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Hello, I am very new to this site and I am looking for players who are very good or better at Espionage since I was told that it is very similar to Stratego/Sabotage/Sabotage Rush. I consider myself to be very good at the game. I wish to play anyone who knows what one is doing in the game and will be a real challenge for me. :) I do not want to play those who are below very good since I can win easily against them. I hope to have some very good games in Espionage with very good or better opponents. :) If there are masters at the game, I would like to play them some games. :) You have to know your strategy and tactics if you play me. :) I am also on and playing Sabotage and Sabotage Rush. Sorry to say this, but if you are not very good, please do not challenge me.