Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
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You missed one out LMAO
But then what is wrong with me using my family's accounts when no moves on mine and they dont mind me moving for them? And I am bored at work :o)
I bet you have more than 1 account. You will also notice that I do not play against myself on these accounts, but they have played each other. Also i announced on the debate board that I use this account, so it isnt a secret .
And each time I have posted on your boards and made valid points, you have banned the account.
BTW, this account has not said anything worth banning from this board, and is trying to learn Gothic chess, so I hope it stays able to post.
If so, then it will stay polite :o)
I was asked to annotate this game by Nasmichael. It's a game that he loses, but both demonstrate attack and defensive skills in this game. It's a game that is very tactical in nature and a pleasure to go over!
I really am not use to annotating games so I hope I did a good job. My hope is that everyone can enjoy this game and give there ideas on the positions that occur during this game! So if anyone has comments please feel free to give your input as it would be greatly appreciated!!
1. f4 i6
2. g3 Bi6
3. Na3
Nh3 is much stronger in protecting the kingside.
3. ...Ai7
4. d3 Nh6
5. Nj3 O-O
Black is well ahead in development. White should have been getting his Kingside pieces out, such as, Bg2, Af2, O-O.
6. f5 Cf6
7. e4 d5
Black's plan is correct attack White's center!
8. Bg2
Bg5 relieves the pin by the Chancellor.
8. ...Nc6
9. Ah3 Ch5
10.Bf4 Castling here is the safest move. There are many tactical lines that come about if 10. i4! is played.
ex. 10...Cf6, 11. Bg5 Nxf5, 12.exf Axg5, 13. Axg5 Cxf5+ and White is ahead.
if 12. Bxc?? leads to disaster 12...Ne3+, 13. Ke2 BxA, 14. BxB NxQ!
if 12. BxA?? Ne3 dbl+, 13. Kg1 NxQ!
10. ...dxe4
11.dxe4 Nd4 ...e5 is much stronger here forcing the White Bishop to e3.
12.O-O e6
13.c3 c5?! The Knight isn't in a great spot here especially with the c7 pawn vulnerable not to mention the Knight!
14.cxd4 exf5
15.dxc5?! e5 is stronger.
15. ...fxe4
16.Qxd8 Rxd8
17.Ag5 Rh8?
Re8 protects the e-pawn, while Rh8 loses the pawn.
18.Cxe4 Bf5? Another mistake...White's postition is slowly strengthening.
19.Cd6 f6
20.Af3 This loses some steam. 20.Ai3 CxA, 21.jxi
20. Bg4
21.Axb7? Best here is 21.AxB! NxA 22.BxA BxB, 23.Cxb7 and in control.
21. ...Rab8
22.c6 Bxi2!? not a sound sacrifice, but one that helps Black win in the long run.
23.Kxi2 Cj4+
24.Kj1 Cxj3 Ah5 is needed here to continue the attack, however, White is still ahead
25.Rad1?? 25.Cd4 is one of the best Chancellor moves, but almost any Chancellor move here works,
25...RxA, 26.CxR with the threat of promotion as it is White's move gives black a chance at winning the game.
25. ...Ah5! This is the Key move.
26.h3 Ai3+ Black misses a pretty mate in 5!! 26...Bh4, 27.gxB Ai3+, 28.Ki2 Axh4+, 29.Kj1 Cxj2+, 30.Ki1 Cj3 mate.
27.Ki2 Ah5
28.Rd3 Ci5+!
29.Kj1 Aj3!
30.g4 Ci2?? Gives the game back to White & also misses a mate in 3. 30...Ai2+, 31.Ki1 Axh3+, 32Kh2 Cj3#
31.h4! A great move to stop Black's mating threat and get back into the game.
31. ...Cxg2
32.Rxj3 Rxb7
33.cxb7 Cxf4
34.Rxj6 Cf2 Nxg4 was better
35.Rj3?? This is the straw that breaks the camels back! Cd1 and white is still ahead! Black plays it perfectly from here!!
35. ...Cxh1+
36.Ki2 Cxh4+
37.Ki3 Ci4+
38.Kh3 Ci1+
39.Kg3 Cxj3+
40.Kf4 g5+
41.Ke4 Cg3+
42.Kd4 Cxg4+
43.Kc5 Ce5+
44.Kb4 Ng4
45.Nc4 The 2nd and last move of this Knight!!
45. ...Ce7
46.Ka5 Rb8
47. Resigns
Great game guys!!! Yes, there were mistakes, but a fun game none the less...I liked this game more than 99% of mine and I'm not kidding!!
There are more Gothic Chess programs being developed now from around the world. I played one team from The Netherlands (also known as Holland) and one programmer from Germany has some interesting ideas for piece values.
You can see the sparring between the programs online at...
Before I ask my question, I just want to congratulate Ed on the match with Bruce Pandolfini and also thank him for the Gothic Vortex program. I'm currently working on an idea for a "safe" opening. Something like the KIA or Barcza in old chess. In those openings you get a quickly castled king with a solid kingside before getting aggressive elsewhere. You get to gauge your opponent for a few moves before picking your pawn structure, and getting to see where you want to attack. So far I've got 1.i3 2.Bi2 3.Nh3 at move 4 several options present themselves. To stay with the quick castling theme something must be done with the Archbishop. I haven't played enough Gothic Chess to know where the Archbishop can be most effective early in the game. I'm thinking about 4.Af3 5.0-0.
My ambition for a safe opening may be misdirected in Gothic chess. If anyone has any input on this, please feel free to criticize, contribute, or whatever. Thanks, greenknight.
What you have to watch out for after 1. i3 is 1...d5 and now the Bishop on c8 is hitting on your Rook. You have to decide if 2. Bi2 Bxi2 3. Axi2 is for you, or 2. Nh3.
Asunto: Re: Well done on your Gothic Vortex program
Glad you like it.
By the way, if you play it on some of the other levels, like Amateur, Novice, etc., it will turn off some of its knowledge, not just search less deeply. It will turn off the "king safety" code, so it could castle directly into an attack. On some of the higher settings, it will not know how to spot pawn races in the ending that win, so you can outdo it at a later stage.
A part of the challenge was to make it play LESS STRONG without making it play "stupid", and I think we achieved that goal as well.
If you have any interesting games, feel free to use the save as text feature and post them here.
I am not sure the engine would do well against the top players. At extended time controls (days per move) programs are always at a severe disadvantage. Strategy, implemented correctly, is well beyond the tactical range of the computer.
Recall the famous "postal" chess game between Mike Valvo and Deep Thought. Even though it could reach a depth of 33 plies, Deep Thought lost to Valvo, and Valvo even sacrificed a piece!
The opening book I have put into Vortex could get less experienced players in trouble. These players would also most likely lose by missing tactical shots the program would find.
But players like ChessCarpenter, rabbitoid, nstre, JuanGrande, and MatthewHall would probably be able to score wins.
I agree with Steve, but since he cannot refrain from his "name calling" I cannot allow him to post without apologizing and promising to not resort to it in the future.
However, there are at least 3 Gothic Chess programs that are out there now.
You can click the link above and see how they are doing against one another. Gothic Vortex seems to be the early leader, but TSCP Gothic is making very rapid strides and is clearly the second strongest.
Sorry to bother you but I noticed you'd recently posted on the gothic chess board and as I couldn't see a message box I assume I have been banned. I would just like to point out that there's nothing wrong with a tournament in which the program loses all it's games. I think the humans would enjoy it and the machine would be indifferent. If you feel these sentiments are worth posting on the board please do so.
Hi Ed,
I don't like the way how you moderate Gothic Chess discussion board. There are currently 43 banned users and it is not normal. No other board has such problems. Moreover, even if you feel insulted by several other people, you cannot misuse the moderator function to solve your personal problems. A moderator must be kind of adaptable and show some basic diplomatic skills to do the job properly. I've been watching your activities for several weeks [or even months?] and, unfortunatelly, I don't think that you can moderate any BrainKing discussion board any longer.
I am taking over this board.
I have often wanted to make comments here as well, but worry also about being put on that list.. I will start getting involved now.. since I have had a taste of Gothic Chess and it appears interesting to me.. :)
This is a marvelous game. I invite you to play one myself, after I finish a couple of more. Give me a week or two. Invite me after the 27th January. Glad you are interested.
If you review that list, you will see almost all of them were Danoschek aliases.
The only others that were banned used the term "prick" in this board. Perhaps you are not 100% aware of what this word means Filip.
Anyone who called another person this named was banned.
I will not be visiting this board again.
I would like to know if you intend you renew your Gothic Chess license for 2004. There are a few months left on your one year "exclusive" licensing. Perhaps you should contact me privately.
No, no, no. No private messages. I want everyone to see my opinion and statement.
It's not true that almost all of them were Danoschek's aliases, maybe half of them, and you know it. I've reviewed the list before I've deleted it.
You know that I always do what I think is the best for BrainKing, not for any particular user.
And if you don't want to renew the licence, it's your right, of course, and I will remove gothic chess from this site.
Asunto: Its a great day in the history of gothic chess
I personally enjoy the game thourghly.I've met many great players,and though I'm only an averge player..all have treated me with respect.
It would be a shame to lose the game at BrainKing simply because of one persons arrogance.
Tact and diplomacy,has never been eds stong points...and thank you Fencer,for once again making this the greatest game site on the internet!
If anybody thinks I'm happy about this they're wrong. GothicInventor persistenly and in public behaved with a degree of arrogance that insulted not just the members but more importantly, the site owner. Okay, the guy is just mere so who cares? This is a more important moment the exposition of the KM triviality.
will not be renewed, we can play "Capablanca Chess".
It is the original game with the same board and with the same pieces,only with a little bit other setup.
I felt the same way when I first started playing gothic. The good news is that I'm now winning a lot more chess games. Chess seems almost easy after you get used to gothic. As far as the way pieces work together, I link up my Archbishop with either of the bishops (kind of like having a queen behind a rook) or use it to support a knight outpost. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to utilize the Chancellor. has some interesting articles on the Chancellor's Vortex. One thing that really helped both my play in gothic and normal chess was using the tactics program CT-Art 3.0 from This program forces you to ingrain a massive number of tactics into your brain. After doing a bunch of them, you start naturally looking for them in your play. Hope this helps a little.
I hope all parties can work together to keep one of my favorite games, and the reason I play here and have enjoyed myself so much here, on this site which has so much going for it. I know personalities can clash, but "Iron sharpens Iron" and perhaps the sides can rediscover the common ground--the love of the game--that brings disparate personalities together. I love the Gothic Chess here, and I wish for it to stay.
Not Capablanca. Gothic. Work it out.
I am finding the same thing as Greenknight. The "FIDE variant" looks a bit simpler, after several games of Gothic Chess. I was just telling a new player the same thing. People that were beating me at the standard boards are NOT winning anymore. The perspective changes at the Gothic board, and the War of Different Armies makes for a stronger player overall.
There is no "fide-variant", there is only chess. And chess is the standard,all other variants are derivatives.
I am for Gothic Chess too, but if the "inventor" don`t want renew the "license", I am for Capablanca Chess. Btw he has only invented a small modification of CC!
The reason why there is No Capablanca Chess is that White has a huge advantage! So basically this variant isn't playable...where Gothic Chess is a stable variant and a HUGE discovery NOT a samll modification of CC, but the way the 10x8 board should be played! So once again CC is not a playable version!!
The prevalent opinion sees Gothic Chess only as a variation of Capablanca Chess.
There are beside the original setup of Capaplanca some other setups (for instance the "Aberg variation"),which you can use.In the next time I will publish these variations on the board "Other chess variants".
I have never played Capablanca...but I feel anything would be better than allowing the gothc license to be held at Fencers head like a gun.
I hope gothic chess never leaves BrainKing,and that ed realizes that we only want to have fun and enjoy our games.There is no room for personal vendettas,and as a moderator...this is a big obstacle.
I hope things work out so that all involved can reach a mutual agreement.
I recieved a message fom Thad,asking me to inquire if anyone has any thoughts on the possibility of playing gothic chess on a 10x10 board?
I see the 2 extra rows as a huge change in playing strategies.
Bwildman, I think the 10x10 is too slow for Gothic/Capa Chess. Perhaps you will see this if we get the "Grand Chess" anytime, which is played on a 10x10 board.
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