice for the opponent to force an open man etc.
Does any of these two scenarios have any distinct advantage, even under conditions?
A scenario. The cube is '2' and is in possession of my opponent. I have the guy on the bar and am bearing my pieces off at a rapid rate of knots. A backgammon or gammon is obvious. The guy resigns. How many points do I get?
Fencer: thank you very much, sir. i think and hope that will help make the role of the cube in a match a little clearer to newbies totally unfamiliar with it. would have helped me a couple weeks ago when i was a cube newbie (would that be a "cubie"? ).
Pedro Martínez: *nod* thats how i read it as well (as its written that way ;)) .. i just wondered if it had to be done all at once .. without getting back at the bar .. glad it doesnt though :)
Single game (1 point) - the winner's opponent has borne off at least one piece.
Gammon (2 points) - the opponent hasn't borne off any pieces.
Backgammon (3 points) - the opponent hasn't borne off any pieces and still has some pieces either on the bar or in the winner's home area (the six pipes where the winner bears off own pieces).
is it still possible to (back)gammon someone when (s)he moved some pieces out of the board before already, and was sent back by the opponent, who then finished the game (maybe even with the player on the bar)
would it be possible to show the match score or the points gained/lost in the message which is sent to the players inbox when a cubegame has been finished ?
Fencer: my suggestion was very simply to replace the word "with" with the phrase "that employs" or "that uses" in the first sentence about the doubling cube. in other words, changing
"Backgammon (and its variants) is the only game which can be defined as a match with a doubling cube"
"Backgammon (and its variants) is the only game which can be defined as a match that employs a doubling cube."