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 Feature requests

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30. Marzo 2011, 09:14:09
Asunto: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes mate. I think I can have a look at it.

30. Marzo 2011, 09:13:40
Asunto: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
tonyh: Hey, take it easy, man. It's just a meaningless detail, compared to, say, the situation in Japan or Libya. Don't take this site so seriously.

3. Febrero 2011, 11:08:29
Asunto: Re: i say again...
rabbitoid: Not recursively, just a single pass. I thought the typical situation in Anti Chess was that one player moves a piece and the opponent is forced to capture it, or am I wrong?

3. Febrero 2011, 09:57:51
Asunto: Re: i say again...
rabbitoid: Actually it's not that difficult because some games are already checking if your opponent can make a move after submitting your move (all checkers variants, for instance). So it would be only modified to "check opponent's moves and if there is only one, insert it to the database" condition.

2. Febrero 2011, 23:43:10
Asunto: Re: i say again...
kleineme: No. I will take care of it when it actually happens.

2. Febrero 2011, 10:29:34
Asunto: Re: i say again...
rabbitoid: Agreed.

2. Febrero 2011, 09:18:12
Asunto: Re: i say again...
plaintiger: The current model of games is not designed for mutual autopass (both players are unable to move several times in a row, which is very usual in Ludo games). You know, we started with Chess and similar games, and didn't expect to add games of this kind. However, the new (completely rewritten) game model will cover all different game aspects, including Ludo features. It will be included in the new version of BrainKing.

25. Enero 2011, 16:10:53
Asunto: Re: only a simple minded person would expect that I have nothing more important to do than BrainKing,
Bwild: Dude, although I don't like to repeat myself, especially to people who don't want to understand, let me explain something to you:

There are several thousands of BrainKing users who mostly do what this site is meant to - they play games and are happy to use what is already done. Then, there are about 10-15 permanent complainers who are never happy, no matter what happens here. Most of them spend hours insulting one another in fellowships and then bother me or global moderators with funny complaints like little kids. Which of these groups is more important to me and my decisions, what do you think?

Unlike those who never achieved anything and only throw dirt to other people's work, I know what to do and I know what is really important. Nobody is forced to agree with me and, of course, nobody is forced to stay on BrainKing. We live in a free world, huh?

25. Enero 2011, 15:56:11
Asunto: Re: Fencer
Bwild: You better think twice before posting something like that. If you bother to read carefully, you would know that I was merely responding to simple question, not making any promises. Second, only a simple minded person would expect that I have nothing more important to do than BrainKing, but I know it can be quite difficult to understand for some people.

Anyway, chuckle as you want, if it makes you happy. I have my own priorities and I see no reason to change them.

25. Enero 2011, 15:27:15
Asunto: Re: Fencer
Bwild: I didn't ask you to repeat it.
By the way, this discussion board is not for jokes.

25. Enero 2011, 07:00:31
Asunto: Re: Fencer
Bwild: Say what?

23. Enero 2011, 20:27:39
Asunto: Re: Fencer
alexlee: Sooner or later. It's always more work than it seems to be.

23. Enero 2011, 08:32:13
Asunto: Re: Fencer
ellieoop: Official tournaments will be included in the next version of BrainKing.

13. Noviembre 2010, 09:18:58
Asunto: Re: Game Type Addition
fukuhara: Can you confirm that this page contains full and exact rules, which means that if this game is added, nobody would complain "hey, you forgot about this and that rule, and this is all wrong, you must delete all running games and rewrite the model"? I have bad experiences with variants that are not well known in Europe.

28. Septiembre 2010, 09:50:52
Asunto: Re: Tournament Page Features
talen314: The current system does not allow to make more sophisticated filtering.
It might be possible in the future.

14. Julio 2010, 09:55:20
Asunto: Re: die rolls that really ARE random
plaintiger: I recommend to visit Facebook, find pages of popular poker rooms and look at their respective discussion boards. You will find them full of such complaints: "Full Tilt Poker is rigged! Chip leader always wins! I have been playing poker for 20 years and I never saw something like that. Cards are definitely NOT random!".

Heh heh. Given the fact that online casinos and poker rooms are usually regulated in order to keep a fairness and balance, it is clear that no matter what you do, there will be always someone who provides a "guaranteed proof" of the opposite.

As I said many times, BrainKing dice rolls are driven by time in milliseconds (or even nanoseconds), so they cannot be more random and no player has a better chance than others.

However, all game models are being rewritten, so I will have a close look to all pieces of the code and if I find anything suspicious, it will be taken cared of.

2. Junio 2010, 21:14:03
Asunto: Re: New board games
mella2000: Just 33 new games? Give me 2 days and you will have it.
Now seriously, it is very unlikely that I would ever do all of this. It might be easier if I release BrainKing game model API and delegate this work to skilled volunteer programmers.

16. Abril 2010, 19:21:20
Asunto: Re: halma rules
diogenysos: Black has a disadvantage in a lot of games. Should we change them all? That's just a nature of board games.

8. Abril 2010, 21:24:12
Asunto: Re: Chess Variants Experimental Board
Herlock Sholmes: If I have time for it, it might appear in the next version of BrainKing.

7. Abril 2010, 07:20:57
Asunto: Re: tourney sample
Nothingness: The seeding is 1-x x-4 3-x x-2 which should ensure that top players would meet in the final round. Other start positions (marked by x) are not important, ergo randomly filled.

6. Abril 2010, 20:17:13
Asunto: Re: tournament snake format
Nothingness: That's how it works. If a tournament is created with this option.

5. Abril 2010, 17:54:32
Asunto: Re: page setup
Nothingness: Drag and drop boxes will be implemented in BrainKing 3.0.

4. Abril 2010, 14:17:40
Asunto: Re: Weekend and vacation days issue

2. Abril 2010, 18:42:21
Asunto: Re: Flag identification
cowboynoel: That's how it works on BrainKing since 2004.

6. Marzo 2010, 17:22:09
Asunto: Re: All established BKR
Undertaker.: That would be possible, of course. However, the Main Page will be completely redesigned and best BKR box either removed or moved to another location, so I would like to keep this issue open until I have something live to show.

28. Febrero 2010, 13:42:25
Asunto: Re: Shogi variants
niccar: Will be considered.

23. Febrero 2010, 19:43:50
Asunto: Re: Changgi. Korean Chess
Dimarr: I definitely plan it. But cannot promise any date of release.

26. Diciembre 2009, 10:07:44
Asunto: Re: New feature
rabbitoid: I will think about it.

2. Septiembre 2009, 12:04:32
Asunto: Re: Ponds
rabbitoid: A live solution, similar to poker tables, should be the preferred attitude. My opinion.

10. Agosto 2009, 18:02:17
Asunto: Re: Time limit feature for tournaments
AbigailII: How would you use vacation days in Fischer's clock games? Just adding 24 hours instead of a timeout?

10. Agosto 2009, 16:27:37
Asunto: Re: Time limit feature for tournaments That sounds good.

9. Agosto 2009, 16:44:39
Asunto: Re: Time limit feature for tournaments
AbigailII: Good for you. Because there will be nothing but automatic vacation in the new version of BrainKing. And everything will be extremely easy, understandable and hack-proof.

25. Julio 2009, 18:05:27
Asunto: Re: Liar's Dice
kleineme: Thanks. Bluff is not a bad name.

25. Julio 2009, 16:29:19
Asunto: Re:
MadMonkey: Don't forget to put it to your list.

25. Julio 2009, 16:26:37
Asunto: Re:
MadMonkey: Easy and reasonable.

22. Julio 2009, 17:33:12
Asunto: Re: Liar's Dice It's a pure coincidence but I've been watching Dead Man's Chest a week or two ago and thinking about this game as well. However, if it is implemented on BrainKing, it would be a multiplayer game, similar to poker tables, not a two player turn-based one.

6. Julio 2009, 00:20:36
Asunto: Re: discussion boards
Czuch: I want to make a brand new discussion board system for the new major update of BrainKing.

3. Julio 2009, 12:54:16
Asunto: Re: Doubled Dice Chess - new game proposal
AbigailII: What is your point, anyway?

6. Junio 2009, 16:25:35
Asunto: Byes
Modificado por Fencer (6. Junio 2009, 16:28:33)
Single elimination "byes" have been added.
And it works just as I think it should work.

By the way, it works only for tournaments created after the time of this post. The tournament creation form now allows to specify the minimal and maximal value of the number of single elimination tournament players.

For instance, if you create a tournament with minimal 4 and maximal 32 players, and 10 players actually sign up, it will be created as a 16 players single elimination with 6 initial byes, assigned to top rated players.

6. Junio 2009, 08:34:55
Asunto: Re:
Teachme2play: And what do you suggest to add instead?

30. Mayo 2009, 08:38:39
Asunto: Re: Schaholin - new game proposal
ChessVariant: 1) It is with a random start position or do white knights occupy 1-4 rows and black bishops 5-8 rows?
2) Are you sure this game would be balanced?

18. Mayo 2009, 19:24:56
Asunto: Re: Massacre Chess
ChessVariant: I like it.

12. Mayo 2009, 21:12:30
Asunto: Re:
"GERRY": Never.

17. Abril 2009, 16:39:06
Asunto: Re: Single elimination tournaments I hope nobody would complain if the system still deletes tournaments with less than 4 signed players.

16. Abril 2009, 12:30:55
Asunto: Re: Reversi
rabbitoid: I know. It was a joke. But nobody ever showed me a reliable proof of exact rules that are absolutely clear about the colors.

16. Abril 2009, 11:58:48
Asunto: Re: Reversi
midyear: Who cares? It's just a color.

7. Abril 2009, 16:16:36
Asunto: Re: Achievements
pauloaguia: To be released later today.

6. Abril 2009, 15:08:41
Asunto: Re:
joshi tm: That's more like it.

2. Abril 2009, 13:22:20
Asunto: Re: Holidays and auto pass
Undertaker.: I see 35 only.

19. Febrero 2009, 08:24:33
Asunto: Re: Poker, multiplayer... Ponds!
rabbitoid: True.

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