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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

Join Fellowship Teams to participate in Team Tournaments

Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

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6. Tammikuu 2007, 20:00:32
Otsikko: Are we the only gays in the village?
Queer and Proud
If not, join our Fellowship and make some new friends. You will be made welcome, thanks very much!

6. Tammikuu 2007, 16:34:26
Adaptable Ali 
Just want to say abig Thank You to everybody, who has joined my fellowship over the last couple of days. I have had an overwhelming response to BK players who have wanted to join my teams in my fellowship, thank you very much

4. Tammikuu 2007, 16:09:05
Otsikko: Re: Stairs

4. Tammikuu 2007, 16:00:57
Otsikko: Re: Stairs
Fencer: Would be nice to have a board where we share those good tips about how to do things. I have a lot to learn so it would be a big benefit to me.

4. Tammikuu 2007, 15:46:09
Hi I'm Big Boss of shanon n sandys place we are all ways looking for new members if you would like to join just send me a request thank you and have fun

4. Tammikuu 2007, 15:40:44
Otsikko: Re: Stairs
Dolittle: Yea, me too.

4. Tammikuu 2007, 15:39:29
Otsikko: Re: Stairs
BIG BAD WOLF:Thanks for that info BBW, I learned something today!!

4. Tammikuu 2007, 15:29:00
Otsikko: Re: Stairs
Marfitalu: You can also ask the user to leave the stairs - most will - since they probable did not notice they were still in the fellowship stairs.

Other then that, like Dolittle said - Fencer should be able to. (but asking the user is easier for Fencer.)

4. Tammikuu 2007, 14:22:23
Otsikko: Re: Stairs
Marfitalu:You can contact Fencer and ask him to remove the user but I think that's the only way.

3. Tammikuu 2007, 22:39:25
joshi tm 
Muokannut joshi tm (4. Tammikuu 2007, 04:28:46)
Anyone who needs me in a team of Anti Checkers, Gothic Checkers or Hyper Backgammon, PM me with an invite to your fellowship.

Also I need one (strong) Ataxx player for the team of the Assimitaxx Force

3. Tammikuu 2007, 01:20:57
Otsikko: Teams
We also need more people to join our teams.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

3. Tammikuu 2007, 00:26:57
if anyone would like to sign up for teams and play in the upcoming Team Tournaments, they would be most welcome to join these fellowships:

ŊøøҜs έ Craηηίεs
for adults over 18 only please.

☼ ¥εstεrday's Wørld ☼
Younger members welcome here.

31. Joulukuu 2006, 04:24:38
Otsikko: KindaUnique Could use some more members!

Could use some more members!  Care to join our terrific little group known as KindaUnique ?  We are all friendly and nice!  :-))  You can click on our fellowship name KindaUnique  or send me a message by clicking on my name BossLady !  Either way it will get to me!  :-))  Sure hope I see a bunch of you there!!  lol   :-))   

30. Joulukuu 2006, 10:39:57
Otsikko: Snoopy's Kennel
anyone who is interested in seeing the inside of
Snoopy's Kennel
send me a message for an invite!!!!

22. Joulukuu 2006, 19:20:39
Otsikko: Re:
Gr☺uch☺: would like to try the ludo tourney....thanks

21. Joulukuu 2006, 19:56:12
Papa Zoom 
Muokannut Papa Zoom (21. Joulukuu 2006, 19:58:40)
I'm going to be running a Rook Prize Tourney in the fellowship, Friendly Faces. 
I want to give any of you that aren't members there a chance to join
the fellowship so you can also be in the tourney if you're interested.  ;)  Welcome one and
all.  ;)

The game will be Ludo.  I picked that so that it will even the playing field so more people have chances of winning.  It will be a 5 day tourney. 

7. Joulukuu 2006, 14:52:13
Otsikko: Re: Big Boss Swop
WellyWales:    LOL  Maybe it is a precaution for the original BB's to make sure that the moderator did a good job as subsitute BB?  It gives them time to make sure they still want that person to be moderator!   Kinda negative eh?  Or it is something that 'they' forgot to set up?   LOL        

7. Joulukuu 2006, 03:18:55
Papa Zoom 
Tickle Fellowship

for laughs and fun.  tourney signups now open 

come join the fun :)

6. Joulukuu 2006, 22:38:41
Otsikko: Big Boss Swop
When you swop Big Boss with a moderator, this moderator is not a moderator when you swop Big Boss back again, it has to be done manually, could it not be automatic, it does get over looked sometimes

3. Joulukuu 2006, 15:06:04

Hi there!  This is Big Boss = BossLady (Pat) from the KindaUnique Fellowship who would like to extend a welcoming invite to anyone who would like to join our great little bunch of super people the we have here!  :-))

Come and join in the fun & games at KindaUnique !!  :-))  We would love to have you!!  :-))

You know what to do...just click on the link!  

2. Joulukuu 2006, 15:53:57
Otsikko: Re: Dead F/S's
Gr☺uch☺: sounds good but i may be nexted on that hit list lol

1. Joulukuu 2006, 18:59:02
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer:Thanks Fencer!!

1. Joulukuu 2006, 08:49:54
Otsikko: Re:
rednaz23: Updated.

1. Joulukuu 2006, 07:39:47
Papa Zoom 
Otsikko: Re: Dead F/S's
rednaz23:  I think it's a good idea to replace a MIA Big Boss.  ;)  How depends on the situation.  If there is no clear BB designee, then it should be up for grabs IMO  ;)

1. Joulukuu 2006, 06:28:36
This board could be updated... we no longer need to send Fencer a message with our new F/S picture... YAY for improvements!

1. Joulukuu 2006, 06:26:30
Otsikko: Dead F/S's
This is a joint Feature Request / Fellowship Discussion piece. What happens to "dead" fellowships?

From that, I would like to propose that if a Big Boss turns to a pawn, and does not renew their membership status after a period of x days (say 30), that the fellowship is:

A: Up for grabs to any member.
B: Given to the next manager of the fellowship.
C: Given to a prearranged member the Big Boss picks.

Does anyone see a problem with this idea? I think it could revitalize some of the fellowships that have all but died off.

30. Marraskuu 2006, 10:07:22
Otsikko: Re: Join
"Snoopy": Nice Christmas pic you have yourself there.

30. Marraskuu 2006, 09:14:45
Otsikko: Re: Join
Gr☺uch☺: now how can anyone not want to join with such a great pic..lol

30. Marraskuu 2006, 07:07:10
Papa Zoom 
Otsikko: Join
                 _.'__    `. 
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       jgs        `;_:    `"'
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28. Marraskuu 2006, 11:31:39
Otsikko: join in the fun at peanuts.
Muokannut ScrambledEggs (28. Marraskuu 2006, 11:41:08)
everyone who loves the cartoon strip featuring Snoopy and the gang is more than welcome

28. Marraskuu 2006, 07:42:30
Papa Zoom 
Otsikko: Fellowship flags
If you need a fellowship flag, I will try to make one for you.  Other's on BK can make them too.  It's fun for me so no worries.  Send me a PM and tell me what you want.  I'll make a few and you can choose.

The following fellowship flags are NOT to be downloaded.  They were made for other fellowships.  I post them to give you and idea of what I've done for others. ;) 

Click Here

26. Marraskuu 2006, 18:29:10
Adaptable Ali 
Otsikko: Re:
"GERRY": okie dokie i will try again

26. Marraskuu 2006, 18:25:45
Otsikko: Re:
xmas is soon: I unblocked u at 13:14:)))

26. Marraskuu 2006, 18:21:09
Adaptable Ali 
Otsikko: Re:
"GERRY": I cant you have me on block lol

26. Marraskuu 2006, 18:16:38
Otsikko: Re:
xmas is soon: sure anytime:)))

26. Marraskuu 2006, 18:13:47
Adaptable Ali 
Otsikko: Re:
"GERRY": Can i pm you please

26. Marraskuu 2006, 17:09:49
Otsikko: Re:
xmas is soon: But you won't let us other nice people join.;))))

26. Marraskuu 2006, 16:59:25
Adaptable Ali 
If peeps want to go to my fellowship they can see what Groucho has done for me, its brilliant

26. Marraskuu 2006, 16:48:30
Papa Zoom 
Otsikko: Re: Fellowship Pictures
baddessi:  It's a labor of love.  ;)

26. Marraskuu 2006, 16:00:16
Otsikko: Re: Fellowship Pictures
Gr☺uch☺: and as many on here can tell you, myself for one, he does a great job on pictures.
We appreciate all your time and effort Groucho!

26. Marraskuu 2006, 06:13:45
Papa Zoom 
Otsikko: Fellowship Pictures
If you don't have one and need help making one, I can help out.  Just PM me.  ;)  They are relatively easy to make and I like doing it.  My fee is reasonable - free.  ;)  

23. Marraskuu 2006, 17:52:29
Muokannut BossLady (23. Marraskuu 2006, 17:54:02)

        Just passing through to wish all my neighbours a       Happy      Thanksgiving        Day!!            

KindaUnique Fellowship would also like to welcome anyone who is looking for a great bunch of members and a fun place to join into!!  Come on over to KindaUnique!!             Pat   :-)) 

19. Marraskuu 2006, 06:07:31
Muokannut heavenlyemma (19. Marraskuu 2006, 21:00:11)
Hey have fun at heavenlyemma's palace enjoy and join in

17. Marraskuu 2006, 19:20:20



We Play All Games   No Day's OFF


1 to 7 DAY"S           Also 1 Hour & 9min games


Join by REQUEST or PM me!!!!!


We have all KIND"S OF TOURNAMENT"S here & on BrainKing OPEN



17. Marraskuu 2006, 19:00:20
Adaptable Ali 
Otsikko: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Ah right thank u very much

17. Marraskuu 2006, 18:23:44
Otsikko: Re:
xmas is soon: yup - that is correct.

17. Marraskuu 2006, 18:22:07
Adaptable Ali 
Otsikko: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: SO you have 2 in pink hilighted on your fellowship, so are those waiting for you to accept then

17. Marraskuu 2006, 17:52:48
Otsikko: Re:
xmas is soon: One is challenges your fellowship has made - the other are challenges waiting for you to accept.

17. Marraskuu 2006, 17:42:49
Adaptable Ali 
I have noticed that some fellowship challeneges are hi-lighted pink and some arent, what does this mean?

16. Marraskuu 2006, 22:02:50
Calling all gammon players - if you do not already belong, now is a GREAT time to join The Gammon Cube Fellowship

◙ The Gammon Cube ◙

We are gearing up for the year end tournament, which last year had over 100 fellowship members competing in a special year end backgammon tournament - and I don't know about others, but the bigger the tournament - the more I like it.

Fellowship is open to all Bishops and above. Feel free to request to join. It does not matter if you are on other fellowship teams - just join for the fellowship tournament & games!

◙ The Gammon Cube ◙ - Request membership today!

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