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Jason replied, "You must leave now, Lurch and the old lady are going too..." just then the door opened and lurch walked in. Jason was gone. "I heard someone talking, in here, are you okay?" said Lurch."
Fine" said Sara. "Alright then" ,said Lurch as he left...
She read the clipping again in disbelief, and started stepping backwards. but she ran into someone behind her....she turned and looked into his big black eyes....
She then enters a room down at the end of the hall and finds newspaper clippings from men and women who had died when their car had stalled--all of them on the same road. She begins to freak out when she recognizes some of the pictures as the people she had seen in the ghastly portraits. However one particular clipping catches her attention. She begins to shake as she stares at the picture of Lurch in one of the clippings and begins to read. "Lurch Leroy died in 1992 when car stalled and then went out of control and crashed in a ditch."...
Despite being afraid, she fell asleep almost instantly, but when she awoke all the candles which had kept the mansion lit were out. She could only see a few feet in front of her. The strom was still raging and there was a giant lighting bolt that lit up the room--but no one was there anymore. She was afraid and did not know what to do. But she was driven to get up to find away out--she wanted to get out of this nightmare as soon as possible. She got up and started wandering aimlessly through the old mansion. Occasionally stopping to wait for the storm to supply her enough light. While walking around the old mansion the feeling that someone was watching never left her...
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