this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Tuesday: many different groups have got involved on this highly emotional subject including some MP's but still no positive outcome but i will keep you informed of any updates
Snoopy: I won't ever go to a circus. Elephants are amazingly beautiful intelligent animals, and are not meant to be performing silly tricks.
I have read that elephants can't possibly be trained the way we train dogs. What I was reading, said that the only way to "train" an elephant is to totally break their spirit and make them fear NOT doing what you want them to do. (I don't know how true that is, as it was a PETA article which could of course be exaggerated)
It is probably a little sick, but I actually get a little joyful when I hear of elephants finally having enough and attacking people. That is probably misguided, I suppose, because they probably get killed after doing that
Tuesday: Thanks for rreminding me. I've wanted to thank Sarah for her involvement. I needed to hug my girls (especially my rescue kitty) when I watched and listened.
Excuse any typos in this message...tears are making it hard for me to see:
Tuesday: OMG,I have seen that one before..amazing how people can just throw an animal away like that...if there is a hell,people like THAT should be going to it after this life
Tuesday: How did you get through it?? I can not watch those shows! I would have been balling my eyes out like a baby, I'm sure. That stuff totally breaks my heart. Yeah, I'm sap. LOL. And it probably would have bothered me for a while afterwards. I tend to just avoid that channel, because it seems like anytime I come across it, a show like that is on.
rod03801: I had a friend with a dog and a cat, and he never had to clean the kitty litter. The dog took care of it.(a quote off that site,lol) how about giving the damn dog an egg a few times a week instead of letting it do THAT...thats friggin nasty on the owners part,lol
Tuesday: there are a couple reasons they sya dogs do is a mineral deficancy (she on a one a day vitamin?) another they say is because it is a learned behvior from watching the mother dogs clean up the den (or whelping box,lol) and yet another is that when dogs are in the wild,they will alot of times eat theirs and other dogs in their pacts feceses so other animals don't know they are in the area as easily. I would defianatly scoop everytime kitty goes :)
Last call for a new mod for this board. I will be stepping down by the weekend and if you are interested, contact a global near you. There's not much to do on the board as it pretty much runs itself. If no one steps up, a global moderator will have to take over.
Tuesday: wow..where to start on THIS one,lol...first off,if the girl was on the fence enough to look OVER it then she was on private property as fences must be a cetain ways off the property line.Second,the dog was doing what a dog does,protecting its own,Third....I trained 2 pitbulls over the summer,the male tried to bite (not nip,full out BITE me) 4 times within the first 10 minutes of meeting me,he and his sister had issues,to long and to many to go into right now,but after only 3 months of me working with them,the male was my best bud at the end of our time together and was trying to crawl into my lap for hugs. Everyone here knows that I have GSD's....BOTH are trained,Damien holds 4 titles to date,I could FREE HEEL him through a group of 20 of you and he wouldn't even acknowledge you,but come up to my fence and stick a finger through it..I dare ya. Why do people do stupid things and then want to blame others.UGH!