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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

Join Fellowship Teams to participate in Team Tournaments

Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

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11. Toukokuu 2005, 00:41:23
Otsikko: Re:
rod03801: :) no problems in months because I stoped posting there much, I guess!

ok,ok, back on topic please :)

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:48:27
I haven't seen any problems on that board in months..

I was simply clearing up any misconceptions. I'm sure it is a fine fellowship. :-)

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:38:57
Otsikko: Re:
rod03801: Anywho, no need to take everything so seriously and literal, I was only joking around (and trying to promote my fellowship too)

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:37:18
Just did, and it was just updated to include run in the dark games too... now if we can just fix the tiresome and inconsistant moderation ;~)

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:34:52
Perhaps you need to look in the description again.
And again, with the combining of boards this week, it is common sense anyways.

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:32:14
Otsikko: Re:
rod03801: I dont know.... it is a board for the game "run around the pond", very specific, not pond games in general or any multi player games, I dont see anything in the description that states thsa it is a board for any of the pond games ;)~

... and since pawns are not allowed to play multi player games anyway, a fellowship devoted to those games specifically will not exclude anybody who is involved. But the real bonus to joining the Ponds Plus Fellowship, and discussing all of the Brainking multi player games, is that it is free from inconsitant and tiresome moderation!

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:18:31
It is perfectly approrpriate to discuss Dark Ponds on the existing Ponds public board.
Especially with the recent combining of boards (eliminating boards for variants).

10. Toukokuu 2005, 23:02:56
I have the only place on all of Brainking devoted exclusively to all of the multi player games on this site, including the newest, Run in the Dark! here is no place else on Brainking where you can discuss this newest addition to Brainking without being off topic ;)

All are welcome to join....
Ponds Plus Fellowship

8. Toukokuu 2005, 13:11:34
Otsikko: Are you a top Backgammon Player? Is your BKR "2000" or above??
Muokannut Bry (8. Toukokuu 2005, 13:17:37)
If so, and you are not already a member, please feel free to request membership to join

***Bry's Backgammon Fellowship***

The majority of top Backgammon players are members. There are regular tournaments, usually with over 40 top players competing.

The standard is very good and all winners are acknowledged on the main Fellowship page.

There is no pressure to chat or join any tournaments. It's just good competitive fun.

5. Toukokuu 2005, 14:53:03
Otsikko: hı Nirvana
hı Nirvana

3. Toukokuu 2005, 07:36:22
Otsikko: Plente o' Pente
Muokannut redfrog (3. Toukokuu 2005, 07:37:41)
New fellowship for all forms of Pente - come get some....

Plente o' Pente

1. Toukokuu 2005, 21:04:35
Otsikko: New Pente Home (Purple World)
Purple World has had an influx of kick-ass Pente players. If this is your game there will be a warm welcome at http://brainking.com/en/ShowFellowship?fid=220.

30. Huhtikuu 2005, 03:23:05
Otsikko: Please join ...

27. Huhtikuu 2005, 07:10:43
Otsikko: Re:
OptimistMB: You've got it.

27. Huhtikuu 2005, 03:09:03
Just make sure it is the proper size, and email it to info@brainking.com

27. Huhtikuu 2005, 01:00:48
Oh, and how do you place a graphic in your fellowship? I want to use this one.

27. Huhtikuu 2005, 00:55:12
Which boards is it considered kosher to announce new fellowships in?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 18:19:05
Otsikko: Putting the outing back in BrainKing
New Fellowship: Gather 'round the fire and tell us your stories of the world around you. We're open to all outdoor topics. Examples: hiking, camping, climbing, skiing, swimming, and Scouting. All lovers of the outdoors are welcome here. The Campfire

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 18:11:52
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: Thanks

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 18:11:06
Not anymore.

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 18:08:39
Otsikko: Re: Fellowship Operations Manual
ClayNashvilleTn: Doesn't help. Apparently my forums are corrupted or something

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 18:02:47
Otsikko: Re: Fellowship Operations Manual
OptimistMB:Yes, they are very brief. Live and let live.

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 17:58:10
Otsikko: Fellowship Operations Manual
Does such a thing exist?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 14:43:36
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
Stevie: thats a more common response :)

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 14:35:07
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
Hrqls: great red light districts too ;o)

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:54:57
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
ClayNashvilleTn: hmm ... wow you only mentioned the 'decent' things .. not exactly what most people name first ;)

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:45:05
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
Hrqls: I know all about the Dutch people. Wooden shoes, Tulips and wind mills. Is there more?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:40:23
Otsikko: Re:
Stevie: I have "NEVER" exaggerated since I have been on BK.

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:38:39
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
ClayNashvilleTn: sorry ... although it almost as different from english as dutch is ... ;)

its for those people who feel more comfortable in dutch ... as well as for me to get some input for the dutch translation :)

(imagine a site where the dutch input would come from clay ;))

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:38:14
I thought you spoke gobbledegook Clay ;o)


26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:33:39
Otsikko: Re: Nederlandstalig
Hrqls: I speak red neck southern. Can I join?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 13:29:11
For anyone speaking/reading/writing/understanding/.. dutch :

Join : Nederlandstalig

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 04:01:56
Otsikko: Re: PRO CHECKERS TEAM...Ustica
Czuch Chuckers: Ustica selects the name and the players and does a good job. But thanks. LOL.

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 03:41:14
Otsikko: Re: PRO CHECKERS TEAM...Ustica
Purple: OHHHHHH... "pro checkers" team, not "pro" checkers team...LOL

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 02:58:26
Otsikko: Re: PRO CHECKERS TEAM...Ustica
Czuch Chuckers: Pro refers to the openning..not the rating. But 2100 is enough.

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 02:36:37
Otsikko: Re: PRO CHECKERS TEAM...Ustica
Purple: 2100 is pro?

26. Huhtikuu 2005, 01:47:17
Otsikko: PRO CHECKERS TEAM...Ustica

18. Huhtikuu 2005, 14:04:28
Otsikko: Same here lol

For .. Checkers, Anti Checkers, Czech Checkers, Corner Checkers, One Way Checkers, Parachute Checkers, Gothic Checkers, Turkish Checkers, Alquerque, Five in Line, Line4, Anti Line4, Linetris, Spider Line4, Pente, Keryo Pente, Small Pente, Small Keryo Pente, Open Pente, Open Keryo Pente, Spider Linetris, Reversi 6x6, Reversi 8x8, Reversi 10x10, Anti Reversi.

Come and Join.

15. Huhtikuu 2005, 23:00:24
Otsikko: Membership Drive

    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^\
    | - All Gammon games: ◙ The Gammon Cube ◙ - | ||'"""""\
    | - All Boat games: ! BIG BAD ! Battleboats - - -| || \
    | - Froglet, Amazons, + more: Frogazons Plus - - | ||'""""""""\__,_
    |_______________ ____________ _________ | ||__|____|___|)
    ()'!()""""""""""""" """""""""""" """"""""""""""**|()()****|()

3 Fellowships OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS (Knights and above)

  • ◙ The Gammon Cube ◙ - Fellowship dedicated to all the Gammon games (Backgammon, Nackgammon, Backgammon Race, Crowded Backgammon, Anti Backgammon, and Hyper Backgammon) - We have tons of fellowship tournaments, backgammon talk, and join all team tournaments - Open to everyone, skill does not matter

  • ! BIG BAD ! Battleboats - Fellowship dedicated to all the Boat games (Battleboats, Battleboats Plus, and Dark Battleboats). We have some fellowship tournaments, boat talk, and we enter all the site team tournaments.

  • Frogazons Plus - Frogazons plus deals with about 9 games. (Both Froglets, All Espionage, Amazon, Jarmo, Alquerque and Jungle) - We try to have fellowship tournament & other fun stuff. Plus we also enter the site team tournaments.

    Anyway, All 3 fellowships are open to everyone - Skill does not matter - as long as you can have fun, you are welcomed to any of these fellowships!

  • 15. Huhtikuu 2005, 22:07:33
    Otsikko: Re: $1,000,000. Cash prize!
    Fencer: Extortionist!

    Main Entry: ex·tor·tion
    Pronunciation: ik-'stor-sh&n
    Function: noun
    Date: 14th century
    1 : the act or practice of extorting especially money or other property; especially : the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice
    2 : something extorted; especially : a gross overcharge
    - ex·tor·tion·er /-sh(&-)n&r/ noun
    - ex·tor·tion·ist /-sh(&-)nist/ noun

    Pronunciation Key

    © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
    Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 21:39:57
    Muokannut Jason (15. Huhtikuu 2005, 21:40:22)
    lol ;))))))))))))))) too funny

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 21:02:28
    Otsikko: Re: $1,000,000. Cash prize!
    ClayNashvilleTn: I am afraid you don't get it. Until the whole amount of 1 million USD is received on my bank account, the tournament won't be started. There is nothing to negotiate.

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 20:38:40
    Otsikko: Re: $1,000,000. Cash prize!
    Fencer: Awww Fencer, you know that before I would desire to allow someone else to make money off my money in interest I would lose by depositing "before" the tournament is over, (which could be SEVERAL WEEKS); I will simply forward the amount to be paid for the 1st years' winner's pot in the amount of $4.00 to be deposited for each tournament winners' gains for year one. Please respond with your private Swiss Bank Account # and I will deposit into it forthwith!!!

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 16:51:58
    lol .. he got you there clay ;)

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 16:30:45
    Otsikko: Re: $1,000,000. Cash prize!
    ClayNashvilleTn: Don't forget to deposit the prize (I mean, the full prize) to my bank account before the tournaments are started. Otherwise they would be invalid.

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 15:52:57
    Small print for $1,000,000 cash are in the payment terms!

    Payment Terms! $1.00 a year for 1 million years!

    15. Huhtikuu 2005, 15:29:55
    Otsikko: $1,000,000. Cash prize!

    OK........Here it is! Simplified! Pick your game choice or enter any and all of them! This tournament will also include outsiders from this Fellowship but will be a good way to meet new people and begin new friendships!

    Already we have:
    Five in Line ---- 11 signed up!
    Backgammon------- 17 signed up!
    Battleboats------ 9 signed up!
    Hyperbackgammon-- 15 signed up!

    Just click on the link below and follow the very simple instructions! Don't MISS OUT!

    Five in Line Tournament

    Hyperbackgammon Tournament

    Battleboats Tournament

    Backgammon Tournamanet

    5. Huhtikuu 2005, 23:23:31
    Otsikko: Re: Announcement!! Announcement!!
    ScarletRose: damn Hot ;) LMAO

    5. Huhtikuu 2005, 03:57:11
    check it out!

    Noticed that Fencer changed the News section of fellowships some

    Now you can set the "expire" date so things stay for a long time! Yea!

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