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Sinulla ei ole oikeutta kirjoittaa tälle alueelle. Tälle alueelle kirjoittamiseen vaadittu minimi jäsenyystaso on Brain-Sotilas.
Could someone clearify the rules to me? If a player can make a knights charge, but not a regular jump, is he forced to make the knights charge, or may he opt for a canter or plain move as well?
Is it really a draw if both players have only 1 piece left and it is possible to capture the last piece? I feel that it is necessary to give 1 move to do or add a condition that opponents pieces don't touch themselves.
I have just discovered a small bug which occurs when both a jump (capture) and a knight's charge (halma-like jumps followed by a capture) can be made with the same piece. It means that if BrainKing refuses to submit your move, please don't report it to the Bug Tracker and be patient. I am aware of it.