Stevie: I'm not sure how his fellowship has evolved into what it is now. I'm not a member of any fellowships. He did mention in his invitation to me that it was uncensored and felt that your hand was a too heavy for his liking here. When I received the invitation I went to the list of people in the fellowship and didn't see your handle. In my response telling him that I wasn't joining I asked him about if he'd asked you to join. He said all that ask to join, can join the fellowship. So if you want in, you'll have to ask him. I'm thinking you two aren't on speaking terms, but you can put him to the test by joining and posting to his group and seeing if he can resist the temptation to edit, delete, and censor as he says is your wont to. Turn about is fair play, so to speak? :)
(ocultar) Si estás a la espera de tu turno para mover, pincha con el ratón sobre "cambiar" situado en la página principal junto a "Actualizar", entones establece el periodo de actualización de la página a 30 segundos para que se visualice con mayor rapidez el momento de tu posibilidad de jugar. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)