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RAHVIN666: Im litterally doing this as we speak...I set up the router and main pc wired.
Its weird cos it seems like my web browsing has speeded up alot??? is this normal?
while waiting for answer I better get the wireless for the laptop sorted LOL
Jason...a link cable? using usb or what? If its that simple..then i could do that for a moment just to allow me to test it and download upgrades etc until i have a router sorted maybe
I got my pc set up on cable for internet via cable modem ( wired ..not wirekess) The pc is running on windows XP
I also have a laptop running on XP. Is it possible to connect laptop to pc via usb for example to access the internet? or would i need a seperate connection to the modem?
Aragon and mine are 3GB a month. But as I found out, I can go past this, but need to have the spare money to pay for it LOL
But other than a few pages of piccies and vids, the site is mainly a forum. So dont really need much more at the moment
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