Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
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Hope all went well with your hospital visit, funkybee is currently on the maternity ward beginning her recovery from an emergency c-section, and we're the proud parents of a healthy 8lb 11oz boy. She's got bedside web access but isn't really up to using it yet, and don't know if she'll have time once she does!
Otsikko: Re: Congrats Scarlet Rose on the birthday of your grandson!!!
baddessi: Thankies hon.. I am enjoying my new title.. :)
Daughter is doing great.. she is happy to have lost 20 lbs over the last 4 days.. haha.. she is still a bit sore.. and I think she will get back to her slim self her soon enough..
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