Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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nicmulti_68: For me, that is a hard question to answer. Not going to say which 1's to recommend but go w/ the 1's that have subject or topic that you like.
Feel free to join 1 of the newest fellowships on BK. Games for beginners to masters or even for practice. The only requirements is to have FUN & CHAT w/ playing games! Again please free to join the TIGER'S DEN
Otsikko: What are they talking about?? Come join the Original Flame Pit. See previous post ;)
1. 32 2. Feature requests 26 3. The One and Only Flame Pit 26 4. Backgammon 24 5. Politics 21 6. Lorien 21 7. Radost z vítězství 21 8. Republic of Uganda 16 9. THE INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS CLUB 16 10. JUST FUN & GAMES
You are invited to join The One and Only Flame Pit. The Original Flame Pit began in 2003 by Backoff. In it's day, it was one of the busiest fellowships around and currently has over 80 thousand messages! I took over the fellowship a while back and then Apaleuinicorn took over. Now he's given it back and I'm reviving it. New Smilies are being added, lots of chat, lurk if you like. Soon I'll start some tourneys with all games and the most popular will be kept and the less popular scrapped. I hope you'll join the fellowship and help it to thrive.
There are 4 new site team tournaments up to start in March 2010 - with 3 of those CHALLENGES, and the 4th is a game which has not had a site team tournament yet - so a side challenge to see if we can get at least 4 fellowships to join.
Artful Dodger: Yes, unless it has changed. You can not create a Fellowship Tournament un less you have created a Team for that game. You do not have to have any players signed up, BUT the Team must be there
I need the answer to a question. If I start a fellowship and want to add games (maybe even all games) do I have to add the games one at a time? I'm under the impression that I have to add the games one at a time even if I want all games available for future tourneys.
There are 5 new site team tournaments up. For this round, I went through the list of games, scratched off any game that has had a team tournament in the past year and a half - found at least 1 gammon & 1 chess, and 3 other misc games. Since most major holidays are over, made all tournaments with a little shorter 3 days per turn. (Yea, still more then some people like - but 3 is a nice standard for most.) And even have 3 new "CHALLENGES" for fellowships.
#1 - Triple Poker - A challenge to the 2 fellowships who won the last team tournament - Radost z vítězství & The Untouchables
#2 - Fevga - A challenge to the winners of the last team tournament: The Untouchables
#3 - Frog Finder - A challenge to the winners of the last team tournament: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
Thanks for the suggestions & ideas - I was able to use a few, and put a few in my notepad for later use.
I create 4 new Site Team Tournaments for November... ALONG WITH A COUPLE OF CHALLENGES to all the Fellowships.
First is for Sphere Froglet - The first site team tournament had been completed with the fellowship Republic of Uganda as the winners. Can they repeat or will another fellowship step up and take the unofficial crown?
Second - Cheshire Cat Lines of Action. CAN WE GET 4 TEAMS - 16 players total?
On the active game list, out of the 128 games listed, Cheshire Cat Lines of Action is #127 with only 42 current games going.
I know it's hard to get teams for these less popular games, but lets see if we can scrap enough up to get at least 4 fellowships entered into this game which has never had a site team tournament before.
Also site tournaments for Breakthrough & Dark Battleboats has been created. Since these will start in November & the "holiday" season is getting close, all these tournaments are created with standard vacations.
Good Luck to all - and as always, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas about site team tournaments - please feel free to share them with me. (Private message is best since I can organize it better, but if you wanted to post it publicly here - that would be OK... but I might lose track of it easier.)
I invite all brainking paying members to join Brian's 1971 pub for team tournaments, stairs games and tournaments. Looking for new players who are willing to be active in different fellowship activities. So if you love having fun and want to be part of a great group, join Brian's 1971 pub today. yes, i think it would take a bit, but could lead to interesting Tournaments. Istead of just gettiong a point for winning a game (and 2 for winning 2) you could score 5 points in each game. Would make the Totals amazing. Maybe it needs thinging about. I will add it to the never ending list of Feature Requests
MadMonkey: Triple Gammon is currently not an option, but I know a few months ago Fencer had no problem in moving over the "Auto pass" option to the site team tournaments (like they are on regular tournaments)
.... so since it is already on regular tournaments, might be something that can be moved over to the site tournaments also.
I don't play the triple gammon games, but from what I remember - they basicly work just like cubed gammon games but the scoring of each game is a little different?
Hum.... actually it might take a little more work.... Would be nice to have a Triple Gammon of some sort, but would need code changes (unless the option is there already), and i think that would have to go on the BrainKing 3.0 list of Feature Requests
HEY - It will still be a week or so before I start to think about the next "batch" of site team tournaments set for November will be, so why not make some suggestions??
What Game - How many players - Time frame for games - even tournament name suggestions will be accepted.
Not saying I will follow all suggestions - What I normally do is check when the game last had a site team tournament (spread it out too all the different games) and such....
SO, got an idea? Send them to me. (Sending me a private message is best since I can collect them all in one place and take a look at them - but also if we wanted to have a small discussion here probable would be OK also.)
GOD'S PLACE is a fellowship to encourage people in learning and growing in their personal relationship with God and people. Please join to have access to encouraging devotionals and to share stories, questions and prayer requests with others.
Hyenas Lair does not have enough backgammon players in its team to enter the team tournament. If anyone wants to take part in it please join and sign up.
If you like to play ponds, and I have missed sending you an invitation, don't hesitate to request one from the "Ponds Plus" fellowship
Bwild: On the main page of your fellowship, right under the list of discussion boards will be a link to create a new board. Right under that, it has a menu where you can choose the language. This is of course if you haven't already reached your limit of discussion boards in that fellowship.
Where it says "Add a board", you type in the name of the board, then choose the language, then click "create".
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