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Dama (Czech Checkers).

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11. Joulukuu 2006, 20:28:01
Otsikko: For Everyone A Reminder
Welcome to BrainKing! Our site offers a unique game playing experience that we know you will enjoy. In order to make this experience enjoyable for everyone, we have a few guidelines for all to acknowledge. By signing on to this site you agree to the following guidelines:
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11. Joulukuu 2006, 19:54:38
Otsikko: Cheats and Programs
Play with your head, it´s easy and exercise your brain. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Try it

11. Joulukuu 2006, 18:38:50
Gabriel Almeida 
Otsikko: Programs

Of course, Purple don't like we talk about programs. That's easy to understand!

I believe in Sobek words. I know this post will be deleted, but I'm tired of playing against cheaters, and I still don't understand Why doesn't Fencer do anything. Comercial reasons? Patrick Chu have done the same in IYT, and that's why so few people are still there.

Because of that, I've almost give up of playing Checkers, Czech Checkers or Chess. But I don't like it, because I paid my membership precisly because of some of that games! Fencer, you can not simply ignore us!!! You know that many, many people is tired of this, just as I am. Some of them speack, others are silenced, others are simply bored with these kind of things, and go away. I know a few cases...

Sincerely (and I say this because I really like this site), I hope it will run in "other directions" in the future...

10. Joulukuu 2006, 00:02:36
sure I understand, I hate cheaters too

but you can do nothing, just keep playing with your friends

9. Joulukuu 2006, 23:33:50
Otsikko: Re: peace!
Muokannut Undertaker. (9. Joulukuu 2006, 23:38:46)
mangue: I don't want war. However, I think everybody have to know who use programs. Now, I know more players what supostly use programs, but many players don't know and I think nobody wants play against players that use programs. But it's only my opinion. Thanks for your help :)

9. Joulukuu 2006, 21:54:57
Otsikko: peace!
Muokannut mangue (9. Joulukuu 2006, 21:55:21)
I better play against a human with computer as against a human accusing me to be a cheater if I win. I second Purple argument, do not miss respect to your opponent.

If you want to avoid cheaters, try to play some exotic variants like parachute checkers or anti-checkers, there are surely very few efficient program there!


Or try to play with some opponents you trust and who trust you and add the cheaters to your blocked users list

9. Joulukuu 2006, 19:34:44
Otsikko: Re: Notice
B L I T Z M E: I think the same

9. Joulukuu 2006, 18:40:42
Otsikko: Re: Notice
Muokannut Undertaker. (10. Joulukuu 2006, 01:06:59)
Purple: Look, I want play honestly. If I want play�against programs I don't need connect BK. Do you want I�delete my previous post? Ok, I do it. (edited to make it acceptable)

9. Joulukuu 2006, 18:00:23
Otsikko: Notice
Muokannut Purple (9. Joulukuu 2006, 22:13:05)
We do not tolerate calling people "cheaters" or other insults on any Public Boards. I ask that paid members remove their inflammatory posts. Pawns can not remove their posts so I will do it for them. If this behavior is repeated you will face being hidden or banned. This board is for game discussion. Thank you.

9. Joulukuu 2006, 12:31:03
Otsikko: Re:
Muokannut Undertaker. (9. Joulukuu 2006, 18:40:15)
sobek: Someone (Purple) wants I delete my post. Sorry everybody

8. Joulukuu 2006, 22:24:04
Undertaker :-)) I watch your game :-) I don't understand :-) stoupa in current game had winning combination in 8 move :-DDDDD and more next game (with by the perhaps? :-)) ) is very very same as Paswil 2.5 (good czech draughts program but not same best) :)

8. Joulukuu 2006, 22:12:11
Undertaker, we play 2 games and You know, that we play correct :-) I check this game and I answer You tomorow :-)

8. Elokuu 2006, 01:42:53
Keep it nice guys.

7. Elokuu 2006, 22:38:32
Otsikko: Re:
mangue: no, because I am better as draughts programs :-))) I use to draughts program to analyze REAL games no net game. I want play against human no computer. If I want play against draughts program, I don't need connect to game server :-)

7. Elokuu 2006, 21:34:32
Otsikko: Re:
sobek: I am totally agreing and this very certain that computer is a problem in "offline" site. This is also the main reason why I hardly ever play chess, unless I know my opponent in real life and trust him.

On the other hand, it is hopeless to get rid of computer assisted opponent. You can write code of conducts, etc...

An opponent playing only the computer moves would be bored quite quickly. However, if you do "study" with a computer, it will be almost impossible to detect.

Also, I am sure that you use a computer to play here at least to make your move and talk on the forums ;-)

7. Elokuu 2006, 18:57:37
Otsikko: Re:
mangue: Mangue,
me friend from czech tolt me about it, and sended me for check draughts program. And if player(his opponent) play all move (from first to last) as program, what do You think? Opponent is genius? Or cheater? And not existed only one but more players. I check another players(czech serious players tolt me, who)and I find next player use program. I am human, no program :-)In real know me more, more good players :-)

7. Elokuu 2006, 11:22:33
of course I want to have human opponents too, but it is my opponent who decides, and I cannot change it

7. Elokuu 2006, 11:16:07
thanks sobek for not saying stupid
you seems to be certain to know who is playing with computer and who is not, so probably you know how a computer is different. By the way, are you a human or a computer

7. Elokuu 2006, 10:03:38
Otsikko: Re:
mangue: sorry but You are crazy (I want wrote stupid)
I beat more programs and "programs players". I more play in real and online, but I want play against people, no PC. I lost only with people

6. Elokuu 2006, 22:24:16
cheaters are definitely annoying, but it is at least as annoying to be accused to be a cheater by a loser as to be beaten by "program"

5. Elokuu 2006, 23:49:01
Otsikko: Re: question
sobek: Do you have solid proof they are using programs or just you think they are from how they play? I dont think putting out a list is a good idea but you could check with Fencer and see what he says and if he ok's it then feel free to post it.

5. Elokuu 2006, 09:57:41
Otsikko: question
Who has like experience as I?
More czech players use draughts program.
I can make out list players,which use on 100%

21. Tammikuu 2006, 02:48:49
Otsikko: Draughts
Happy New Year,

Sophisticated contestants please message me to arrange faster matches.

No cheating!

4. Joulukuu 2005, 20:25:57
Hrm, reading the rules does help, i guess. ^_^;

Hmm, i thought the "X/Y/Z" notation had something to do with the vacation days and bonus days and whatnot...
Never thought there could be a total time limit for games, and 1 day is for sure too low to me. ^^

Thanks for clearing it. :)

3. Joulukuu 2005, 20:43:12
Otsikko: Re: badly implemented time limits ? *57*
portugal: Read the time control line more carefully. It says "time for game", not "move".

3. Joulukuu 2005, 18:16:51
Otsikko: badly implemented time limits ? *57*
Good evening.

It might be just me that didn't understand the rules of the time limits properly, but... see:


Last move by me is «2. December 2005, 01:46:42»
But then i get a message:
«You ran out of time (Gothic Checkers) francescolr 2. December 2005, 08:39:59»

?!? I thought i had one day for each move?
I don't understand this. x_x

14. Marraskuu 2005, 20:53:14
Otsikko: Re: Czech Checkers
Marfitalu: Most likely a draw.

If white could catch Black sleeping, white could try to place 1 piece at A7, a second piece at C5

Then try to place your third piece where black would have to jump, and then auto-jump and capture C5 piece also - leaving them on B6 so you can jump and win.

But if black is smart, they can most likely stay away from that trap also and go for the draw.

14. Marraskuu 2005, 20:41:13
Otsikko: Re: Czech Checkers
Marfitalu: draw

21. Lokakuu 2005, 20:42:23
mp friesland 
there are too few czech check ty's , so I decided to host one myself.
!! czech check it out !!
Don't mis out on this one, it will be a big one; sign up soon, it will start November 12

10. Lokakuu 2005, 11:27:35
Otsikko: Re: Draw?
Pedro Martínez: I don't, but thanks.

10. Lokakuu 2005, 00:05:35
Pedro Martínez 
Otsikko: Re: Draw?
bitwisexor: If you have one of your queens on the main diagonal, you should be able to win.

8. Lokakuu 2005, 13:25:31
Otsikko: Draw?
Proboably a stupid question, but is a pawn with no way of getting to a queen if the opponent plays well and two queens vs a queen a draw?

19. Kesäkuu 2005, 02:28:22

We are currently looking for a new moderator of this board. Are you interested?

  • More Information: Check out the Members only board

  • To Apply: Just Send me a Message

    PLEASE do not post if here since I may miss it, just send me a message. Also feel free to send me a message with any questions.

  • 22. Toukokuu 2005, 14:41:26
    mp friesland 
    Otsikko: rating calc
    am playing a game against Sodek, and it says below the game that a draw would result in zero bkr ponts for me. That looks odd to me, as Sodek's rating is 250 points higher then mine.
    You would think a draw against such a fine player would help you increase your bkr somewhat ..

    4. Toukokuu 2005, 13:08:29
    Otsikko: Re:
    SilentBob: Draw.

    4. Toukokuu 2005, 09:44:01
    Stupid question from a checkers apprentice ;-(
    Is 2 queens vs. 1 queen a draw or a forced win?

    10. Tammikuu 2005, 09:17:23
    Otsikko: Re:
    Pedro Martínez: thanks for the answer .. i was mistaken though .. i am playing a game of 'checkers' and not 'czech checkers' ;) .. i will post the question again on the 'checkers' board

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 23:59:31
    Otsikko: Re: jumping
    Har: Thanks for your replies. I couldn't find anything in the czech rules,and didn't remember such in the checkers. Learn something new everyday!

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 21:26:22
    Otsikko: Re: Re:
    We both know that in Checkers rules there is no such rule, so a new player will not go to the Checkers rules because he assumes he knows the checkers rules. He even play the checkers and see okay, I know this game so no problem. Then he plays the variants, and you know that we have to explain the rules to new comers, because they don't understand it. Again I'm not saying because of me or you, we are already fan of checkers variants. I really think that the Checkers variants rules should be improved.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 20:48:17
    Otsikko: Re: Re:
    Ferjo: I will agree with you that the rules are not always easy to understand. (If someone would like to re-write the rules to be clearer, I know Fencer would take a look at putting them up - if they are good enough.)

    But, in the rules it says something about the rules being the same as Checkers.

    You then need to look at the rules of Checkers, and you will find this rule:

    If the player has more possibilities to capture opponent's pieces, he/she can select any of them. However, when a queen (in variants with long jumps) can make a jump, the player cannot select a pawn to jump with.

    Again, I agree the rules would be MUCH beter if all directions are in one place, and not have to keep looking at different pages to find the complete rules.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 18:43:37
    Otsikko: Re:
    I enjoy the game too, but if there is a section with game rules why not they are acurate instead of being somehow "tricky"...
    Thats what I'm saying.
    And I meant Chances of course not change on the last post.. sorry about that.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 18:40:58
    I dont mind to be honest, I enjoy the game enough that if I lose..I try to learn from it, and if its to a Czech player..then from what you say, I should learn more :o)

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 18:39:22
    Otsikko: Re: jumping
    No Stevie I don't agree, it just means that Czech players have more change to win, because they know very well the game.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 18:36:10
    Otsikko: Re: jumping
    Ferjo: It just means that some of us "accustomed" players get a chance at a few easier wins with the new players then

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 18:33:32
    Otsikko: Re: jumping
    Sorry Fencer but it doesn't and it should, this is what its written on game rules concerning Czech Checkers:

    "Czech Checkers differs from the standard Checkers by the queen (similar to a king in Checkers) movement. When a pawn reaches the last row, it turns to a queen immediately and the queen can move and any spaces diagonally. It can also jump over an enemy's piece any spaces diagonally and make multiple jumps. Moreover, a queen does not have to land directly behind the captured piece, it can choose (when jumping) any other empty square in the line but does not have to jump over two or more pieces at once. The following picture shows a multiple jump made by the white queen (before and after the move):

    2 images of Board, explaining the Queen Capture.

    The other rules are the same as for normal Checkers."

    In my opinion the rules of Checkers variations are somehow vague, its a thing that must be improven at BK. For me doesn't matter because I accompany often the games, so I adapt quickly. But for new players I reckon its very confused. Because what they read in the rules and what its implemented its very different.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 10:48:47
    Otsikko: Re: jumping
    Har: Yes, it is mentioned in the rules.

    8. Tammikuu 2005, 04:16:04
    Otsikko: jumping
    if your in position to jump with a queen,and a pawn. Is it a rule you must jump with your queen? I've had this happen twice and would've prefered to have jumped with the pawn

    21. Joulukuu 2004, 22:27:57
    I reckon it depends on positioning. Now the rule of having to capture most is in place, its made it easier to stay away from draws. So I would say the list of draws you just showed Pedro could be reduced a bit

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