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has anyone ever used a like the one in this link ?
what are the important features to watch for ?
i will be going to costa rica next month, including a 3 day walk by foot, and would love to track my path with such a device (mainly for reference when i am back home :))
chessmec: thats true .. when i installed pc anywhere it already warned me it wouldnt work under xp ... i was stubborn and curious .. and wanted to test it ... so i installed it :)
it did work under xp!!! i could do exactly what i wanted to do .... it just messed up my graphics driver ;)
(and thats something i didnt expect :))
they will buy me a new version i guess ... or i cant connect to the remote pc anymore .. which is no pain for me either as thats the pc which gives the most nasty problems all the time ... so i would rather not connect to it :)
i downloaded vnc .. didnt know it was free .. so i can play around with it :)
the computer i have to connect to i have to reach via dial up ... 'pc anywhere' will accept the dial up on the other side .. i cant use 'external connection' of windows to connect to the computer as i dont know how to specify the username/password/... as it was handled by 'pc anywhere'
how can i create a dial up connection with VNC ?
when i run the VNC server on the remote computer .. can i set it up to accept incoming calls so i can connect to it from my pc at the office via dial up ?
this morning i started my pc at work .. it was back at 800x600 (as expected) .. i did nothing but uninstall 'pc anywhere' directly ... rebooted .. and my graphics settings were perfect again :)
i didnt even have to change them manually for the last time
now i just have convince my boss to buy the new version .. or vnc .. can vnc also connect to a computer which has 'pc anywhere' running to accept remote sessions ?
(the host computer is still on windows 98)
thanks for the help! you pushed me into the right direction .. i would have been stubborn enough to keep trying to make the system work with the old version still installed :)
chessmec: *nod* did all updates .. and even checked for updates after i did the updates .. and installed the updates for the updates .. etc. until nothing was found missing :)
i have a problem with my (new) pc at work ... it has windows xp preinstalled .. i only installed xp once (after a clean format) .. and didnt use it much yet
all was working fine until i installed 'pc anywhere' .. it warned me it wouldnt work fine under xp .. but i was curious .. and it seems to work
but after installing it my display settings went to 800x600 with 16 colors with no other options
(i had it at 1024x768 with 32 bit colors)
so i reinstalled the graphics driver .. and i could chose 1024x768 with 32 bits colors once again
after a reboot though i was even set back to 640x480 with 16 colors .. with no other options
i had to remove the graphics/display driver, reboot, reinstall the drivers .. and all is working fine again
now each time i reboot i am set back to 800x600 with 16 colors .. i then remove the drivers, reboot, reinstall the drivers and it works fine until the next reboot
i am logged in as admin .. can install and change anything i want ... which is also saved ..
only my display settings/driver isnt saved :(
(another program is running 'pc angel' .. i dont know it .. its for recovery purposes .. i cant find where to stop it from starting up .. its not in the normal list in 'msconfig' .. maybe thats the cause of my problems ?)
does anyone have any clue what is going on ? (and how to fix it ;))
Jason: thats whats been happening then! i was working on my old pc ... which battery is empty .. when i start it up i am hold .. have to go into the bios first .. make it recognize my harddisk, save the settings (which also saves more properties) .. and then it will boot up ok
the date is set back to its start though .. i forgot which date .. but quite some days in the past :)
thanks for finding the cause ... now i can sleep again
does anyone else notice the same games again ... make a move you already made .. your opponent moves right away (although he isnt even online) .. and you can move again
you read some boards which shows new messages which were new some hours ago (while you see those you see a different number of waiting games in the title bar) .. when you refresh the page you suddenly see the correct of new posts and the correct number of waiting games in the title bar
i am on an old computer now .. my normal computer crashed badly yesterday .. reinstalling windows on it now .. so maybe its this old beast which is causing problems on me ;)
in 98 i right click on the task bar, click on properties, go to the second tab and there i can clear the list :)
(which will also clear the list of 'execute' in my start menu)
Mousetrap: to clear the drop down bar you have to go to the internet properties (right click on the internet explorer icon on your desktop and chose 'properties' then go to the 'content' tab and click on 'autocomplete' in there clear the forms and passwords
but i think thats not it i think you have to clear the recent file list .. i dont know how to do that in windoes xp ... i mainly use windows 98 :) .. which version of windows do you use ?
MagicDragon: macs can be ok .. they were a lot more expensive than pcs .. but i think the prices are becoming more equal now ? .. i never had a mac .. i love the freeware and games that are there for a pc ... i know very little games for macs
on a pc you can also use any linux distribution if you are into some finetuning of the os and want to have a stable environment (i still have to go there myself :))
when you plan on playing some games also have a look at your graphics card ...
in the past i thought the processor was the most important .. some years later the memory was the bottle neck which decreased performance when it wasnt enough so it was the most important .. now i think (as long as you have a decent processor and at least 512mb) the grapghics card will become the weak part which slows things down .. and probably the harddisk as well
what percentage of the people visiting bk are using firefox ? and what percentage is using ie ? and what percentage is using webtv ? and what percentage is using something else ? ;)
:) i like the tabs .. and bk looks better .. i can go 1 page back in history even if its a screen in which i fill in data (to invite someone for a game) in ie i had to go back 2 screens and then start from there again :)
i dont like to click with my wheel though .. i think i even have it disabled :)
when it says 'apearently to' then you have gotten a 'fake mail' .. someone is using your address in the 'from' field in the email format
we used to do this a lot in college .. was great fun :) .. but the security got a bit better after some years and it wasnt possible anymore for us on there. most providers dont allow this nowadays.
you could try to put a filter on your own address and when you receive email from yourself it is automatically deleted. but of course that way you will never be able to send yourself some emails from that address (be sure to test it thoroughly if you try something like that) not even a copy (cc) from a mail you are sending to someone else
the red crosses dont matter that much to me .. but sometimes the pieces on the game boards dont show up .. i then hit F5 (in IE) and the page is refreshed often showing the images correctly .. sometimes i need several refreshes though
since my java is being awkward lately i installed Opera which works nice ... but when i use Opera to play on BK it strecthed the backgammon board twice as wide at my 4th move (i have 2 dices with the same number) .. dont know why .. i havent investigated it more thoroughly so i didnt report it yet
how do you go to your hotmail ? do you read it in internetexplorer ? or do you have it setup in outlook (express) ?
are you supposed to send an email when you click on the last link ?
how does the box look like where you have to fill in your password ... does it have your hotmail username in it already ?
what is the site where this happens ? is it related to hotmail or microsoft ? or does it happen on more sites ?
if it is to send an email to the people you can have a look at the bottom of your browser when you have your mouse over the link (instead of clicking on it) .. it can show something like 'email://....'
what happens if you get the white screen and wait for some (or more) minutes ?
(oops the back button didnt keep my message .... :))
hmm what did i say ....
if it doesnt happen now and nothing weird happens .. just wait until it shows itself again (if ever) .. if it does ... write down the info the antivirus program gives you)
have a look at the 'downloaded program files'
check if there is anything you dont need in there (in case you remove something you do need, it will install itself again after asking you when you need it)
on windows 98 you can find it at C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files
and probably something similar on windows xp
on windows 98 you can also get there by right clicking on the icon of internet explorer on your desktop, then go to the 'settings' of your 'temporary internet files' and then have a look at the 'objects'
if its write protected its probably in use .. close all programs you dont need (press ctrl alt delete and have a look at the processes running) .. you can also try to start windows in 'safe' mode (although i am not sure if thats still possible in xp) .. or when nothing else helps try to delete the file from the msdos prompt (which will always leave some traces .. but no dangerous ones i think)
Asunto: Re: there are various methods of having two
i have a install cd of xp which i can install on my win98 pc .. it will show a menu at bootup in which i can choose which version of windows i want to use .. i am not sure if this can be done with me as well .. but i guess it would be possible ?
(on another pc i have the question if i want to use win98 or linux)
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