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31. Mayo 2012, 04:15:13
Asunto: Re: May
Chimera: Thanks for recognizing my day.. :)

Happy B-Day Hannelore!!!

16. Julio 2010, 04:16:18
Do do do do do do do do.. they say it's your Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you!

Do do do do do do do do do... they say it's your Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!

Hope you have a lovely Day Emma.. I know this post is late.. but, wanted to say it grande like everyone else!!

29. Mayo 2010, 15:42:39
Asunto: Re:
volant: Thanks Volant.. :) I had a very nice one..

31. Mayo 2009, 05:46:45
Asunto: It's somebodies B-Day Today!!!!!
Maybe even more than one B-Day???

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to Hannelore and to Patty Poo.... I hope it was a very nice day for the two of you.. restful and calm..     

Thanks to All who wished me well.. I do appreciate your remembering it.. It makes me feel special to have such wonderful friends..

7. Julio 2008, 07:41:53
Happy B-Day AngelStar! Hope your Day was great!

31. Mayo 2008, 04:30:21
Asunto: It's a Happy Happy Happy
Birthday to Poo and Han!

30. Mayo 2008, 22:33:01
Thanks so much for the Wishes.. I had an awesome B-Day this year.. I turned 44.. still don't act my age though! LOL

Happy Anniversary to Txaggie how kewl to be at 25 years.. I look forward to sharing that with my Dan.

Also a big Hug and wishes for continued bliss to PBarb and to Uzzylady..
To All .. Have a great weekend..

23. Mayo 2008, 06:33:51
Happy B-Day to all you May babies out there.. and a hug and blessed greetings to all those with anniversaries.. Congrats Pbarb & Jon.. you two are awesome and an inspiration..


3. Diciembre 2007, 15:17:44
Asunto: Re:

baddessi: thankyou hon.. and I hope you had a restful and fun birthday.. did you get pampered??

We celebrated Lauzlo's b-day on Saturday.. he is such a ham.. was looking around the room at everyone there.. and opening up his prezzies.. and he loves chocolate cake! he held on to the piece as gently yet tight as he could and sucked it all down! LOL His cheeks liked it as well.. hahaha

29. Noviembre 2007, 21:14:01
Asunto: My grandson is no longer Zero!!

He is a 1 now!

Whoo hoo.. Happy 1st B-Day Lauzlo.. your grandma loves you big bunches!

10. Junio 2007, 07:56:17
Asunto: Re:

Summer Flame: Already!! whoo hoo.. Congrats girlie girl.. I know I am late.. I don't get over here much and I be busy myself..

Hope your marriage lasts for many many moons..

29. Mayo 2007, 07:44:10
Asunto: Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes

Its been a long weekend.. been moving into our new house.. got lots of really nice things.. and have worked my toosh off! LOL

PBarb.. Hope your anniversary was a nice one..

redfrog:.. What a cutie.. he is so precious.. Congratulations..


16. Marzo 2007, 14:26:13
Asunto: To Groucho

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Dannnnnnnnny

Happy Birthday to you


25. Febrero 2007, 08:04:09

 they say it's your birthday..

Happy Birthday to Ya!

Here's wishing you another most wonderful year!

Happy Birthday Loudmouth..

5. Diciembre 2006, 05:02:39
Asunto: Re: Congrats Scarlet Rose on the birthday of your grandson!!!

baddessi: Thankies hon.. I am enjoying my new title.. :)

Daughter is doing great.. she is happy to have lost 20 lbs over the last 4 days.. haha.. she is still a bit sore.. and I think she will get back to her slim self her soon enough..


30. Noviembre 2006, 22:08:30
Asunto: Re: Congrats Scarlet Rose on the birthday of your grandson!!!
Gr☺uch☺: Oh WOW.. how kewl is this! Thanks so much!

16. Noviembre 2006, 05:14:45

Happy.. Happy Birthday!!!! Foxy................... da da de di dum diddle deee..

May your day be fun and fancy free..

How old are you now?? 27?? lol

10. Noviembre 2006, 01:37:42
Asunto: Fencer!

It's that Special Day!

May it be full of fun and laughter..

6. Octubre 2006, 03:32:30
Asunto: Re: Amandalove!!!!


Happy B-day to you! ♪♪

Happy B-day to you! ♫♫

♫♫Happy B-day to My MOM

♪♪Happy B-day to you! ♫♫



Hope your B-day is filled with joy and happiness.. :) love ya!


8. Agosto 2006, 17:23:04

Happy B-Day


LadyBird & Dakota Spring

May the day be full of fun and laughter!

8. Agosto 2006, 17:18:56

Oh Goodness it's Toesty's B-Day!!!! Whoo hoo..

May it be a Happy one at that!

 How many of these do we put on the cake?? LOL


4. Agosto 2006, 03:32:17
Asunto: Could you add
Runningwolf to your birthdays his b-day is July 26th.. thanks

15. Julio 2006, 06:51:08
Asunto: Re: Happy 10th Anniversary


Happy B-Day Emma!

Hope you have a nice day!


10. Junio 2006, 10:09:22
Asunto: Volant may you have a special day filled with joy and peace..
Happy Birthday all you June Babies.. it is time to


30. Mayo 2006, 18:49:02
Whoo hoo.. Happy B-Day Pattiepoo, Hannelore, and Horseman!

29. Mayo 2006, 22:10:12
Asunto: Thankies so much to
Volant, Dolittle, Mom, PBarb and Badessi..
I had a wonderful B-day and look forward to many more.. :)


26. Mayo 2006, 06:54:33
Oh Goodness! LOL

24. Mayo 2006, 08:48:25
Asunto: Re:
Pbarb2: Happy Anniversary Pbarb.. I know now I am a few days late.. was thinking it was during this upcomming weekend.. got mixed between UzzyLady & txaggie's day.. but anyway..


20. Abril 2006, 03:50:45
Asunto: Happy 12th B-Day to my son James!!
Whoo hooo..

13. Abril 2006, 04:45:05
Asunto: Re:
Watson: Happy B-day Watson!! whoo hoo..

26. Febrero 2006, 23:21:47
Asunto: Re:
Modificado por ScarletRose (26. Febrero 2006, 23:22:08)
Kipling: Wow!! Happy belated Birthday old man! *giggle*.. and a *winkies* too!

18. Febrero 2006, 08:26:32
I heard LittleQ is 2

17. Febrero 2006, 21:17:38
Asunto: Re:
baddessi: lol

15. Febrero 2006, 20:57:43
Oh wow.. I missed it as well.. Happy B-Day Do.. so many things happening the last several days.. Hope your birthday was special for ya..

31. Enero 2006, 03:47:34
Whoo hoo.. Happy B-Day girlie girl..

I hope your day is super d dooper!!

8. Enero 2006, 02:46:29
Happy Birth Day Stevie..

30. Diciembre 2005, 19:15:28
Happy B-day Jules.. hope you have a great day!!

and who would have ever thunk I would wish you this?? LOL

20. Diciembre 2005, 07:34:41
Oh whoa.. man.. you almost got away there bud.. Happy B-Day there Tiger.. Hope it was a roaring good time!

29. Noviembre 2005, 08:03:27
My goodness it's Baddessi's Birthday.. why.. heck.. Time to break out and party!! whoo hoo..

20. Noviembre 2005, 17:19:19
Modificado por ScarletRose (20. Noviembre 2005, 17:19:51)
Happy B-Day Bones.. whoo hoo.. such a happy happy day!!.. hope you treat yourself to rest and relaxation!

20. Noviembre 2005, 01:01:49
Asunto: Re: Congratulations for Lamby!!
Lamby: Great to hear baby and mommy are doing well.. Congrats!

15. Noviembre 2005, 02:31:13
Asunto: Re:
mrloupcity: goodness.. hope it isn't too upsetting..

9. Noviembre 2005, 15:36:35
Modificado por ScarletRose (9. Noviembre 2005, 15:36:57)
Well.. Happy... Happy... Happy Birthday Fencer.... it's that time of year again.. how quickly they seem to come.. huh?

Hope your day is special and relaxing..

29. Octubre 2005, 00:50:46
Asunto: Re: HAPPPY BIRDY!!!!
Ogopogo: Oh goodness.. Happy Birthday Randy.. Hope you had a great day.. :D

26. Octubre 2005, 19:12:25
Asunto: they are all older than us.. huh?
Winnie.. actually is closer to our ages then the others are.. *giggle*

26. Octubre 2005, 15:23:27
Asunto: Re: Thank you
chattytea: hahaha.. NO!!! if so.. better get a really young one..

26. Octubre 2005, 02:56:13
Asunto: Re: Thank you
chattytea: Heck girl.. you don't even lQQk it!!.. you are only as old as you feel you know! ;)

25. Octubre 2005, 21:29:55
Asunto: ~*~*~*~*~ Happy B-Day Chatty ~*~*~*~*~
Modificado por ScarletRose (25. Octubre 2005, 21:30:15)

19. Octubre 2005, 16:52:33

·°§«:*´`³¤(¯`'¤¸`°´¯`°¤.¸«*Happy B-Day BBW*»¸.¤°´¯`°´¸¤´¯)¤³´`*

Party like it's 1999!!

16. Octubre 2005, 17:05:26
Asunto: Re: Sheri and Tippy
amandalove: hehe.. but in that year they actually are seven.. cause they are my fathers pups.. he spoils them rotten.. haha

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