A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.
For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. *Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok. *Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway. *No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)
"Moderators are here for a reason. If a moderator (or Global Moderator or Fencer) requests that a discussion on a certain subject to cease, or be moved elsewhere - for whatever reason - please respect these wishes. Failure to do so may result in being hidden, or banned."
*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!
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Just to let you know that Terry aka TTrotter and Jestone from El Salvador has passed away on 18 September, 2004. Those of you who knew him will miss his great sportmanship. Peace and best wishes to his family.
I pray Cindy will get the treatment she needs and will improve As far as the best there is as far as treating cancer check out www.cityofhope.org
It is in California I volunteer there twice a week
Please PRAY for my friend Cindy who has cancer and went through alot of KIMO just to find out her brains messed up. I don't know the whole deal but my wife is upset right now about Cindy
Bored my friend? THis is generally a prayer list, not really a religious chat board:)
How are ya? Sorry I have not invited ya to a game lately. Feel free ta post me. I admire yer zeal my friend, but pointed observations cut those bearin their hearts out...kinda like someone who walks by a high school garage band and shouts how much they suck while they're practicin.:D
THen again...I guess it was a thought...:D
PM me man.
I appreciate that those comments were aimed at someone else, but being someone who "does not believe in prayer in this day and age" I felt that I too was being called a fool.. which I just felt to be a little unnecessary.
I also agree that this board is for people with similar beliefs to yourself, and that therefore comments should certainly not be made against those beliefs.. this is definitely not the place for it.
But I can assure.. no hard feelings :))
btw, to be agnostic, for those that may not know, is being completely unsure, one way or another, about what they believe .. probably a large proportion of people :o)
Niki, I was surprised to hear from you as my comments were aimed at wolfie5. I have no idea why certain persons would be posting on this discussion board if they do not believe in prayer or a higher authority. I am not that familiar with persons that are agnostic anyway. I do not pass judgement, just comment and make suggestions. I will never argue religions or politics as each person is entitled to their own convictions and believes. I do not want to make anyone angry or dislike me because of what I believe but I do make a comment here and there. I do not think badly of those who do not believe what I do or are unsure what to believe. I was very interested in your message about Glaucoma as my boyfriend's mother, age 86, has been blind for years because she has Glaucoma and he (Joe) and his brother and 2 sisters are very susceptible. It seems Glaucoma is an inherited affliction. Thank you for your comments and do not judge me or come to the conclusions that you did about my comments. Thank you for understanding.
I do not consider myself a 'fool' for being an agnostic, and funnily enough that attitude won't help change my mind ! I admire, and am even slightly jealous of those that have great faith .. and if you believe, that's all that really matters.. but I feel it's a little harsh to think badly of those of us that don't, or are unsure.
Just my thoughts...
PS, though I do think it was rather uneccessary for wolfie5 to have commented in that manner
Only a fool does not believe in prayer in this day and age because if you have no faith; there is no way you are going to make it with the world situation and peoples' lives that are messed up. Yes, prayer is powerful and I, for one, know it works miracles to pray. Not enough room here to prove it to you and list all the small miracles in my life of turmoil.
just another quick update on my sister...she had her biopsy last thursday and found out that it is not cancer! yay :)) She's currently at her doctors surgery now as I type this up to find out exactly what it is and needs to happen. (I'm guessing surgery to have the lump removed).
So to all of you who got those prayers happening....you are wonderful!! Thank you and God bless. :))
Otsikko: Re: Thanks so much for the prayers.. Good News!!
ScarletRose, I am sure all the prayers will lead your brother, Tom, to much better health. There is so much power in prayer. I said one for you so you do not have to worry about him so much.
Otsikko: Thanks so much for the prayers.. Good News!!
He is doing much better.. they did a catherization on him and learned that his arteries, ventricles and veins were all looking good.. they don't feel it was a heart attack.. but, it was something electrical ?? with him.. his bp was up to 250 and they had stablized it at 100 with nitro.. then it started rising again so they flew him up to Billings..
Mom called and said they want to monitor him tonight.. and run some more tests.. he will probably be released tomorrow..
he suffers from Diabetes and hasn't done well these last few days.. Today he was rushed to the hospital with conditions of a heart attack.. he is stabilized now and being flown flight for life up to Billings as I type this.. to a better hospital..
Otsikko: My Uncle can use some prayer and so can I!
We found out tonight that my uncle charles has got colon cancer and is going to have surgery to remove it on Thursday afternoon. I am very close to these family members. Our family grow up together and did family holidays, celebrates holidays, and many other things. They are like my parents to me. It is very hard. I have had many loses of my family members in the last 4 years (my mother, brother, grandmother, cousin, uncle). So please keep us in your prayers. thank you so much.
Thank you to everyone for your response to my request, I certainly wasn't expecting to be included in those prayers, thank you once again.
Well my sis had the ultrasound and blood tests. The ultrasound returned 2 cyst like splotches, 1 on either side of her thyroid gland. She has now been sent to have a biopsy in the next day or so with another 2 days for the biopsy results to return. The fact that she has 2 rather one cyst apparently is a good sign! Go figure!!! :))
Thanks for your support. :))
BananaD,You & your lil sis are in my thoughts & prayers,,I pray its not serious..
Redsales,I do not know Terry Trotter,but he will also be in my thoughts & prayers...I pray he gets the peace he needs
My thoughts and prayers are with your sister, you and the doctor performing the test! I pray it will be something simple that can be taken care of easily!
I'm not much of a church goer anymore but still believe in the power of prayer and having my regular chats with God. I would like to ask if you could add a prayer for my younger sister (she's 24) who is having an ultrasound tomorrow for a lump on her throat and that it be only a swollen lymph gland and nothing more.
Thank you, :)
Terry Trotter, aka jestone, is very sick right now. I would ask those of you who know him to pray and wish for the quickest recovery. He has been through a lot in his life and all i wish him is peace.
Prayer is powerful! As we grow in our understanding of that, our desire to pray grows. As our prayers turn outward, beyond just our own concerns and needs, God stirs our hearts to pray more. He opens our eyes to the outer circle of our lives and calls us to pray there too.
"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18).
As God stirs your heart, you become aware of situations and people in your outer circle of life. You feel an interest and a concern. This is often God's call to pray. Learn to recognize it and embrace it as an opportunity to ask that God's Kingdom be established in that life or that situation.
This focus helps ward off judgment and criticism and asks the Holy Spirit to be at work in that particular life or circumstance.Pray for your church...especially for unity and for God to be glorified.Pray for your neighbors and your community. God may impress on you to pray for a specific home or for an area such as your schools or safety in your community.Pray for your city and your country and that the leaders would be led by God.Pray for missionaries or ministries God has brought to your attention.
Simply be alert. If a particular country or situation on the news pulls at your heart, quietly ask God to intervene there.
Ask God what is on His heart. Listen for His still, small voice to speak to you. Let God enlarge your circle of praying. When we invite Him to do that in us and through us it can become our natural response.
Yes, all the prayers have seemed to help. She still thinks I am a liar, but she is not calling me any evil names, anymore. I asked that she stop emailing me, and she said she would. I just keep praying that the truth be revealed to her! Thanks, guys for your prayers!
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