Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
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Just found out that it is your birthday and wanted to add my birthday greetings here. I hope you had a wonderful day and wish you many, many more! Happy Birthday Dolittle!!!
Happy belated Birthday to all my friends in the last few days. I am having trouble using the site. Couldn't play games and could post one thing in my fellowship. I am sorry I missed your birthdays. Hope you had a good Birthday.
Stevie: I was going to post you a Birthday message here but you havent been on for ages so I didnt, I also meant to text you but forgot sorry, anyway............
Hope you had a great day & hope this is a fantastic year for you! BIG hugs x