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That would be a great idea, considering the amount of duplicated posts. Gary, I see why you can't delete them, theres nothing WRONG with the posts, they're just copied from another board! And quite relevant to the discussion on each board. Its just that right now its the same discussion on both boards!
*blush* no need for thanks! I'd been reading this argument for weeks before finally posting, it seemed so obvious to me what you and Dmitri were trying to say and I couldn't decide if people were just being awkward about it or if they genuinely had a point themselves.
How many times has it been said that 'you can't please everyone'? This is certainly a good example of that.
I chimed in on the subject BECAUSE I'm a beginner at pente. Everyone is saying that you and Dmitri are trying to play God and take over the pente here and because you're Ace players you think you can rule the rules... so to speak!!
Well, I say NO. They are not trying to take over the site, they are trying to help people like me, who doesn't have a clue and wants to learn the CORRECT game. Most beginners probably wouldn't bother to read the long posts about this subject, Ellie being an example, so it has been left to those passionate about the game to argue it out. Thats why it looks like its 'only' Dmitri and Gary who want this restriction enforced, because they are the only two who can be bothered reading all the LONG posts!
Exactly Dmitri. Other sites have pente, WITH the restriction and nobody is shouting there saying they demand it without. Its the rules, IYT seems to have messed everything up, and if I'd have seen 'pente' or 'pro pente' here I'd have gone for pente because I didn't know how to play the game!!
Imagine then if I'd have entered a tournament WITH the restriction! I'd have been slaughtered!!
As I said before, rules are rules!!
Gary, can something be done about all the posts that are here AND on the other board? I like to follow this discussion because I'm interested in the game, and I happen to enjoy reading what people think who know a lot more than me about it. BUT.. I'm reading the same posts on each board, sometimes branching off with different replies and I'm spending too long reading the same posts!
Woah! When did this discussion turn into an argument?!! Its been close before but this is getting out of hand.
Dmitri and Gary, if people threaten to leave this site just because of you two then I'm sure they wont be missed. Emotional blackmail is an ugly thing and un-called for. If people want to stamp their feet and say "if I cant play this game then I'm not playing at all" the best thing to do is walk away and let them have their tantrum in peace.
I had never played pente before I came here, and I can see where you're coming from with this 'variant' that people want so bad.
Question.. if it had never been at this site at all, would everyone be shouting so loud about it now?
What comes to mind is a child who has no thoughts of ice-cream at all, until they see the ice-cream van.. then its the end of the world if they cant have one.
So it goes with this game. If it had been put here WITH the restriction to begin with there would be no problem now. Nobody would ASK for it without the restriction. As it is, it has been changed to fall in with the OFFICIAL rules and this should be accepted. And it was changed because FENCER saw the logic in what Dmitri and Gary are saying, no other reason.
And Walter... cheap shot at Gary. Nobody is interested in how often he is moving in your game. Its a turn based site, as long as he moves within the time its a legal move. If you have a problem with that its between you two and should be addressed privately, not on here to try and make Gary look bad. Next time shorten the time for moves.
I'm a total novice player and from what I can tell here its ONLY 'its your turn' pente players that have played this game without the restriction.
I would say that as a beginner, I NEED (not want or would like to or maybe should...) to learn the CORRECT rules of the game if I ever wanted to play on a 'real' board with people who have NOT played at IYT.
How embarassed would I be if I started a game of this with friends without knowing the right rules??? Saying 'Oh yes, I can play this game'!! I'd be laughed out of the room!
I dont care how IYT have had players learning the game, I'm just glad I didn't 'learn' there and then come here only to have to 're-learn' the correct rules of the game.
Thats my humble NOVICE opinion. Rules are rules, why does everyone have trouble seeing that?
I wasn't going to comment on this argument at all, because I'm a total beginner at any kind of pente, and not even good at it!!!
BUT... cloak and dagger??? Am I the only one who reads these boards? Its been explained in L.O.N.G and very detailed posts why the restriction is necessary. Even I can see this!! And I can see why its better too. As a beginner I'm glad to play the correct way, and I'm glad I never played at IYT, its difficult to forget everything you've learned about a a game and play by new (and correct) rules.
Condensed, I believe thats what the main argument is, the restriction is part of the official rules, therefore should be in place.
Sounds good to me, I like to play by the rules :o)