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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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16. Febrero 2006, 17:21:01
I had the same problem a few months ago it damaged my hard drive (2 of them) i have found out since that it was overheating , but even after cleaning all the dirt/dust off the prosessor (sp) it has damaged my pc so i need to replace the motherboard now also a new hard drive. so cleaning is always a good idea every so often

16. Febrero 2006, 17:09:00 
Asunto: Re: Puter problem
Doris: When you say freeze up, are you saying you have to reboot each time - or does it just get REALLY sluggish every few minutes.

Other things it might be is spyware/virus that is slowing things down. Too many things that auto-start with the computer could be another.

16. Febrero 2006, 16:59:41
Asunto: Re: Puter problem
Doris: An overheating CPU - please make sure you're not over-overclocked and/or your PC's ventilation system is running OK.

16. Febrero 2006, 16:52:32
Asunto: Re: Puter problem
harley: Yes that is about what I would say too. If your harddrive is full or nearly full it can stop the system from working properly. Check to see if it is full
Double click the my computer icon, right click on your C drive and go to Properties. See if you have much disc space left.

16. Febrero 2006, 16:49:02
Asunto: Re: Puter problem
Doris: Too much stuff on your hard drive comes to mind straight away. Delete old files, do a disk clean-up, a scandisk and a defrag. That may help.

16. Febrero 2006, 16:47:11
Asunto: Puter problem
What will make a computer freeze up every few mins.?

14. Febrero 2006, 18:31:28 
Asunto: Re:
What I use to do is make 1 CD backup/archive of my pictures/data that I have, and place it in a fire proof safe - which then after some research learned that even though it is a fire proof safe, it is not rated to keep CD's and such safe - meaning it would probable get warm enough to melt things - but not burn. I had since made 2nd copies of all CD backups, taking the second copy elsewhere out of my home.

I have not actually looked at any of those CD's to see if any of those have gone bad, but recently I opened a pack of CD's that I purchased many years ago, and there were a few brand new ones (few years old) that you could already tell was "going bad".

I'm going to have to dig out the old CD's to take a closer look at them here soon since I'm kind of curious now.

14. Febrero 2006, 17:03:30
Asunto: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Thank you for that information. It was very informative and a real eye opener/

14. Febrero 2006, 06:42:21 
Asunto: Re:
harley: CD's can go bad - mostly CDr's, rarely professionally pressed CD's. Depends on the quality of the CDr's that you buy - how much stress is put on them (like when they are in the case and you push down in the middle to get it out - it also puts "stress" on the disc which can cause the glue between the layers of the disks to start to give out.

Couple stories about it:

Plus a story which tries to paint a beter picture:

My opinion: I would rather be safe then sorry with my archived data.

14. Febrero 2006, 00:53:00
Great ideas. Memory stick... hmmm! I like that one. Do CD's really go bad? Not happened to me yet!

13. Febrero 2006, 19:38:22
Asunto: Re: Re: Re:HJSplit
BIG BAD WOLF: *nod* me too .. i hardly used hjsplit myself .. and now use my 1 gb usb stick whenever needed ... hjsplit might be easier in use than winrar though .... at least i can see my dad easily use hjsplit but not that easily use winrar to split a file :)

13. Febrero 2006, 19:22:51 
Asunto: Re: Re:HJSplit
Hrqls: I've used HJSplit before - very helpful when all I had was a CD burner and still have some files too big. Of course since then, I have learned about WinRar and would probable use that if I needed to. Of course since then I now have bigger USB memory sticks which can hold most files. Of course I also have a 200g Maxtor OneTouch II drive attached to my computer that always stays hooked up. I have a 100g drive that I hook up to backup all my pictures to now (since CD Backups will only last a few years before the CD's start to go bad!) - then I stash the 100g drive elsewhere for safe keeping.

13. Febrero 2006, 18:04:56
Asunto: Re:HJSplit
harley: you can also use HJSplit to split the files and join them back again on the other computer.

another option would be to use an usb stick of a sufficient size

13. Febrero 2006, 16:36:07
Asunto: Re:
harley, the easiest is to just get an external hard drive. I have a 300g Maxtor OneTouch II. I just connect it to a computer (USB), and...Presto...I can't tell the difference between that and an internal. Put what you need on it, then take it to the other computer.

13. Febrero 2006, 11:11:39
I need some information about satellite internet connection and DVB conection can anyone help me in this case?

12. Febrero 2006, 20:44:55
and better touch some wood too to ward off the gremlins

12. Febrero 2006, 20:43:46
Asunto: Re:
ScarletRose: I usually let my other half deal with the hardware, he looks so good brandishing a screwdriver and later a hammer

12. Febrero 2006, 18:36:48
Asunto: Re:
harley: just a few screws dear.. and a good grounding.. touch something metal to get all the shockies out!! and whala..

12. Febrero 2006, 17:40:14
Ahh I already have Rar but didn't think it would be much different than Winzip.
Taking the harddisk out, are you kidding?! Seems a bit drastic! I'm not good with the inner workings of these things!
Thanks for all the advice

12. Febrero 2006, 10:55:01
Asunto: Re:
harley: Oh and as for the game for teh PC upstairs, you can take your harddisk out, take it upstairs, connect it to the MB of teh other PC, copy the file from that Harddisk to that of your kid's PC and take the harddisk back to its original place.

Ali mentioned a good solution too. With WniRar you can split a big file into smaller zipped files, then you can copy them all onto a disk, or several disks, and copy them to your second pc, and when you want to unzip the files, the program will automatically ask for the second part of the splitted file after unzipping the first, then the third, so on.

12. Febrero 2006, 00:02:34
Asunto: Re:
harley: I think that it is better that you use WinRar, and in this program you put the split volume size on 700 mb , so this program will create 2 Rar( or also Exe with using SFX archive) and u can transfer those to another PC .I think it is the best way for transfering hight capacity files.So download this program from web ( 1 mb ) and enjoy from that .

11. Febrero 2006, 21:39:14
Asunto: Re: Does my file look big in this?
playBunny: thankies I C&P'd your instructions on my notepad.. just so you know..

11. Febrero 2006, 21:31:53
Asunto: Re: Does my file look big in this?
playBunny: You've seen my site? *blush*

actually I tried not too long ago to do that.. I might just try it again.. and.. I remember you giving me infor earlier.. sorry I seemed a bit dense.. been exhausted.. will mess with it a bit later..

Thanks again..

11. Febrero 2006, 21:19:17
Asunto: Re: Does my file look big in this?
playBunny: So how does one take for instance a movie she made in class.. and put it somewhere to let others see it? It is a large file.. let me find it and get the spec's

11. Febrero 2006, 21:11:52
Cheers Bunny, I've saved the page, I'll give it a go later. Thanks

11. Febrero 2006, 20:50:27
No they're not, I want to put a game onto my kids PC's upstairs, and a friends who isn't on the net, so it really needs to go on a disc. The disc is 800mb and the programme 1250mb.

11. Febrero 2006, 20:13:35
Does anyone know anything about zipping files? I thought it made them smaller, but I have a programme I want to put on a disc to transfer to another PC, only its too big for the disc. I zipped it using winzip, and tried to put that on but its showing as the same size?

9. Febrero 2006, 11:35:03
Asunto: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: you can put any music that you have on cd to your samsung digital audio player ,but to save on space converting them to mp3 or some other format will allow you to hold much more tracks. i think the latest windows audio player can do this for you which is free .

8. Febrero 2006, 23:08:31
Asunto: Re:
رضا: OK, so its a copy paste type of thing.... thanks Reza I will try that!

8. Febrero 2006, 22:50:58
Asunto: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: The sites providing you with that much music are usually pay-sites. Th eprice is cheap, say $20 for a year, but you'll have to trust them then use your credit card.

About you player, first download the music to say c:\ or anywhere else on your hard disk. Then use the USB cable to connect the player to your PC. When you do that, your windows should be able to recognize the player and show you teh message: New harware found. Or something like that, near the windows clock.

Then if you go to your 'my computer' icon you'll see an icon added to the group of icons there, that is fo ryour player. For example, you'll see C, D, E, and F as your drives, then your CD-rom drive and then another icon which is for the player.

Just copy the file you downloaded, by right clicking on it and then selecting copy, go to that new icon for your player, double click on it to open it, and then when you're in it, right click on the page, and select paste.

It'll hopefully do.

8. Febrero 2006, 22:47:43
Asunto: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Your installation instructions must mention some way that you can transfer files from the PC to the player via the supplied cable. Either a "removebla drive" is recognised every time you connect the player via the cable to the PC and you power it on, or a special interface program appears. In either case, just go to the appropriate folders for either side of the cable and transfer away :)

8. Febrero 2006, 22:39:17
Asunto: Re:
Hrqls: Maybe this is too much for this type of forum....
I have the usb cable, but....

Do I go to the website with the music first? Then ask it to download a song to my computer? Then go to windows media player or to my desktop to find this download file? Then how do I play it or send it to my player?

Also I want to find maybe a genre of music like 70s music where I can download say 100 mega bytes of mixed 70s music all at one time?

8. Febrero 2006, 22:02:50
Asunto: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: thats different per player .. often via an usb cable .. sometimes the player can be inserted as an usb key itself .. sometimes via bluetooth .. sometimes via a memory card

8. Febrero 2006, 20:48:14
After I download music to my computer, how do I get it onto my player?

8. Febrero 2006, 20:42:47
Asunto: Re: Help me please?
Czuch Chuckers: i like CDex a lot. its a free program with which you can easily convert your cds to mp3s

8. Febrero 2006, 19:43:20
Asunto: Re: Help me please?
Czuch Chuckers: is a place to download free music. Not sure if it's legal there or not though.

8. Febrero 2006, 19:24:27
Asunto: Help me please?
I have recently won a samsung digital audio player. I dont use a computer yet, but have access to a friends. I have downloaded from the CD that came with the product to this computer the programs needed. BUt I just dont know how to go about getting music on to the player! I have tried to folow the instructions but nothing seems to work out like it shows in the directions. What is the easiest way to do this? Can I just put one of my own cds into the computer and load it into this player? Is there free music on the web that I can download? (legally) Do I first have to download it to the computer then to the player? How is this done? Anything will help, please and thank you!

7. Febrero 2006, 15:42:10
Adaptable Ali 
Asunto: Re: Printer trouble
harley: WOW thank u, gonna download it now

7. Febrero 2006, 15:34:46
Asunto: Re: Printer trouble
Mrs.Reeves: Try this website;

This programme will let you do a powerful deep clean and you can do other stuff, like freezing the ink counter, so you actually get to use ALL the ink in your cartridge!

7. Febrero 2006, 13:31:56
Adaptable Ali 
Asunto: Printer trouble
I wonder if somebody can help me, i have an Epson Stylus Photo R200, and when i print out pictures onto normal printing paper they are coming out pink. All my cartridges are full and i have cleaned the nozzle heads. Any help, anyone.

27. Enero 2006, 17:02:41
Asunto: Re: maybe will understand now
mrloupcity: depending on your cable provider you will need to give them the mac adress for that pc , some providers like mine now do it automatically to reconise any new pc's connected to thier network

26. Enero 2006, 09:23:47
DeaD man WalkiN 
Asunto: maybe will understand now

23. Enero 2006, 22:50:41
Asunto: Re: try this again but y help a dummie
Modificado por temo (24. Enero 2006, 07:37:16)
Does your router have switch (lan ports mainly 10/100BaseT)?
Did you make any management settings on your router first before you get connected on your "work" computer?

Try to find if network card on your´s wife computer is fine (in way as bitwisexor has explained you).

I don´t think there can could any problems due to ME system.

You can try to share your inet connectivity through XP system on your computer. (it´s easy to try) But disadvantage is that your computer have to be always switch on to keep connectivity for your wife.

So the best solution is to make it through ethernet cable directly to router. Than it is enought to set up your wife comp "mask, DHCP server and your IP addres (in this case you will make lan network).

For example, I have at home dsl router+switch all in one (4x10/100BaseT ports) so that we have been able to make own network and share internet connectivity from one place (and it´s cheaper :) )

After connecting ethernet cable to switch of router you have to set up TCP/IP settings on your wifes computer (network settings, TCP protocol)

my router has IP address 10.0.138
it will be also your dns address and gateway on wife´s comp
than you have set up IP address on wife´s comp staticly or by DHCP server (some routers have a problems to obtain it by DHCP)
we have in our network for example (2,3, and so on)

set your mask on

option IP/DNS/WINS set up automatically (in this case it have to be ip address of router)

Come back and tell us what you try so maybe we can help you more (maybe :) )

Hope it will work for you.

23. Enero 2006, 14:52:16
Asunto: Re: try this again but y help a dummie
ScarletRose: Awful they can use different file systems, it should be irrelevant for routing.

Hrqls: Well, although it's possible it's some odd (and incredibly stupid ;) security feature I find it unlikely; especially when the system is being routed through the 'authorized' system.

Also, I wonder whether XP drivers would work on ME? So that might not work; but certainly it is worth a try.

mrloupcity: I'm not quite sure what your trying, when routing through the XP box failed did you replace the network interface card (I'm hoping it's that rather than, say, a sound card ;) with another one and:

(a) Connect it directly to the internet connection
(b) Connect it to the XP box again

If it's b, are you using a straight-through or crossover Ethernet cable (I persume it's ethernet).

I would recommend trying to get the XP and ME box just communicating with each other; not connecting to the internet, just having a connection. ping will help you there.

23. Enero 2006, 09:54:23
Asunto: Re: try this again but y help a dummie
Hrqls: Could it be the clash in filing systems between the ME and the XP..?? don't they both use different filing??

23. Enero 2006, 09:50:45
Asunto: Re: try this again but y help a dummie
mrloupcity: you say you get your cable (internet i guess) via your company .. does this mean you first make a connection to your company and from there connect to the internet ?
in that case it might be that the security on your company network doesnt allow your wife computer to get online

can you try to use the network card from the xp (your) computer in the the computer of your wife (be sure to install the same drivers as you have installed on your xp machine) and try it then

are you sure the drivers which you use with the cards on your wifes computer are correct ?

i have very little (none :)) experience with windows me .. but i heard its very buggy .. i dont know in what functions though

23. Enero 2006, 08:42:37
DeaD man WalkiN 
Asunto: try this again but y help a dummie
Well lets see where to start. Here goes, we got a router it's a netgeat 814. And Our mean puter which is the 1 I use, we ran a wire to it and I can get on line just fine it runs XP. But we got my wife puter that runs ME on bought a card for it and thought we could get it to work but it did not. So we put back the card that was in it and tried to run a cable to it, just like the XP 1. But it still does not work. So now I just don't know what to do or try to get my wifes puter to make it be able to get on line. Oh I get my internet throu my cable company. I think it makes it a DSL. I don't know if this helps tell people what i'm tring to do but, I hope it helps to tell people what I'm trying. But if not them guess I may have to just give up hope and that is a sad thing. Bye and thxs

16. Enero 2006, 02:59:29
Asunto: Re:
ali: Yes Partition Magic is a great tool to use but someone asked the difference between NTFS and was trying to answer that...and it also appeared to me that they didn't know very much about a computer! Didn't want to be responsible for them going into a utility like Partition Magic LOL You are very correct though in your statement!

16. Enero 2006, 02:09:13
Baked Alaskan 
Asunto: Re: Reinstalling
Baked Alaskan:

Dang it....
Wish someone would tell me LOL

Oh well, I did the reinstall so wont worry about it till next time LOL

15. Enero 2006, 23:16:00
Asunto: Re: Ok, u say I should open my mouth here goes
mrloupcity: lol, my addressed was cosmicdom not you!!!.I don't understand your problem and i think that others too, please explain more.

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