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Up until now I've only ever played tablut on here. The addition of alquerque piqued my interest, but unfortunately the forward-only movement rule put me off--I might as well play draughts (or checkers, to those of you who prefer American English).
Now I've got a real alquerque board to play on, so I've got interested in the game again. I will, however, wait patiently until the time when Fencer creates an Alfonso variant, before I join in. I say patiently, as I've already mentioned elsewhere the possibility of more tafl variants to complement tablut :-)
(ocultar) Si deseas jugar una partida contra un adversario de nivel similar, puedes definir en tu invitación de nueva partida un rango BKR apropiado a tu interés. En tal caso, nadie con un BKR fuera de dicho rango podrá ver o aceptar la invitación. (Katechka) (mostrar todos los consejos)