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im unsure what you mean about resigning? so if i achieve 5 things in a certain game and at the end my opp resigns i lose the ones i have already achieved? That makes no sense?
The time limit issue was exclusive to IYT. The main reason for changing time limits was to avoid time out when an emergency arrived. For example there are situations in many games where i would move 5-6 times a day then take as many as 6 days for one move. With most fischer clock settings i will have timed out after going 6 days without moving. To optimize peak performance you cannot restrict time limits on moves. so our time limits would go from 3 days ( standard) to 7 days for emergencies. then we would change it back when the week ended or your leave was over!
This can be problematic and I timed out using this and i was making multiple moves per day and still timed out even though the game was well in hand. If we can tweak the clock that would be great but we used to have the ability to change the time in mid match to avoid unforseen emergencies. So if i was moving fast then i knew i could not make a move for the next 6 days i would not lose my game. Max time for a game NEVER! Many games can last many months making 2-3 moves per person per day. i think we used to have a 3 day limit with the ability to change it to 7days when an emergency arrived then we would change it back when we got back.
Modificado por Nothingness (27. Febrero 2009, 15:05:39)
Espionage is a far more complex game than 99% of the games on here. Many more variables then even chess. This makes finding new players very difficult b/c it alienates many people who are unwilling to learn such a vastly complicated game. when you can just roll a few dice or finish a game of checkers in a few turns. Many Elite level Espionage/Sabotage games have been know to last well over the 200-300 move plateau far more than most chess games will ever last. The game was a top 3 game on IYT. this is a much different following than on IYT and it will take some work here on BK until it gets to the level that it was on IYT. We just have to stay vigilant.
dAGGER: I can create any tourney you would like. i tried to create an 8 player tourney and could not fill the 8 spots. the potential tourney also died after only a few weeks. Most of the IYT players are gone i fear. It seems that only the cream of the crop stuck around. Lightning bolt is jonaron as many know. and a few others are hear on a very limited basis. I did pay for a Lifetime membership and i put the other up a prize and they are in the finals as of right now. i hope that the game grows stronger. hopefully when the world is out of the economic bubble everyone will comeback.
ive had many games go over 300 moves but not in small fast. mostly in small. as for the larger versions they can go anywhere between 30-300 moves. small fast is by far the fastest games which is why i chose that version for this particular tourney.
Jonraon / lightningbolt will probably not be able to enter since he is currently locked in a fierce battle in another one of my tournies in which there is a free lifetime membership at stake. He also is not a member and is limited to 1 tourney.
Disregard the other tournies that were made by me. i had some technical difficulties and they should have been deleted. this is the one i meant to create.
Modificado por Nothingness (15. Julio 2008, 22:59:00)
i got punished by the fisher clock and i was moving fast... its broken... IMO...i was killing the guy and i was making 3-4 moves per day and i lost b/c i didnt make the LAST move of any day. Its a who can stay on the longest clock. i work 3rd shift so i made my last moves at 5 pm and did not get back on until 9 am.
Games generally can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month depending upon the speed of the players i have finished games in a few hours and i have had games last a few months. I notice that people here on BK take much longer to move. the vacation days do hurt things, more than likely ill have no days off but make the limit 5 days. small fast is looking like the game of choice.
basically the fellowship is in a holding pattern until we get more iyt cross overs. Eventually i will be hold a big tourney. just waiting for the right opportunity. i would rather have someone else be in charge of my fellowship. there are a few big bosses.
yes you can find players easily by clicking player list on the left and typing in any criteria you choose its seems that only one person has SL- before there name.
Modificado por Nothingness (24. Abril 2008, 03:21:56)
i do have a espionage fellowship in which i am boss but it is fairly inactive. I will be sponsoring a tourney very soon which will have a membership prize. I have 200 brains to spend and will offer them as a prize to the winners. I am interested in bringing the Sabotage/espionage league here to Brainking. Hopefully if enough IYT players convert, we can have them get involved in this tourney. Perhaps instead of SL it will end up being EL. since the game is called espionage here not sabotage.
Well this is a long time coming and i have been waiting for this myself for quite a few years. I'm sure that there is much more room for Growth here @ BK. Perhaps the addition of the new game we have been waiting for for years at IYT in which was never delivered upon. There are tons of players at IYT that could help this site grow even stronger. as well as the world of Sabotage/Espionage...the conversion in my opinion is a necessary step in the evolution of espionage.
this has been a topic of discussion on iyt. they have come up with the cannon! which can fire and deystroy any piece 2 spaces away. but cannot fire in consecutive turns. promotion has also been a topic of discussion as well but was dismissed in favor of the cannon.
I guess by now all of you knwo that they have released 2 new versions of espionage. Both without the volcanos. And they added the captured pieces feature that we all have been waiting for! remember 5 moves for the larger version and 3 moves for the smaller version!
Here is the deal with captured pieces. The one reason is that it adds an element of skill to the game. You mus t use the notes feature to decide for yourself. the spy is the piece that identifies the pieces so if you capture the piece before it is ID' then you have to Guess what that piece was and notes would be almost pointless. Note taking is very easy. Here is an example of my notes. CAptured pieces: 1,2,3,2,1,sap,SPy,SPy,5,4,1,
any piece can capture a spy or a sapper.... BUt remember when equal strength pieces attack each other only the piece that is attacked is removed fom the board.
im not to sure what you mean.. the #5 general is the highest ranking piece. the ? is what all unexposed pieces are reffered to until they are revealed by a recon/scout..
will soon be shut down.. if this is so, perhpas this can prompt the transfer of players to this much superior site. Hopefully we can get the 2 open (volcano-less) versions here soon. to accomodate the new members that we will soon be getting.....
Modificado por Nothingness (6. Junio 2006, 21:42:09)
i too have one that is about to start check the espionge fellowship... trg=12936&tri=78875&trnst=0 hopefully that is the link
Thad created a tourney for me. Espionage champsionships. Ill probably enter all three by the time they start,after i get my rook membership in December!. Everyone is welcome!
Modificado por Nothingness (2. Noviembre 2005, 16:50:18)
Yes Thad explained it pretty much as good as it can be explained! I prefer the 4 b/c it cannot be scared away and can rape the board. Here is an example. You have a 5 left i have a 4 left with 3 of my sappers. If I place my 4 on the left side of teh board you must have your 5 there as well. other wise I have free reign of that side of the board. Adn if you decided to keep your 5 on the other side i road block you with one sapper. and prevent you from getting in. Now at this point in the game i ahve 3 pieces that your 5 will fear. but you have only one piece that i fear!
The only time a sapper can win a battle is when it attacks a spy and sapper and a 5. It loses if it is attacked by any pieces! Keep ahold of them as long as possible b/c they are the only piece that can deactivate bombs and are the only piece other than a 5 that can kill a 5 in a battle. Once you get all of your opponents sappers adn you have a 5 left, it is ALMOST impossible to lose! This is why I trade my 5s for 4s. I like my 4s better than my 5s.
Modificado por Nothingness (26. Septiembre 2005, 22:59:36)
but there can be many problems with this. If you move only 1 time adn the next players moves 7 pieces. things can get a little crazy.Towards the end of the game, you can hold the game under seige by not moving a piece and forcing your opponent into a no win situation. if you could find a way to limit the moves... such as a minumum and maximum move amount that might be better. Taking advantage of the amount of moves your opponent has left in a game is crucial to the mathematics of the game. If i am playing fast espionage (4 moves per turn) and you only have 4 or less peices remaining that means you MUST move every piece each turn you play from now unitl the end of the game. this makes your moving more precise and you have to think more, but if i can suddenly in the same situation mvoe 1 piece instead of all 4 i can prevent my opponent from attacking and trapping me. Adn i can potentially hold them off forever(babysitting).Interesting option but not to sure hwo it would work.
Modificado por Nothingness (6. Agosto 2005, 14:49:37)
this situation is a toughie to call. If your base is surrounded by bombs as well you can get/trap him... there are many variables to look at though.. 1. Does he know which piece is your 5? 2. Does he know that your sweepers are all gone? 3. is your base protected as well? If he does not know which piece is your 5 than you can trick him, also if he still thinks you ahve sweepers then he may run from your "?" pieces. id jsut put all my pieces as clsoe together and attack him. or split up to try and trick him. But basically if your opponent kept good notes he should be able to force the draw unless he blunders badly. just by running in circles. sweepers are too valueable to give away. I will always try to keep one even if it means giving up material advantage. Being Without one makes his bombs and 5s nearly invincible.
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