wolfman: Just because your drooling all over her doesn't mean I have to like her too. When you were pm'ing me because your heart was broken, she had also sent me several pm's. The messages she was sending me was not from a caring individual that had the slightest compassion for you. I tried to become friends with her but after reading what she had to say about you, as well as everyone else here at BK I decided she wasn't the type of person I would call a friend. She's a crude, selfish bitch who can't keep her stories straight. Your gullible, as you were with BG, and your falling for any lil' nibbles she puts out for you.
Your lil' "gf" claims this is none of my business but you BOTH made it mine.....so my suggestion is if you don't want to hear an honest opinion don't bring your cyber trash to me or others here that will tell it like it is.
I think you're bwild's multi. It sure wouldn't be his first multi he's had to fk with ppl. I think he don't want to let go of me and continuously harasses my husband on the poker tables. It's obvious he still wants me and wants rid of my husband.
(ocultar) ¡Juega una partida en tiempo real contra un adversario conectado! Tan sólo debeís seleccionar por defecto la acción "Mover y permanecer aquí" y ¡recargar la página con la tecla F5! (TeamBundy) (mostrar todos los consejos)