this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Rose: I didn't watch it either......the guy that did that to those cats should come back as a "mistreated" cat in his next life and see how it feels to be terrorized like that
srnity: I had to turn the you tube video off. I found it very disturbing. (had no sound on so no idea if the speaking part was cute) You could see the visible fear in the cats as they tried to swim back. Not cute in my books.
Jim Dandy: By "girls" I'm guessing here that you mean cats, not children? I think what people like anastasia do with their animals is amazing - to be able to train an animal humanely and lovingly to learn SO much (and I know that dogs love to be useful, and admired for it). But to randomly throw an unwilling animal into a scary situation to fend for themselves? A person wouldn't (shouldn't) do that to their child, why would anyone do that to an animal? I see it as abuse ...
srnity: I have two girls that I treat like royalty.It was taken from a comedy done in the 70's,they probably weren't too fond of the water,but I'm sure they were fine
Jim Dandy: Ummmmm, I've never had a cat for a pet (unless a pack of neighborhood strays that came to get fed, along with the birds and the squirrels, count) but I've had a few doggies in my lifetime, and throwing them in a pool seems kind of cruel Even my present doggie, who's not too fond of water, will go swimming in creeks, lakes, and the ocean with me.....but it's always been her choice.....what does that do for a cat's "well-being"? I think it's abusive
My jaw hung open in amazement the whole time I read it.I thought he was being ignorant on purpose,I have my doubts.I read one letter to the editor regarding the article on Tuesday,let's just say they shared my opinion.
Rose: I heard a story on the radio this weekend about the Atlanta Humane Society having received a number of Micheal Vick football jerseys as donations--to be used as animal bedding, or possibly for cleanup. A worker there mentioned one dog using a jersey as a pillow.
Tuesday: Is that the football guy you are talking about? I'd like to see the same thing done to him that he did to those poor dogs that lost their fights.
Tuesday: Sheperds in general are working dogs...they herd,protect,gaurd,etc,etc....Mine are being trained in Schutzhund..which is tracking,obidiance,and protection..alot like the police dog training.It is an awesome sport and we absolutly adore doing it..the bonding I have with Damien on the field is incredible!! He is going for his first title this Oct. his is a 12.5 mile endurance run in which he runs along side a bike I am riding...2 15 minute rests along the way.He will (the same weekend) go for his conformation title....then in Nov.I am going to try to get his Bh (which is a basic obidiance title all schutzhund dogs need in order to advance in compition) and possibly his watchdog or first tracking title on him!!
Tuesday: Yep..Niki is another sheperd..her and Damien are getting along very well..he snapped at her 2 times was because those lil needle teeth REALLY got him..he just snapped,never made contact and then another was over food...He didn't snap,just gave a low growl (she had already eaten in her crate and then wanted HIS food too!!) I went over and gave the corection because I thought that he may be a bit to hard on her with that one.OTHER then that,lol..he plays tug all the time and lets her win alot actaully.He will lay down and let her climb on him and bite at his ears..He will roll her over and run away and she gets her lil self up and runs right after him..she is a hellcat,lol.DEFINATLY has her Mom's drive..she will make an AWESOME working dog when she gets on the field! I took her tracking for the first time yesterday..just a small 10 pace track,lol.She is really cool!! Als took her to the vet she is a very petite 10.7 pounds at 8 weeks of age...Damien was 10 pounds at 6 weeks,lol.They are both napping now that is why I jumped online for a minute,LOL!!
Well,my new lil pup Niki came home Sunday and her and Damien are getting along very well...At first he thought she was a dustbunny with feet but now he sees that the lil dustbunny has teeth and likes to play tug and jump on him and crawl over him,lol....We are taking her today to get her weighted..she is very petite but a HUGH spitfire!!!
wetware: That's a shame,one of my girls is so bad about leaving home that I once hired a vet who did house calls.I abandoned that system after a year,but she still goes catatonic when travelling or at the vet and will sometimes let go from both ends when being removed from her kitty kab
Jim Dandy: Since a recent merger/acquisition, the company I work for began offering pet insurance as a payroll deduction option. At first, that sounded pretty cool! But unfortunately, the participating vets were quite a bit farther away from home than my regular clinics.
My just hate to travel in my , and aren't the least bit shy about letting me know it!
Bernice: He was blind too. And if you didn't watch him, he'd walk right off the edge of the deck. But he's was a fat boy and he'd just bounce and keep going. He eventually had to be put down. Very sick. Another of our dogs went in for a checkup and was found to have cancer. He was put down that day. Both dogs were about 15 years old so I guess that's good. The last one we have has been dead for over a year but she's doesn't know it yet. So we keep feeding her and stuff til she figures it out.
Bernice: We had a dog that had diabetes and had to give him shots every day. The first time I gave him a shot I was so nervous I went in the skin, out the skin, and into my thumb!
Jim Dandy: I had a cat that I had to get put down because he had diabetes the main reason was at the time I couldnt afford to give him the insulin he needed, was going to cost me a fortune, he was such a sick lil pussy....
Tuesday: Look at the top of the birds beak at the cere ( the fleshy area where the nose holes are)... if it is the blue it is a male.If it is brown it is female.
Otsikko: Two-day-old baby giraffe Inge nuzzles her mother Elli, in Tierpark Berlin zoo August 3, 2007. After two days Inge is already 1.90 meters high.
srnity: Again,I agree with anastasia's last comment.Forget the penalty he recieves,if he's shown to have been involved to the degee it's been described,he's finished in the court of public opinion.
Jim Dandy: There's a huge difference between being charged with misdemeanors and/or being charged with a felony crime in the US. A misdemeanor means you pay some fines and get slapped on the wrist, maybe, with a strict judge, a bit of probation - basically, your free. A felony is a whole different world. There are statutes set in our courts for each crime that judges are supposed (ha-ha) to go by. But, as wetware said, money talks, and Michael Vick is not only a VERY talented and admired NFL Quarterback but he's worth millions upon millions, endorsements or not. We shall see.....maybe, just maybe, they'll nail him
wetware: I think..and maybe this is a really bad comparision here..please forgive me if it is...but....sort of like O.J Simpson...he was found not guilty of a horrific crime but look at his public reputation..he has a scarlet letter branded on him forever now because of the trail...Vick, matter if he even goes to trail or not....has a scarlet letter on him now.Sometimes public conviction is better then any court can hand out.
Jim Dandy: Pardon my cynicism here, but I think I live in a country where people can get as much "justice" as they can afford. And unfortunately Mr. Vick can afford plenty of it.