Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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I think Steve's idea is a great compromise..
But I must say that I really don't see the need for multiple fellowships for one "group" ... other fellowships have different types of games within their fellowships, and work quite fine..
I agree with Steve. Of course if the Manager of a team were given more options perhaps one fellowship would work. But as it stands,I think it would be too overwhelming for the BigBoss to oversee ALL variants.
So,IMHO,either giving Managers more power or allowing a fellowship for each type of game as Steve suggests would make more sense. :-)
Because i like there being a difference between game types, not variations (there are way to many of them LOL)
If it has to be one fellowship, so be it :o)
Fencer, would it be ok to have say 4 fellowships for a group, a reversi one(all reversi like mine is), backgammon one (all gammons), checkers one (all checkers), Line one (all lines) . As this is how you have it laid out on new game page.
That would be considerably less fellowships.
Chief not only knew it was a multi ID, but it was one of his own multi ID's.
He asked a kind member of the KM to sponsor this ID, under the pretense that the person could not afford membership themselves. A generous person paid the membership, which Chief then used for less than honest dealings.
the KM concept is great,ughaibu...its the fraudulant behavior of its founder that has tainted the whole thing.
Fellowships are one of the most outstanding features,here at BrainKing.It gives non-paying members just one more incintive to upgrade their membership.Its because of this,that I think the integrity of fellowships be tended to.And I think frauds should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.Lets keep our members safe from scam artests.
well Merry Christmas to you and yours Fencer...and I guess we'll wait till after the holidays to deal with the fraudulant behavior of the founder of KM?
Hey guys,
it's Christmas time and I really don't want to make a final solution right now. When can I have a rest?
Anyway, I would like you to know that I don't like the idea of having a special KM fellowship of each game type. The purpose of fellowships is to assemble players, to make a community and create internal teams of any game types the members like. I say again, internal teams. The list of fellowships is already very long and although it needs some reorganization, there are some fellowships that should be deleted.
Let's have no more than one KM fellowship, as a start. And let's do it before the end of this year.
Usurper, I for one don't see you have done anything wrong, except to put your faith and trust in the wrong man. You did not put a false identity up for the adopt a pawn programme, which I feel is the worse thing anyone can do. Its on a par with stealing from charity.
All you did was to go along with Chief on minor things. For what its worth, you have my support.
I second that. Even if it means I must leave for doing my sordid part. I did not swindle people like Chief KM but I did play along with his game and use multi-nics etc. Most but not all created by him but I had access to some of them. And I knew about the swindling. So I am guilty and would at least like to say I am deeply sorry and ask forgiveness. It is coming clean time.
'Licking my chops'?? Nice expression. I wouldn't care if it was you or someone I had never had dealings with. Personal feelings aside, anyone who lies, cheats and swindles good, honest people out of money (as well as ratings etc..) should do the decent thing and leave.
Please note my Reversi and Five in line fellowships are now no-longer KM........... etc.
But are GH..........
Same values as origionaly but this time I wont let you down.
I see there has been a grand total of 2 messages here in 21 days--so I will move to the general chat---I wouldn't want to clog up this "friendly"
felowship chat group
Sorry. You asked about O'Reily after saying something about people being afraid of posting in here - I wasn't sure where you were going.
I've seen O'Reily, but I've never watched it. Just as a suggestion, you may want to ask in General Chat since more people will read that board then read this board which is suppose to be for Fellowship discussion.