Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
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not sure how old I am.....but my tree was younger than bumbles!!! harley,Baddessi,Floosie,Son,Cariad,Stardust, LittleDo,and ol man bumble.....thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'll see you again next year...same time...same station...
(those aren't candles, harley, they're sticks of dynamite with the word 'dynamite' crossed out and the word 'candle' scrawled on in crayon. He won't notice. )
PauPau: my 30th will never happen as on the 16th December all time will stand still - life will still go on as normal but all clocks will stop so the counting of time will stop too - well thats what im hoping for anyway LOL
PauPau: oh yes 18 candles - the other 12 were for good measure and to fill up the massive birthday cake lol
so glad you loved the card and pressie - have a fantastic birthday as you deserve it and i hope your family spoil you rotten
Just in case i cant get on here tomorrow i want to wish you a very happy Birthday - dont worry i wont tell them how old you will be - I hope you manage to blow all 30 candles out without needing the fire extinguisher - ooooooops i think they may know how old you will be now LOL