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9. Maaliskuu 2007, 07:04:24
Otsikko: LOL
time is ticking

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 19:14:08
Otsikko: Re: as many don't want to voice
Hrqls: thanks!

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 07:03:11
Otsikko: I belong to 5 other playing games groups
but liked it here till messed with

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 07:00:59
Otsikko: ok
whos big to answer all ??? asked why can't we all get along??? I started on webtv, and still have it, talk to allot that say this change will take it away for them... Is this true?

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 06:56:29
Otsikko: brainking had 4 things i liked here
now i'm in the back hall way! i'll be back but as so new is excitinting the new, i just like playing my games here, nice friendly people and games, need not to get so compl, for others and new. need my games weather here or at 5 other sites, like it here but to much changes each month..... not wanting to play other than play20, free. loved it before the change but understand game has to change, as life, as friends if they change they were never your friend. WHY MESS WITH IT IF IT WORKED!!!sorry! but they messed up. All got to visit here and play, including webtv, as i started, money!!!! MONEY!!!!! took him bigger, ok , not a problem, TILL he can't reach alot of the costumers that view the pop ups to play. Where is he now and where will he be when he counts them out???? i hear alot say brainking is #1,,,,, is it? without them.??? foxfire foxfire???? ??? what a nother joke, pick what you want do not in-pose on others... a brosser gets them there what ever they use.,..

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 05:50:21
Otsikko: Re: as many don't want to voice
nightmagic: not renewing my members at this time, maybe it will get better, or go back to what used to be,lol. not hardly, as mose would say... i'll be around but in my games... witch is where i wanta be,

7. Maaliskuu 2007, 05:46:26
Otsikko: as many don't want to voice
on other board, i can understand as this is the game board to voice on, so many as i are not heard correctly. oh my! we thought this was the board and we find out theres another one, !!! to who what where how, who's on first? who's on 2nd to answer? who's on 3'rd to take up what any onwe else left off?lol

5. Maaliskuu 2007, 05:20:35
Otsikko: Re: Check boxes
Muokannut nightmagic (5. Maaliskuu 2007, 05:37:46)
fakarten: lol, it took me 2 weeks to figure it out, one night i drank ice tea not beer,lol, it will tell him what roll he's on, if it's him. if not i guess they will fix it.i see he did lose his dice, he must be a gambler,lol. just a joke!!!!

5. Maaliskuu 2007, 04:56:42
Otsikko: Re: Check boxes
fakarten: lol, i have done that on so many games, clicked the dice and went on back to my games board only to get back to the game to find i had made 1 somesimes 2 and 3 moves to find no boxes and only score move left, lol, i did that few times till i found out what i did.

2. Maaliskuu 2007, 02:01:03
Otsikko: Re: Fencer knows best?
Andersp: as we have to respect your wishes in wanting to use it. i was never again't it, just the choice to use it or not. i think things will work themselves out in this one over time as it is used and not used.

2. Maaliskuu 2007, 01:12:57
Otsikko: Re: Fencer knows best?
TarantinoFan: yes i do. and most are not just signing in to see they are blocked in a game or 2.they are playing there games and find one they just return, no big deal. i di not sit and wait for my games to be returned.as i said i would not use it.it is here and it is a choice to use it. i do believe it should be a choice, not implamented in all games. yes it would spead things up in maybe a game or 2, but remember you still wait for the person to make there reg, moves and some use vacation and you just wait.

1. Maaliskuu 2007, 04:21:37
Otsikko: Re: Fencer knows best?
alanback: as i see auto pass i will say NO! if your not here to make the turn yourself, WHY be here at all?

1. Helmikuu 2007, 08:56:26
Otsikko: Re: re where i live yes
Hmmmm ??? Q!!!!! its cleared up now.

1. Helmikuu 2007, 08:48:02
Otsikko: Re: re where i live yes
Hrqls: rhanks, u were helpfull.

1. Helmikuu 2007, 07:43:43
Otsikko: Re: re where i live yes
Mousetrap: Thanks BUT STILL need to find out my my mail box envelope disapears fron here, any help anyone...Just so I can understand it, thats all fokes,lol

1. Helmikuu 2007, 07:29:17
Otsikko: Re: re where i live yes
nightmagic: thanks 4 u r tid bit of help

1. Helmikuu 2007, 07:23:42
Otsikko: re where i live yes
Muokannut nightmagic (1. Helmikuu 2007, 07:27:17)
i get mail daily of ssi checks, lol, dead peoples mail, mail of no one there for 10 years or more, but i've been here 3 years, never saw my mail box envelope disapear,lol. if no one can explain, fine, as long as my mail messages go thu, i'm ok....

1. Helmikuu 2007, 07:01:58
Otsikko: Re: Whats up with this?
nightmagic: Funny thing, this little envelope goes away and then comes back, lol. Is there a reason for that?

1. Helmikuu 2007, 06:59:01
Otsikko: Whats up with this?
I have box by name then don't? What's it mean?

30. Tammikuu 2007, 05:42:32
Otsikko: Re:sorry.
nightmagic: i ment that to go to fencer

30. Tammikuu 2007, 05:40:27
Otsikko: Re:
plaintiger: would we be able to transfer any and all membership, no mater what kind to another if we can?

19. Tammikuu 2007, 04:21:25
Otsikko: Re:
Jason: catch u in a game sometime, don't follow boards that much, to much going on,lol

19. Tammikuu 2007, 04:15:41
Otsikko: Re:
Jason: don't worry, i was being funny here, lol, someone has to be.this is to be fun and games and so many get up set at others instead of having fun in the games.

19. Tammikuu 2007, 04:10:51
Otsikko: Re:
Jason: u r cute

19. Tammikuu 2007, 04:09:29
Otsikko: why does it matter ??
if one is interviewed, how long it takes? If 1 is picked for interview i think its up to them as they are the one answering. ... as some take forever to play a game and a year down the road you find you win or lose. It's there time till it comes to you.

19. Tammikuu 2007, 03:58:04
Otsikko: the fuss over one's interview
not that i read them but the fight before is interesting. who like's who?who is rude or not, good point's to check out, all can and will be when attacted...

20. Joulukuu 2006, 05:30:11
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: most moves in this game

29. Lokakuu 2006, 07:53:55
Otsikko: Re: anyway: Time out disabled message
Walter Montego: yes the right program works for you... not for aNYONE ELSE....WHAT is needed here is the program to work for all.... you want what you want, we too want it but to work for all.

29. Lokakuu 2006, 07:37:07
Otsikko: Re: anyway: Time out disabled message
Fencer: I like it!!!! Thanks!!!

29. Lokakuu 2006, 04:03:43
Otsikko: Re: anyway: Time out disabled message
BIG BAD WOLF: I too like the whole statement of time off and time to be on, keeps me from clicking to get the finish that may only be 3 words

21. Lokakuu 2006, 20:08:17
Otsikko: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: ok, cool

21. Lokakuu 2006, 06:55:11
Otsikko: Re:

21. Lokakuu 2006, 06:53:30
Otsikko: Re:
bouncybouncy: yes you do have them in control.lol

21. Lokakuu 2006, 06:51:54
Otsikko: Re:

21. Lokakuu 2006, 06:45:21
Otsikko: Re:
Muokannut nightmagic (21. Lokakuu 2006, 06:46:11)
BIG BAD WOLF: smilys 2 3 of own and no one else could use them? what if I have 2 the same as you? but if you had them as your pick i can't use, no way... what happens when all smily's are dished out and theres 100 plus that can't use them. maybe i need better explain of that,thanks!

14. Lokakuu 2006, 05:47:45
Otsikko: confussion board
Muokannut nightmagic (14. Lokakuu 2006, 05:50:20)
chit chat here!666 waiting friday 13th

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:58:48
Otsikko: Re: a brainking community board is needed
Muokannut nightmagic (7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:59:29)
Jason: Thought i was trying to give insite to help some that are in need to understand what board does what but i see you like the eat lunch early, do you want dinner too.

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:54:18
Otsikko: Re: a brainking community board is needed
nightmagic: a case of he did it she did it. who's right who's wrong, i don't care i voiced what i felt.

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:51:24
Otsikko: Re: a brainking community board is needed
Jason: your dreams just might come true!!!! watch out for what you ask for, oHHH wrong board, now we need another board,lol

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:47:40
Otsikko: Re: nice try
Muokannut nightmagic (7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:49:41)
nightmagic: with any board a site has it comes with it's ups and downs. but to its players maybe some wont be so confussed as to what board does what, if there is an all board. i will tell you take the chance, more will read the all board....If as a comunity board. more will be on that board cause alot don't know where to put what.

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:44:30
Otsikko: Re: nice try
Jason: true and not true. as and all brainking board on all. you have the option to read as you do all the others

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:41:48
Otsikko: Re: a brainking community board is needed
nightmagic: I'm speaking of an all chat, no matter the interest but it as a board all can read as to get what is not cleariffide on any other board, to reach the 80 + members as they play there games and don't get to all specified boards in the day to get day news. AS in all other game sites do have all as in other board.

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:36:05
Otsikko: Re: a brainking community board is needed
Jason: nice try but not really definned as all community chat. general is like me saying hi to those i haven't chated with or played with for a while. General

7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:01:50
Otsikko: a brainking community board is needed
Muokannut nightmagic (7. Lokakuu 2006, 07:02:39)
may help solve off topic's

7. Lokakuu 2006, 06:43:35
Otsikko: maybe we need a brainking all board!
Muokannut nightmagic (7. Lokakuu 2006, 06:45:40)
brainking itself is not it's self without the players,it's structure depends on it's players. features and future are also covered on other boards. I see lot's of things that could be covered on this board but are told off topic!

23. Syyskuu 2006, 05:23:28
Otsikko: Re: Morning Fencer
MadMonkey: I have noticed that to, even as i'm in cloak mode going to next off line, thanks!

15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:48:07
Otsikko: as one that can be here all the time
Muokannut nightmagic (15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:51:32)
but won't, as fencer needs his sleep too...he will figure it out.

15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:44:32
Otsikko: re action points turned on
I didn't know they could be turned on or off..I just made the point of some cheats.

15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:23:43
Otsikko: Re: Action Point
bouncybouncy: lol, i say if your going to act like tom cruss look like him too,lol

15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:03:23
Otsikko: Re: Action Point
Muokannut nightmagic (15. Syyskuu 2006, 06:05:35)
nightmagic: to cheat is cheap... I'm sure theres a way he can tell.

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