A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.
For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. *Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok. *Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway. *No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)
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srnity: Sorry, I wasn't here a few days and this is late. Mathew and family are in my prayers. Please keep in touch and let us know how he is doing. God Bless!!
Summer Flame: My prayers are with the family of Baby Taylor. Do hope they find out the cause and can bury that precious baby soon. This is all so difficult for the parents. Our brother and sister in law lost a beautiful baby girl a few years ago. She lived one day and they said it was a blood infection. We felt it might have been a staph infection but either way it was terribly hard on the family.
Foxy Lady: Ty and also ty Pbarb. The Autopsy found nothing, so am looking into skin and Tissue samples, if that turns out with nothing, looks like it maybe a Cot death. the parents are absolutely devastated, and at the moment they cannot even bury him, till all tests are done.
Pbarb, i hope your little Great grandaughter is doing well. I remember when my Adam had an op at 12 days old coz he had a similar problem, what they call Pyloric Stenosis. i hope and pray all goes well for her :)
Bubbles Pbarb2: how are things with Jazlyn today, Barb? Praying for this wonderful fragile life, her parents and you all. The LORD created and formed her and she is precious in His eyes. He holds her in the palm of His hands. Amen
My grandaughter called me a few hours ago. They had to take Jazlyn to the hosp. She has not been able to keep her formula down. They are going to do surgery on her tomorrow. They found a blockage. The Dr. came in to talk to them and said she is to dehydrated to do the surgery today. . Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Jazlyn was born Oct. 25th
A Soldier's Thanksgiving Over there a soldier's thinking Of a time not long ago, When his loved ones got together; 'Twas Thanksgiving Day, you know. Over there a soldier's dreaming Of a turkey baked just right, Mashed potatoes, golden gravy, Chestnut dressing, pure delight! Over there a soldier's hungry For whipped cream on pumpkin pie. Squares of cornbread, crusts so tender, Homemade biscuits stacked up high. Over there a soldier's wishing He could have one buttered roll. But he feasts on GI rations While his unit's on patrol. Over there a soldier's lying In a ditch, his makeshift bed. Mud and dirt are his companions; Been awhile since he's been fed. Over there a soldier's praying That his open sores will heal. He is sure that he'll feel better Once he has a good hot meal. Over there a soldier's hearing Loud explosions, muffled cries. Shrapnel killed his foxhole buddy Right before his very eyes. Over there a soldier's quoting Scriptures learned at Mother's knee, Proud that he's a mighty warrior, Keeping all his loved ones free. This Thanksgiving as you're eating That sweet corn that grandpa grew, Say a prayer for that dear soldier Who would love to be with you. 2007 Mariane Holbrook
On this Thanksgiving, America remembers the men and women of our military.... and of all nations.. May God love, bless and protect you all.
Otsikko: Re: Welcome Back All & Just Wanted To Let You Know.....
srnity: So happy to hear another donor was found. I pray that all goes well for him and he will be able to lead a normal life once again. God be with him and family.
The family are in my prayers during this sad time. It so hard to understand why such little ones are taken at such an early age. If the baby was fine..it could be sids. May God be with you all.
Otsikko: Welcome Back All & Just Wanted To Let You Know.....
The person that was in dire need of a second organ transplant was blessed to receive another donor-organ four days ago. They are not out of the woods yet, but his body is so far not rejecting this organ as it did the first one. It is so good to see my friend with hope in her eyes once again and I thank you for all the good wishes and prayers sent to them. May God Bless them both and get them through this
I am here tonight to request prayers for Baby Taylor who was suddenly taken from his family in the early hours of today Thursday 5 Nov 2007. he was a nine week old identical twin boy, who passed away suddenly and without warning. Dear Lord please give safe passage to this beautiful little baby boy into your care. Amen
Needed desperately for someone who just received an organ transplant, but their body is rejecting it. Things are not looking well and they really could use some positive energy, positive thoughts, and positive prayers sent their way
*This person could really use some prayers - just found out that the organ isn't viable any longer and now they are being kept as stable as possible until another donor-organ is found and time is of the essence - I don't know them, but I know someone who loves them dearly
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Jon.. He is doing very well.He ran a 5 k last Sat. and mowed the yard today with 8 clamps in his chest. I can't keep him down..Dr. got all the cancer... Just praying and know that God is looking after him. Good news for me.. My leaky valve has not changed since last Drs. visit. So thank you God for watching over me. God Bless BARB
Papa: We are all praying for those in Calif. Please keep my neices and nephews in your prayers. 3 are in the area of the fires. Trying to call and no answer. Other two neices are in a different part of Calif. We know they are safe at this point. Everyone there needs our prayers. God Bless BARB
We had about 5 hours of Jon's surgery and waiting. They take some out and then test it.They keep doing this until the cancer does not show anymore.They had to take him back 3 times before they got it all. Jon has a big hole now on his scalp to heal. On the 10th and 11th he has 2 more to get done. Dr. claims he got it all on his scalp. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for us. We know he is in Gods hands. God Bless BARB
You are a perfect child of God, and all your needs are provided before you ask.
God's love enfolds you now, warming your soul and permeating your body, softening and driving out any appearance of negative thoughts, energies, and emotions.
God's light glows from your center, and its rays emanating from you shine forth in purity and power. No shadow of illness or infirmity can exist in the presence of this brilliant illumination.
God's peace is in you always, soothing and calming whenever you turn to it for comfort.
We are God's perfection manifest in physical form. We are one in God and God is one in us. This is the one Universal Truth in this moment and at all times, in this place and everywhere.
Jon.. my husband.. is having 3 different skin cancer surgeries. The first one is tomorrow. Then the others the next two Weds.after. It is a great concern because the one tomorrow is on his scalp. It will be quite large but we don't know how deep they have to go. He had Malanoma 5 years ago and beat that. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you