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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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29. Maaliskuu 2004, 14:37:38
Otsikko: Eriisa's Backgammon Free For All #1 (Backgammon)
The Round 3 Championship round has started between Knightmare and Hannelore. Good luck to both!

(lol, this Tourney started in August!)

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 12:46:47
<Then I need to hit the feature request board. :>

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 12:43:39
The point is that a tournament has sections. If only one section is created, the tournament has only one round. Otherwise, winners of each section will create new sections in the next round. The whole tournament is finished after completing the section which is the only one in the last round.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 12:39:57
*blinks* Then what's the point? Is there a two-round cap or something?

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 12:17:27
I still don't see a reason why not to start the second round, Bernice.
Lythande: No, tournaments can have more than one winner.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 12:09:30
Are not tournaments supposed to go on until there is only one winner of each game type?

I wanted to congratulate alesh and gasper for winning (a tie) round 2 of Backgammon in the Brotherly Love (Beginners) tournament, whom I assumed would be going to round three, but I see no 'start next round' button??

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 10:22:09
Will someone please answer Bernice? PLEASE??

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 09:35:36
Holy Moother a Jaysus...
it is becoming harder and harder to get an answer on this gawd damn site :(:(:(:(

I deleted this way down and brought it to the top because i didnt want it to get lost


I have a tournament that has been running since last August to my knowledge:( ...it is called Bernice's Best BattleBoats Bruhaha (Battleboats)

Now the first round has just finished, there were only 14 players and it was a 5 day mover.

Im reluctant to start the 2nd round owing to the fact that ONE player has taken since forever to make their moves. This will be a 3 game match...Can someone change it to a sudden death playoff, and I will start it. other wise how can it be deleted with 1/2 tournament win give to the 2 people concerned

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 06:19:14
Clean up BK?? Is that what you call it? Sounds suspiciously like those good people who show natives the error of their ways elsewhere mentioned. Am I, too, on the 'clean out' list?

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 03:44:40
Walter Montego 
Otsikko: Dark Chess Tournament
It's March 28th! I'm going to start the tournament in 15 minutes at 6 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Just incase any are thinking of getting in. Hope to see you there, and good luck.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 03:34:50
Artful Dodger 
Me too Bernice...specially when I win!~ :)

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:46:07
LongJohn GZ 
Can I apply for the position of dishwasher?
I actually have an affinity for leftovers :)

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:42:07
Artful Dodger 
Otsikko: About time LJ
And I'm not mad and I still disagree with the decision to remove MM and Steve. They could have had posting privledges removed first. They are first and foremost customers of BK. Just my Opinion. Welcome to the Former Hot Head's Club. I'm president.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:41:07
LJ..You have to ask my wife, she has sponsored me LOL

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:40:23
LongJohn GZ 
Sponsor me :)

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:39:24
I havent sponsored anyone :)

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:32:03
Thanks for your support AD, we are trying hard to get these guys back.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:31:32
LongJohn GZ 
I am not sure what makes you so angry. Maybe Fencer is not just concerned about the money. I support his decision regardless and I at least wish to give others the chance too.
I myself have felt his wrath :) He has made me invisible etc for my past misdemeanours. Of course I don't like it at the time but when I step back and take a look at the big picture, I think of what a fool I was being.
Time to move forward, make amends for the past hence what my profile now says, and get on with life.

I refuse to attack anyone anymore and hope the same in return. I was simply giving another option to those who seem to want to swamp Fencer with bad publicity.

Oh and I forgot you were on my enemy list (I still think it should be called "ignore") and I will take you off it immediately

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 02:25:06
Artful Dodger 
Otsikko: Does anyone else see the irony in LJ sponsoring a
clean up BK tourney? I wanted to ask him a ?? but am still on his enemy list. It's silly LJ. Supporting Steve and MM's return has nothing to do with being "against" Fencer or anyone. It's the right thing to do. As for supporting Fencer and BK, I suggest people forget about LJ's tournament (it's a farce in my opinion) and join the one that will truly bring in money. I'm in the one to bring back Steve and MM and also in the one to bring BK in money. I've sponsored a few others to play in that tournament too. It's arrogant to suggest that just because many want Steve and MM back that they are somehow against BK.

And while you're at it, join the "BRING BACK STEVE AND MAD MONEKY" tournament and let's have some fun playing and support getting them back. Let's get over this sillyness soon and all of us realize there are two sides to this situation and need for apologies all around. And for the record, I consider Harley a friend and wouldn't want to be in her shoes for anything right now. But I consider BWild, Backoff, BBW, Linda J and the lot of you friends too (and me and Bernice are great friends...remember when I was the biggest Jerk to her??). (Slam I love...he's so cute). As Slam said, it "SuX."

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 01:58:03
Steve and MM tourney = 45
the other one = 5

900% better...great going :)

yes Backoff....name changes can be bad but at least there isnt any prizes being offered.

29. Maaliskuu 2004, 01:18:36
By clean up BK, you mean to ban paying members without warning???? Wow way to go LJ, soon you'll have the place all to your self.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 23:52:22
LongJohn GZ 
no changes this time :)
Gotta give people the other side of the coin as an option too.
Not fair to have a two headed coin now is it?

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 23:46:43
what will you change the name of this tournament to,LongJohn?

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 23:33:16
LongJohn GZ 
Join my new tournament
It's always good to have choices in this world.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 18:37:17
This whole thing has turned into a big joke.

I have added a counter to BRING BACK STEVE AND MAD MONEKY. I set it to start on the current number of names I have, 93!!!! Keep up the good work all. With enough support, hopefully we can get them back quick!

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 17:10:33
you know....thats a good question.seems "cleaning up the site" under the circumstances,means leaving our rights as paid members violated.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:52:38
What to do. I support Fencer & I want to show my support for Fencer and all the hard work he is doing to try and make this a great place to play..... but I also think MM & Steve should be allowed to come back.

Is the "Show support for Fencer" tournament actually a "keep Steve & MM banned" tournament? If so, I want to make sure not to sign up for that one.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:40:38
Otsikko: Re:
I detect sarcasm in your tone Bwild.... Soon enough there will be a comittee to detect sarcasm, and the like, and it will be a banable offense...
Watch out!

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:35:40
you'd have to ask his secratary,Chuck.Fencer is too busy playing games to bother with petty things like violating our memberships! or the support of the membership.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:31:58
Otsikko: Support Fencer tourney....
Whats up with that one? Didn't over 100 people recently support Fencer with an extra $5 donation??? That sounds like plenty of support to me.

If it is simply a statement against the save MM and Steve tourney... most of us can not sign up for either because we are already in the first one.

If Fencer has any interest in where people stand on this issue, maybe he could do as he did with the fund raiser tournament, and wave the limit on how many tournaments of one game type that we are allowed?????

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:29:18
Otsikko: Re: What is going on?
general chat discussion board should enlighten you,Walter.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 13:49:18
Walter Montego 
Otsikko: What is going on?
This page isn't making much sense. I can only conclude that it's being edited. Would any of you send me a message and let me know what the deal is.
Who are Steve and Mad Monkey? Why should I join the tournament to support them? Or the other tournament to support Fencer? Were they kicked of the site? Why?
I went to both sign lists for the tournaments. It's pretty one sided as to how the sentiment is running, but I still don't know what all the hubbub is about. Obviously the powers that be aren't pleased and us riff raff are growing restless. Deleting posts arbitrarily only makes things worse.
Will I jeopardize my membership by joining one tournament, but not the other? Perhaps I made a mistake in rejoining after all. Is there a page on this site that has news of the events that lead up to all this? I know ol' "bumble" gets upset if tournaments aren't the main topic of discussion in the posts to this area. I've only been following this particular page as I have an interest in the two tournaments that I've created, but I can certainly go to other posting boards to get the information if someone will point me in the right direction.

Thank you,
Walter Montego

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 10:21:54
Otsikko: So far...
...2 people seem to support the current bulls**t -policy and 33 are against it. ("SUPPORT FENCER AND CLEAN UP BK" -tourny vs. "Bing back steve and MM" -tourny).
Quite as I expected.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 10:08:29
ha, you should see my in box lol. up to almost 50 now in just a few hours!!!! Fencer when you read this, please take note that alot of your members (most of them paying) want these 2 guys back.

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 09:39:46
Otsikko: Support STeve and MadMOnkey
WOW....in just a couple hours...at this moment 32 signed...does that say something?

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 09:36:46
Otsikko: OOPS
this wont stay LOLOL...i have odd for you of 10 to 1...already messages are being wiped LOL


I'll take you up on that Bernice, 1000 Euros says that this post stays.

(Fencer - don't you dare!)

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 09:35:58
hahaha look at the tournaments...our Friend is now running a "CLEAN UP BK" tourney..my god what next...it should have been done months ago..but not for STeve and MM...how hypocritical can some be :(

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 09:29:30
LongJohn GZ 
Join this tournament
Support Fencer and his cause. Have your say and lend your support and show him that some of us agree with what he is doing with HIS site

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 08:25:42

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 07:07:45
Too many /games. ;)

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 07:00:54
that one doesnt work backoff

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 06:57:25

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 06:35:10
Wasn't there just a link here for the Bring 'em Back tournament? Where'd it go alla sudden?

28. Maaliskuu 2004, 05:02:42
Ok I have set up a simple page for everyone who wants to keep Steve and Mad Monkey here at brainking. Click here to give them your support

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 21:25:53
Linda J 
Otsikko: Just a reminder
Tomorrow March 28th is the last day for signups for the BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament You can enter this tournament HERE
March 29th is the start date. Lots "O" Luck everyone. Wear your backgammon shoes. ;•)

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:49:40
Linda J 
LOL that's ok BBw you're worth the wait your help is always good.

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:46:12
Linda - Took me an extra minute to find out what kind of tournament he had. :-)

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:45:24
Dragon - In a Fellowship tournament, it is a little more tricky

1) Go to the tournament you set up.
2) Click on the link that says "Back to the list of game types"
3) There you will see the "Close" button
4) Then you will see the "start" button

Let me know if you have any other questions.

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:44:37
Linda J 
Oh tournament guy this ones for you BBW

27. Maaliskuu 2004, 16:41:35
Otsikko: I cant start my own tournament - help needed
Why cant I see the message to start the tournament? The date has passed, etc.

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