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19. Diciembre 2004, 06:09:51
who here still listens rock musics as Metallica

18. Diciembre 2004, 04:52:41
Asunto: Thunder Island
Jay Ferguson

13. Diciembre 2004, 13:32:15

11. Diciembre 2004, 12:31:37
Most of those links I get no access to

11. Diciembre 2004, 03:12:00
dAMn sHaMe dIMebAg.

10. Diciembre 2004, 01:38:32
sUp, pUNkRockERz!?

10. Diciembre 2004, 01:19:15
great radio!!!!!!!

10. Diciembre 2004, 01:04:56
Andre Faria 
If anyone wants to hear this kind of music (electro-industrial), just go to this site and tune on...

10. Diciembre 2004, 00:46:53
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re: Du hast mich - Rammstein
Rammstein is German for "Ramming Stone".

"The name came from the big catastrophe that happened in Ramstein, which is a place in Germany, where the American airforce had a flight show. They crashed and over 80 people got hurt and killed. They just changed the spelling slightly because Ramstein is actually spelt with one "m".

9. Diciembre 2004, 16:41:23
Andre Faria 
Asunto: Re: Du hast mich - Rammstein

America, ausgezeichnetes musik!!!!! Beschreiben die Amerikaner sehr gut...

9. Diciembre 2004, 16:04:40

9. Diciembre 2004, 14:15:49
Asunto: Du hast mich - Rammstein
it means "You have me" - while
'you hate me' would be "Du hasst mich" ... ~*~

7. Diciembre 2004, 16:52:20
please do not post song lyrics,as they may be considered copyright infringements.

7. Diciembre 2004, 12:35:46
Andre Faria 
Pedro (Ramones), you couldn´t explained any better what I wanted to say...

7. Diciembre 2004, 11:31:53
Nuno Miguel 

7. Diciembre 2004, 10:37:43

7. Diciembre 2004, 10:30:10
Andre Faria 
Why would their lyrics be worst than the hundreds of hollywood movies, or rap bands that have explicit violence, sex,...? Nobody complains about that...

At least, their lyrics are included in a deepest message. In America, they are just criticizing the american way of life (Coca Cola, McDonalds, Bush, and so on...)

7. Diciembre 2004, 09:14:35
Asunto: Re: Narf
Shame about the lyriucs ... doesn't stop the music from being okay though ... nuclear energy is a good idea too :)

6. Diciembre 2004, 12:29:11
Nuno Miguel 
hey ramones!
what music is that?

6. Diciembre 2004, 12:24:34
Hello be wild man. I woul like to dedicate a music for you:

Ramstein - America

6. Diciembre 2004, 11:39:15
Asunto: 6th December ...
1988 - Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Roy Orbison died of heart attack at age 52.

Roy Orbison

5. Diciembre 2004, 23:50:02

5. Diciembre 2004, 19:06:38
Nuno Miguel 
like i suspected.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:59:47
Andre Faria 
but a very good list...

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:58:41
wAs a bIt LoNg

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:50:37
Asunto: Fencer
Its your site.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:47:51
Andre Faria 
bw, in your point of view, only messages saying that this kind of music, or some specific band is good, are acceptable to be posted.

If I dont agree with someonelse´s preferences, or sat that some specific band is crap, my message is deleted. Why? What is the problem? No one here was insulted, besides Britney Spears (Oh God, she must be really down, with our comments)...

How do you get a really fair and nice discussion, if you only accept one of the point of views?

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:45:09
I've deleted the Ramones's 10 pages long post.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:40:08
yup...they were wasnt meant as typing practice...

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:33:45
KiNda stRiCt tHeRe WiLdmAn.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:32:37
a gHoSt.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:31:21
Nuno Miguel 
there is a huge different by insulting a player or talking about some music...and i think it's free at least in europe to tell what a person think about least yet

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:27:38
Be'in aN oL sChOoL pUNk, i aGREe w/yOu 2.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:25:12
Andre Faria 
Nuno, agree with you. Have i offended you? I think you didn´t offended me. Just express you preferences, that are diffrent from mine...

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:22:37
WaSNt iNsULt'd...wAs FuNNy.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:22:28
Andre Faria 
bw, Why are you deleting our posts. We have our preferences and I think we are free to express them.

What is the problem of saying that slam and ramones preferences are good, and some other bands are just garbage. Am I offending someone (besides the band)? Or is just because we have different preferences from the majority?

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:21:39
Nuno Miguel 
what rook, slam?

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:20:51
Andre and Nuno....this is your last warning...I'm not going to keep deleting posts...if you wish to discuss so without insults.Next you go.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:18:20
NuNo..wEreNt yOu a RoOk?

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:15:56
cUTe tHo.

5. Diciembre 2004, 18:13:33
i aINt tYp'iN it aLL..
i'LL sAy tHIs tHo..i sTiLL gOt a gRIp oF LP'z..VinYL..& aLL tHe nEw sH#t i gEt fREe.

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