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Suddenly he was aware of somehting on his legs - he looked down and saw the butter men climbing up his legs
He shook his left leg, but they only clung on tighter.
"This is NOT happening!" he tried to reassure himself. But here he was looking around in his attic that he had broken through with his head! With one hand holding the can of 'Finky Drink', he lifted his other through the broken, plaster- ripped ceiling & felt the top of his head. Sure enough a lump was beginning to form. "Ow," he exclaimed at the touch, "Well I'll be damned."
"Here we go again," he chuckled to himself. What did he care, it was still pouring down rain. "This is as good as it's going to get," he reasoned. Then he decided to get up & make sure the lids on the butter & jam conainers were on tight.
Grabbing his coat he went back to that store and picked up a sixpack of FINKY DRINK, placed it in his refridge and sat down . sipping the drink he seemed to feel the room was getting smaller or Mark was getting bigger he was not sure.
'Drink Me' it read on the flask. "Well no wonder I had hallucinations of butter and jam figures, and falling like Alice in Wonderland!" he thought to himself. "Good stuff!", he laughed.
As he heads back in the house he finds a flask that he remembers drinking the night before. He remembers he bought it at a drugstore down the street. The name had finky drink on it. He remembers he wanted to see what it tasted like. well he found out and then some. A very halucinating drink
for some reason this included his shoes....they were making strange squeeking/honking sounds as they ran...and Mark's feet were still in them...he sat very still and watched as his legs began to stretch for miles...
And that was when the black berry Jam ooozed its way out of an open jar onto the table. It formed a second figure which grabbed up a sugar spoon to wield it at the butterman," I'll have that crust my friend," it bubbled.
"Oh great," said the butterman,"He's always alongside me trying to hog all the glory."
And then the glass of milk turned black, its shape felt warm and soft in Mark's hand...
Skyking: can you invite endgame to this fellowship please. He's a lot of fun at this sort of thing. I don't know if you remember the Yoghurt Theatre? Stemmed from an out of date Yogurt, found in a refrigerator and now a congealed mess ( we won't go there just now!). Thanks.
'You will have to excuse me - I need more coffee!' he said, and went to the kitchen.
Fresh coffee in his mug, he returned to the lounge to find not one but several figures on the table, all with a bit of toast that they had divided between themselves. He would have to make some more. As he went back to the kitchen he vowed that he would never again buy butter from the new store he had got that from and never again would he mix his drinks!
Picking up one of Mark's pieces of toast, the buttery figure sat down on the table cloth and began to eat it.
'Raining, I see' it said.
'Umm. Good er morning' said Mark, cautiously.
'Yes, its raining again - we could use some dry weather.'
he thought about his evening before - he was sure he hadn't had THAT much to drink - just a couple. Perhaps he shouldn't have mixed his beer with brandy!
As he watched in disbelief he saw a small buttery figure walk along the blade and jump on to the table. Standing upright on 2 legs, the figure waved an arm at Mark. 'Good Morning' it said.
He had also read that he could expect something unusual around breakfast time.
As he ate the toast he had prepared for himself he became aware that the butter appeared to be moving...
Two friends are walking along the road one day when they come across a dead rabbit. One fellow pulls out a spray can and sprays the rabbit, and they walk on. A few feet later they stop and turn around and to their disbelief, the rabbit is standing up and waving at them. They take a few more steps and turn around again and the rabbit is still waving at them. One friend says, I can't believe it, Let me see that can of spray. His friend gives it to him and he reads it....Hair Spray....( brings dead hair back to life and leaves a permanent wave)