Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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Mousetrap: hehehe probably but I look so sexy with my long hair.....actually I got it cut on Thursday afternoon, but only to what we call a "number 2" so it isnt really short HAHAHHA....or woof woof woof....
Foxy Lady: is a dogs life with long hair but now ive been trimmed and lookin gooooooood (woof) I dont mind the heat .
The thing Im happy about is the longest day has passed and we are heading into winter again in about 5 months HAHAHAHA....lotsa vegies to plant before then tho....cant grow a darn thing now....just too hot :(....only have capsicums at the moment and am getting sick of them as well LOLOL
Gr☺uch☺: Schools were closed here yesterday....We got that Lake Effect which really dumped quite a bit.LOL the kids loved being out in the snow playing.Ok let's still party.
"Snoopy": Crumbs! I forgot, I will ask my mam in a bit as soon as she is awake. She likes a little respite from all us kids on the Sat lol! I,ll give her a tinkle!
"Snoopy": Ok I did it and I just knew I was gonna have trouble trying to grasp what it was called on the phone lol but I got it eventually. There are different types, the two she got in her catalogue are Beris Thunbergii and Atropurpurea both prickly. She got hers from the garden center.
skipinnz: im going outside to see if there are any flowers on the plants....they have only been in the ground about 4-5 months so are young plants, but I have already had about a kilo of fruit from 4 small plants....I have propogated another dozen plants so hopefully will have plenty of this delicious fruit shortly>
skipinnz: as I said they are only young plants, but they are fruiting well :)
To make the jam you have to take all the "red" leaves off the outside and save the wrap the seeds in muslin, boil cup for cup sugar/fruit with the juice of a lemon, and the seeds...boil for 45 minutes. The seed help with the pectin as the setting really is a nice jam.
Lisa D: Crikey what a week we have had here. A big storm and winds of 210mph in Blackpool. 80 to 90mph where I live. 16 people killed with things falling on them. Floods. My mam has roof damage and a fench blown down and smashed. They have given snow for us for tomorrow.