General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
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grant: I want to say he either talked about it in the commentary of the Clearks X DVD edition (10th anniversary edition), or it was on his "Evening with Kevin Smith" DVD. I think it was one of those places that he talked a little about this next Clearks
grant: If I remember right, when he got together with everyone and got all the "extras" and such for the 10th anniversary DVD of Clearks release, at that time he asked many of the people involved if they thought he should go ahead with clearks 2 or if he should leave it alone so he does not take "away" from the original - and I think everyone really liked the idea of the next movie so Smith jumped abord. It was not that he did not want to do a clearks 2, but he did not want to mess up the "cult" standing of such a classic movie of the original clearks..... or something like that if I remember correctly.
On Comedy Central, a new Drew Cary Green Screen show is suppose to be on tonight.
After ABC cancled Whos Line is it Anyway, Drew Cary started the green screen show on WB - but was quickly cancled - Comedy Central picked them up and new show on tonight.
= = = = = =
Saw II: This looks good. I realy liked the first movie, and this one looks good also.
Zathura: I would not mind seeing this either. Isn't it suppose to be from the same series of books as Jumanji or something like that.
Actually they started a couple of weeks ago, but I think I missed the first 2. (But with plenty of repeats, they will be back on again)
The last 3 episodes (new episodes)
Episode 38: MythBusters Revisited
Adam and Jamie take their detractors head on as they revisit some of their favorite myths. They're going to answer them once and for all and forever silence their critics!
premiere: Oct. 12, 2005
Episode 39: Chinese Invasion Alarm
The MythBusters take a pot shot at an ancient Chinese text that alludes to a subterranean sonar system that could apparently detect and intercept an invasion from below. And watch Adam and Jamie test out a myth that millions of hungry Americans invoke every day — if it's been on the floor for less than five seconds, is it really safe to eat?
premiere: Oct. 19, 2005
Episode 40: Confederate Rocket
The American Civil War was fought with bayonets, muskets and cannons. But was that all? Not according to the MythBusters. So Adam, Jamie and the build team join forces to find out if the Confederate Army had a secret deadly weapon — the world's first long-range missile, which according to rumor, was launched from Richmond, Va., and aimed at the White House over 100 miles away.
premiere: Oct. 26, 2005
MagicDragon: I forget what each episode was about, but what is good about Supernatural - other then the 1st episode which helped set up the brothers going after supernatural events, each episode is its own episode and you don't really need to see each of them to follow.
Plus be on thw watch - WB usually will rerun the same episode a couple times in a week before next Tuesdays episode - so if you miss one, it will probable be repeated within the week.
Ghost Whisperer has been on for 15 minutes and it is OK - good enough to watch since nothing else is currently on that I want to watch - but nothing I will DVR.
Next is the second episode of Threshold - One of my current favorite new shows.
After that is Numbers - one of the few shows from last seasons (The 4400 & Lost) that I make sure not to miss.
(quick update - Yea, SciFi is going to repeat the show 3 times this week - so hopefully I will actually get to watch the show to find out if I want to DVR the rest of the season or not.)
Well surface TV show is on right now here... well it is suppose to be on.
About 2 minutes after it started, the satilite went out - forcing me into a different room which can pick up local NBC.
O'wait - at the first of September, our local NBC & ABC switched networks. So now the TV that use to pick up the local NBC pretty good now picks up local ABC pretty good.
OK - play around, got a static-full NBC station - comes in OK some of the time.
UGH - Stupid storm - Of course the weatherman will not break into any of the commercials for the storm report, lets break into the premier of a new show.
Then for the last 8 minutes, the station went out - all if get is the "ABC Station" logo on the screen.
YEA - Satilite is working again - now I get a very very clear "ABC Station" logo on the screen.
YEA - just as I wrote that last part, the show came back on. Of course now I'm totally lost. Hopefully they will repeat it sometime this week.... will go search. :-(
So far of the new shows, (FOX) Bones is the one which I have so far passed on. I watched it - it was OK and I will watch it if I'm around - but nothing I will be disapointed if I miss.
Also the "Made in the USA" on USA is another show which looked good, but it's turning too much into a "survivor" type show whe contestents have to now compete against each other - not anything to do with what they invented.
SueQ: I never watched 24 since it seemed like one of those shows if you miss an episode, you would get lose - but think it would be great to watch on DVD when you can watch many episodes back to back all at once.
MONDAY: NBC - Surface.
TUESDAY: WB - Supernatural (VERY GOOD)
TUESDAY: NBC - My Name is Earl (looks good)
I made 2 mistakes last year - I got "hooked" on the TV shows Lost & the 4400. Both that I started watching 1/2 way through the season, so ended up catching up during the reruns.
So I figured I would check out some of the new show and if they are good - I will make it a habit to watch them all.
Just got done watching the first show:
Supernatural - on WB - Don't think I've really ever watched anything on WB, but this one actually looks good - and the first episose was very good in my opinion. (Repeat on Thursday) - Anyway, I give this show a thumbs up.
Most shows don't start until next week. Wednesdays looks the busiest - Lost & invastion, along with Head Cases - and can't forget Ghost Hunters on SciFi, and when Mythbusters start new shows - Ugh. I can currently DVR 2 shows at a time - will be fun when 3 are on that I want to watch.
I believe you will just have to sign-up somewhere saying you seen it - I would think it would be very hard to make a person have "proof" like a ticket stub.
I did something similar before with a CD/music that I purchased - but in that case, you just had to send in the UPC to "prove" you are intitled to a rebate.
We will have to wait and see. Me & my wife also went to one of those movies - which is one of the reasons I wanted to post it here - so in a few weeks, it can remind me that I should go look to see if something has been set up to file a claim - and what is needed. (Since we also have long ago thrown away our ticket stubs.)
Moviegoers who saw the films "Vertical Limit," "A Knight's Tale," "The Animal," "Hollow Man" or "The Patriot" during their original theater runs must file a claim to be eligible for a $5 per ticket reimbursement.
James Doohan, the burly chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise in the original "Star Trek" TV series and movies who responded to the command "Beam me up, Scotty," died Wednesday. He was 85.
Nothingness: As a person who is not a "long time" star wars fan - never actually sitting down and watching all the old movies until EP I came out - I would say the new EP III is my favorite - basicly because there is just so much going on - very action packed. So many "stories" where they had to connect EP II with EP IV, they had a lot to say. NO "extra" filler story - just all action.
Sad Sad news today. Today, aprox 5pm I get home from work, grab the remote control and learn that my TV has passed away. He will be sadly missed. Even though no TV can ever fill the stand like he did, we will try - and come Monday, a new TV should be delivered to hopefully bring us many many days of sitting on our behinds and watching endless TV.
Hum... strange, isn't this "turn off the TV week" to help promote exercise or something?
Rose: I was reading about some of his projects a few weeks ago. First I believe he is getting ready to shot Clerks 2. A "Clerks sell out" animated movie based on the short-lived Clerks cartoon is also still in the works, but that is still iffy.
I think I read that he still is not sure if he wants to direct green hornet or not (After the Jersey girl "bomb", I think he is a little afraid to take on another big budget film). But I think I read it was still a posibility, but I believe Clerks 2 is his next big project.
Nice to see other people as nutty as I am with movies - I have over 1,000 VHS tapes, and I believe I'm getting close to 400-500 DVD's. I use to keep track of them all in an excel spreedsheet, but I don't have the time for that anymore.
Duplicate movies - I just got my 3rd copy of Karate Kid! (First copy on VHS, got DVD normal edition awhile back, and just recently bought the DVD box set with all 4 karate kid movies in it.)
Have a couple of Clerks DVD's (Original and 10th anniversery edition), plus a couple of Pearl Harbor DVD's (Original & 4-disc directors cut.)
I think it does not come out for about another month - just in time for Holiday shopping.
Also at that time, I think on NBC they are going to have a new "seinfield reuinion" type show to go along with the release. I don't know if it is actually going to be a "reuinion" show, or just a show trying to get us to buy the DVD.
I would have to look it up - maybe late October, sometimes in November??
Sky Captain - I sometimes get to go watch the new releases with a friend of mine who works at a movie theater (and watch new films the night before they are released to check for scratches & other problems with the film) - and it bored me to death... so much, that I decided to leave early to go home and get some sleep (They sometimes preview them like at midnight/1am). So maybe it got better at the end, but it just wasn't something that kept my interest.
Shark Tales - It's an OK movie, but nothing too special.
For the Green Hornet, Kevin Smith is still writing, but what he is starting to back away from is directing it. (Basicly he is getting cold feet.)
In short - Kevin Smith has always done some-what lower budget films. The studio then gave him lots of money for Jersey Girl which even though a great movie, did not get very much $$ in return. So now the Movie Studio wants to give him even MORE money to do Green Hornet, and basicly he is afraid he might screw it up. So as of right now, he is writing the script, he told the movie studio he may not want to direct it, and the movie studio basicly said lets wait until the script is done and you can let us know then if you want to direct or not. (So the Studio still wants him, so we will have to wait.)
I have not heard anything new about the Fletch film.
As a side note about Jersey Girl, the DVD is also coming out early September the same day as the 3 disk special 10th anniversary Clerks DVD. The Jersey girl DVD will also have 5-6 Kevin Smith "Roadside Attraction" specials as seen on Jay Leno. BUT wait awhile, and there will be a "Special Edition" Jersey Girl DVD soon - so if you like a lot of specials, don't buy this dvd, wait for the special edition one.
PLUS they are working on "An evening with Kevin Smith 2" DVD - which the first one is a MUST for any Kevin Smith fan!
PLUS as always if you want to spend a few extra bucks, you can get autographed versions of the DVD on Kevin Smith's View Askew website. (Plus find news storied - most I read this past weekend, and now repeating in this post. :-)
The Passion of the Clerks - It is a new sequil to the cult classic Kevin Smith film Clerks!
A specail 3 disk 10th anniversary edition of the Orifinal Clerks should be out early Septermber, and while working on it, Kevin Smith had the idea for a clerks sequel. And after getting good feedback from everyone involved, filming to start in January.
And once again, Jay & Silent Bob will be in a movie! (Film overview: 10 years later and the guys are still at the same job. Kind of a what has happen to these guys type of film.
Well I think Rose would need to ask Fencer if it would be OK, but it would be up to Rose. I think it would be a good idea. (I like the idea to combine boards rather then make more) - but final decision is up to Rose and/or Fencer.
I think it would be much better to add that type of discussion onto this board. (maybe with the rename of Movies, TV, and Radio - or something like that)
Not sure who would talk about Radio, but felt like throwing that in also. :-)
Aliens vs Preditor - 8 - Pretty good if you like that sort of stuff, and you don't really need to know much of the "back story" of these 2 movie characters
Without a Paddle - 7 (had sneak preview) - Funny, not the best - but not a waste of money
The Village - 7 - Good horror story. Again, not the best but not a waste of money
I Robot - 8 - I actually liked it even though it did not get the best reviews
The Day after tomorrow - 4 - pretty good, but could have been beter - good movie rental maybe
Collateral - 9 - I really liked this movie. Some of it was "predicatable", but it was different and it's always nice to watch something different
Catwomen - 2 - Ugh
The Bourne Supremecy - 10 - Great movie. I really liked the first movie, and I really like this one also.
Garfield - 9 - I really liked this mostly because it was something I could take my 3 year old to, and he loved to watch the cat & dog dance
Shrek 2 - 9 - Again, same as garfield except he really likes when donkey annoys Shrek
Spiderman 2 - 4 - Spiderman 1 was really good, and this one is much more a love story and not enough action.
The Manchurian Candidate - 8 - Really good because it is something different. Yes, I know it's a remake but I never seen the original so to me, this one was some-what original.
OK, that is all. Give me a few months to watch some more movies. :-)
I'm guessing TT is talking about some of the jokes which are geared towards adults - which is a good thing about Shrek - that is entertains both adults & kids. But I personally don't see a big problem with them - and most of those jokes will fly right past most kids.
The creators & a clip about that cartoon has been on many of the morning TV shows - I seen about it on the Today show earlier in the week - but only now had time to go view it.