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Just my two cents worth, but this would be a good idea if both parties agree to it and if the Big Boss were to come back after their absence they would have the option to regain control of the fellowship if they choose.
Fencer: Its working great for me as the Little Boss at All Lines - but rednaz23 cant seem to do anything as the Little Boss of Plente o Pente.... hmmmmm
Since mine has been one of the 'dead' fellowships for quite awhile ... I'd just like to say that I've come back and would like to let any interested parties know that there is plenty of room for new members. It seems I have lost all my teams.
Fencer: Then my only question would be if the little boss becomes the big boss if the first big boss is inactive for 30 days (or another set period of time). Is that a possibility?
Of course it is a tough subject, but people pass on or simply stop playing at BK and leave a fellowship to fade a way, this would keep fellowships alive instead of having a multitude of 'dead' fellowships like our fellowship list contains. Hope this option is possible. ;-)
I'm currently trying to discover glitches/bugs with Fellowships so that I can report them, so for testing purposes I'd like to request that 3 others form a team with me in any game in my fellowship: Ninja Command
Otsikko: Re:private fellowships work differently from public boards. The BB of a f/s can only hide the posts from his view, but everyone else can see the posts.....
Jason: sorry. I didn't mean to suggest what you said wasn't correct. You are right. If you manually put in the codes, the boards work the same. I just wanted to point out that in a fellowship you have the option of just removing someone, which is something you can't do on a public board. For me, that just seems the best way to be done with someone who you don't want posting, or copying and pasting, etc. So if they are a problem, then you just remove and problem is gone. But yes, everything you said is correct.
Otsikko: Re:private fellowships work differently from public boards. The BB of a f/s can only hide the posts from his view, but everyone else can see the posts.....
baddessi: If you know what to do you can work the fellowships EXACTLY the same as a public board ( just making sure people dont think my previous posts are wrong because they are correct)
baddessi: Thanks! I wasnt actually sure how it worked, since most of the time if you want to ban someone in your fellowship, you simply remove them all together!
Czuch: private fellowships work differently from public boards. The BB of a f/s can only hide the posts from his view, but everyone else can see the posts.....on a public board, when a mod hides posts, only the mods can see it, not everyone else. You probably know this, I just mean to be helpful. This may be obvious as well and not quite the point, but can't a BB just remove anyone from the fellowship that they want to? That way you don't have to worry about hides or bans...just remove them...A BB of a fellowship has a right to remove anyone they want from their fellowship
Czuch: yes as far as i can think that is correct , public board mods functions work correctly , the codes have to be put in manually ,differnt codes for every board and players ect. for a hide (so no one can see them) or for a ban (the player cannot post there or edit or delete posts)
Czuch: yes you will see shaded posts because you are BB if you put someone on hide on a board where you are not BB or a mod then you will not see thier posts , bear in mind that the hide you are talking about is only for you every one else can still see them .
In addition to being a regular fellowship like all the other ones, I am also starting this because I am trying to find and report site bugs/exploits that might still exist on BK, and I need to be the creator of one in order to find fellowship bugs, so I might later request others to assist me in testing things if I cannot test something alone.
Is there a way for a big boss to hide a members posts or to ban them from posting? I know I can use the hide button beside their name, but as big boss, does that hide their posts from just me or everyone else in the fellowship?
BadBoy7: You have to wait for them to request a membership to the fellowship. They you will have 3 options - accept, reject, and ban. Pick ban then submit.
Ban basically stops them from requesting membership over and over which at one time some immature people would do on this site to others.
I see that sort of thing all the time when a fellowship is first created - well not all the time, but often enough. Still say wait until tomorrow - and if still having issues, then send Fencer a message. There are processes which automatically run that fix many things - some of those processes only run ever few hours - or even once a day. I can't get on the first one which is Hooters Saloon.I keep getting all the fellowships instead of just mine when i try to go to the main page of my f/s.Man i'm confused.
KewlGuy: You might have to wait until tomorrow (or later - not sure how long) - I'm not sure how often, but there is some process that will "reset" your fellowship count back to 1 - allowing you to then create a new fellowship.
Why did you have to delete to create a new one? Just about any setting should be able to be changed in a fellowship so a delete/new would not be necessary.
If it still does not let you create a new fellowship tomorrow - then send a message to Fencer and he should be able to manually reset that count back to 1 for you.
I been trying to start a fellowship and messed up,so i deleted and started over.I;m having trouble as it says i have 2.??????????????? The one that still shows when i go to the main fellowship page,i get a whole list.