Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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Looking for some anti-gammon lovers to join this anti-gammon only club. We need players for tourney's, challenges and general fun. :-) Send me a note for an invite. Thanks.
To bloviate is to harangue, hold forth, inveigh, lecture, mouth, orate, perorate, proclaim, rail, rant, recite, soapbox*, speak, spiel*, spout*, talk big* -- Let your thoughts be known.
Bloviating Blog - State your thoughts on any topic or comment (respectfully) to the thoughts of others. Debate if you so in a discussion format. Keep it friendly and respectful. Most of all, have fun. ;)
Gentle Ribbing Allowed :)
Main Entry: blog Part of Speech: noun Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. Etymology: shortened form of Weblog Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n
Hey all - if you are interested in some quality pente playin.... check out Plente o' Pente
We have recently refocused on learning and just having fun - there will be tournys posted for a variety of skill levels - plus learning tournys that are unrated.... all are challenges are welcome too
i am farely new to this site i play chess on other sites but i am interested in joining a fellowship i would like to know more about it,is there a rateing system,is there ranks like first place and last place. and so on..if you like you may message me or invite me for a game or 2 :O)thanx FOggY
Bloviating Blog - State your thoughts on any topic or comment (respectfully) to the thoughts of others. Debate if you so in a discussion format. Keep it friendly and respectful. Most of all, have fun. ;)
Main Entry: blog Part of Speech: noun Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. Etymology: shortened form of Weblog Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n
Im still thinking it would be a good idea to allow the creator of a set of stairs to control stair users status.... also, if a person is removed from the f/s - they should be removed from the stairs....
Hrqls: This actually what I meant. A fellowship for people to meet other people that play at a specific time. For instance 18:00-24:00 Zulu time. Evening in Great Britian, Afternoon in the States, and a late shift for those in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Something like that is what I was thinking!
I created a Dutch Fellowship some time ago. If there is anyone speaking dutch who wants to join, send me a message
I like the idea of a fellowship for a specific timezone. I would create a CET (central european time) fellowship, but i cant create a new one :(
Another idea would be to create a fellowship for people who are online at a certain time .. this is related to timezones, but some people are online during the day, other people at night. These fellowships can relate their time to GMT (which is CET-1) and then add the time at which people may be online
its nice to be online at the same with time with almost everyone in the fellowship :)
harley: I considered it! But I just created my own lines fellowship less than a week ago, and would like to see that become a success with enough players on each of the teams to have tourneys running consistently... maybe stairs... People playing, learning, teaching about line games. That is what I would like to see. I want to keep/get that going before starting another...
Jules: My point is so you can play a fast tourney, or play a stairs game in one sitting... that sort of thing, instead of always having a tourney that extends for weeks... It doesn't bother me a bit, I just wanted to get that idea floating out there, someone will love this idea (others have already said they like the idea, but don't want to be BB, I am the same way!) and create it. My problem of not finding people to play is being solved as more tourneys I have signed up for start... I have almost 60, and by the end of the week... maybe 100! I can't wait until I can jump on for how ever long and just play for an hour and never have to wait for a person to play...
rednaz23: Why not just pick players from your time zone, or increase the number of games you have going as you don't have that many. It solves the problem I've found.
Andersp: My point is not to create teams... this is more a fellowship for the discussion board use... sort of like the Debate Club, but instead, this is for each time zone area. For example, the America's would include the U.S., Canada (all 11 of em... LOL JK), Mexico, Central America, and South America. Europe and Africa would include just that, Europe and Africa. The Far East would include members from east Asian, Southeast Asian, and the Western Pacifica islands (including Australia and New Zealand). I know the first two would very much be a success, as for the Far East fellowship, I don't know if BK has the members to support it. But my point is that these 2 or 3 fellowships would be for finding opponents that play in the evenings when you do! You could even figure that if you are from the states, and wanted to play people in the morning and early afternoon, you could go the Europe/Africa fellowship and find opponents their! The reason... because most people play in the evening. Look at the "Who is Online" page and you will see mostly European flags during one time, at another time you will see mostly flags from the western hemisphere!
I hope this makes sense! It makes sense to me! When other people see it too, someone will create the fellowship! Will it be you!?
Andersp: But that is just USA, not SA, Canada, Etc.. It is a Time Zone FS he was
Edit* in that FS you linked to it says :
"☺ If you are from another country, create or join your national fellowship. "
So I'm not welcome nor are folks from Central or South America!
While conversing in a game with Rose, I came up with the following idea... if anyone is interested, feel free to run with it!
I think there should be a fellowship for people to find people who are in their resective time zone areas (the America's, Europe and Africa, the Far East), there could very easily be two of these fellowships created, one for the America's and one for Europe and Africa, and the third (the Far East) could be... The point is; I sit here this evening, with lots of games, and hardly anyone playing. Why? Because they are all in Europe and have played their moves and gone to sleep! So, I figured, why not a fellowship for people to find other people that are on when they are... Hence, this idea. I know that you can go to "Who is online", but why not this in addition?
redfrog: I don't think there currently is a way (without asking Fencer to remove them himself) - but it would be nice if a BIG BOSS did have the option to remove players from stairs like they can tournaments and such.
Well, I decided to make a lines games fellowship. If interested please join! I would like to eventually do some tourneys within the fellowship, as well as possibly team tourneys against other fellowships. This is a place for members who like lines games (all but pente, for that join redfrog's fellowship!), and want to learn new tactics/techniques, play games, and possibly play team tourneys! Check it out!
BIG BAD WOLF: I thought of that too... I would really be interested in setting different line games teams, and playing other fellowhips. I think I am just going to check out different fellowships, see what works, see what doesn't work, and eventually I may start my own. We will see! :-)
rednaz23: I don't think there are any fellowship just for line games, but some fellowship which deal with "all" or "a lot" of games include the line games.
The Frogazons - My fellowship which deals with basicly all games except for Chess, Checkers, Gammon, and Boats. (But not the most active fellowship)
HOME - An "all game" fellowship, which is pretty active.
You can belong to as many fellowships as you want, so the best is to start checking a few out to see what you like. Some have a lot of fellowships, so have lots of inter-fellowship team tournaments, some have few tournaments but a lot of friendly chat. You can always join, and leave if it does not fit your wants.
...of course you could always look into creating your own "lines only" fellowship.